Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

“Wait, before you start running that mouth,” he said, interrupting her. She glared. “Who’s this Benji fucker? That’s all Angie kept telling Nina about. Is he that coach? The one all up in my business?”

His name made her heart flutter. Swallowing hard, her face went red. Did Rick suspect she slept with him? Shit. No. That was silly. No one knew. Well, except Avery and Benji, but still. Stop being crazy! “Yeah, he’s one of her coaches. He also plays on the Assassins with Jayden.”

“Loser. Who wants to coach kids?”

Her eye twitched. Yes, she had thought the same thing, but Rick had no clue who Benji was. It surprised her but also worried her how easy it was to defend him. “Obviously, someone who likes kids.”

“Or a pedophile.”

Her body shook with anger all of a sudden. What the hell? “You don’t know him. He’s a good dude, really good with Angie,” she spat back. But then she pressed her lips together.

Rick scoffed. “What, you fucking him like you fuck everyone else?”

She bit into her lip. Hold it in, Lucy, hold it in. Do not point out that he is the cheating fucking bastard who broke up your marriage. Sucking in a deep breath, she said, “Anyway, did Angie tell you she doesn’t want to dance anymore?”

He crossed his arms over his chest. As he looked at her, like she always did, she wondered why in God’s name she had chosen this fucker to have sex with. He wasn’t who she’d thought he was. He wasn’t as attractive as he used to be, and now she wanted to puke at just the thought of having put his dick in her mouth. Why couldn’t Benji have been around then?

Ugh! Stop thinking of him.

“She said something, but I’m pretty sure you told her to say that.”

She gave him a dubious look. The sass was there. She could have said something to be really shitty, but instead, she held his gaze. “Like I said, she doesn’t want to do it.”

“So you don’t deny it?” he snapped and she glared.

“I told you I’m not fighting with you. I don’t have it in me. Just please, don’t force her to do it. She hates it. She has the grace of an elephant, and you know it!”

“Whatever. Nina is amazing at it. They are sisters,” he said simply, his brown eyes dark and cutting.

“Half sisters. And Angie is not Nina,” she bit out, her eyes blazing. Angie was fucking better, damn it. “Oh, and another thing. Angie said that when she’s at your house, you favor Nina over her. I get it. You’re with her twenty-four seven, you’re married to her mother, but I can’t have our daughter feeling like she doesn’t matter when she’s at your house. So can you please be a little cautious of that?”

That pissed him off, his chest puffing up as he took a step toward her. “She feels like that because you spoil her and I discipline her. I’m always the bad guy.”

Because you’re a dick. Sucking in a breath, she held his blazing gaze. “She is not spoiled, and I do discipline her. I’m just letting you know what she said.”

“Yeah, and you probably coached her to do it. But you know what? You’re right. I don’t get enough time with her. Maybe we should change that.”

That made her blood run cold. “We have a parenting plan.”

“Which is shit. I get her every other weekend. I want more.”

Calmly, which surprised her, she said, “You agreed to what we have.”

“And maybe I want to change it. Maybe we should go week to week.”

And just like that, Lucy flew off the handle. Hey, she tried.

“Oh, fuck no,” she roared, her body starting to shake. “We aren’t zoned for the same school. She loves where she is at. She’s comfortable and they honor her 504 Plan perfectly. We can’t shake up her world, Rick. She has to have consistency.”

He glared. “This ADHD shit is a crutch you use to keep her all to yourself. She probably doesn’t even have the damn ADHD. You’re probably making it up.”

“If you went to one fucking appointment with me, you’d know! But you didn’t. I have no reason to lie. I have nothing to hide. I am a good fucking mother, and you know it.”

“What the fuck ever, Lucy. It’s your fault I don’t have a relationship with my daughter.”

Fucking douche.

Closing her eyes, she took a cleansing breath as she shook her head. She wanted to say she was too tired for this, but she’d had a great night’s sleep and felt alert, so really, she just didn’t have time to deal with stupid. It would go nowhere. He was a fucking idiot. “I’m not agreeing to an altered custody agreement, and if you want to fight me, get a lawyer.”

“Maybe I will,” he said sharply and she nodded.

“Okay, then,” she said, turning and going to the car.

When she reached her car, her hand on the handle, he shouted, “You’re a fucking worthless piece of shit, you know that? I just want more time with my kid. You’re only hurting her.”

She ignored him. Only because Angie was watching her. Damn it. Hopefully, she didn’t hear much. Opening the door, Lucy got in quickly and shut the door with more force than needed. With a shaky hand, she started the car and looked into the rearview mirror, meeting Angie’s gaze. “Hey, baby.”

“Hi, Mommy.”

“I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

“Did you have fun with Nina?”