Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

“Fuck, I can’t handle you,” he admitted against her jaw, pressing a kiss to it as he moved in and out of her.

“I was thinking the same thing,” she gasped, her nails biting into the back of his arm. Arching into him, she squeezed his cock before crying out. “Please, don’t stop.”

“I couldn’t if I tried,” he moaned, before sitting up and bringing her with him. Sliding back on his haunches, he pounded up into her. Her breasts bounced against his chest, and yeah, he wasn’t going to last. Her * was too good, too hot, and it held him like a dream as he moved up into her and back out. Holding her ass, he squeezed as her arms came around his neck, her mouth meeting his. And just like that, he was done.

Bucking into her, he cried against her lips. Her teeth sank into his lip as he moaned, filling her completely. She tightened around him, her body trembling against his as their hearts slammed into each other. Gasping for breath, she squeezed his neck, her nose pressing into his as their breaths became one and her lips grazed his.

Opening his eyes, he found hers still closed, her face flushed and ever so beautiful.

How was he supposed to let her leave this room?

When she opened her eyes, she blinked twice before a grin curved her lips and those dimples appeared in all their gorgeous glory. Licking her lips, and his, she wrapped him up tightly as his hands came around her.

In a hug.

“This all started with a hug,” she whispered against his lips and he smiled. “Guess it should end with one.”

“Who said anything about ending?”

Her eyes widened, and then she shrugged. “I assumed.”

“You assumed wrong. I still have all night,” he said, continuing not to move because he loved the feel of her.

She eyed him. “I pinned you completely wrong. I thought you were all shy and awkward.”

His lips curved against hers. “I am, but it’s different with you.”


“Yeah. Told you, you should have gone to dinner with me.”

Her whole face smiled and she giggled. “Yeah, yeah. So, now what?”

“Sleep. I need sleep,” he said then, falling over with her still in his arms.

Cuddling against him, she smiled. “A nap would be nice.”

“Yup, because when we wake up, it’s period three.”

She rolled her eyes. “Hockey players.”

He grinned against her hair and closed his eyes. “Shush, you. Get some rest.”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” she demanded as she nuzzled her nose against his chin.

And as they fell asleep, Benji felt something he hadn’t felt in a really long time.

Twelve years to be exact.


He felt whole.

But she must have worn him out more than he realized, because when Benji woke up, he found not only was it daylight…

But Lucy was gone.



“Lucy? What’s wrong?”

Lucy leaned her forehead on the steering wheel of her car, sucking in a deep breath. She had one shoe on, no underwear, and she smelled like him—all glorious and sexy. But that didn’t matter.

She had done the walk of shame.

Something she thought she would never do. Even as a teenager, she’d never done the walk of shame. Everyone she’d slept with was a boyfriend. But nope, now, in her twenties, she was doing the walk of shame. She was a mommy! Mommies didn’t do walks of shame. It wasn’t responsible, but nothing about last night was responsible.

The things they did.

The things she allowed.

Oh God, she had sex with a guy she had only known for a few days!

And after all was said and done, she’d had the best night’s sleep of her life. Usually, she was restless, her mind going a billion miles an hour. But he had done her so well, relaxed her so much that when she closed her eyes, she didn’t wake until seven.

And he was still beautifully asleep.

She could still see him. His chiseled jaw relaxed as he drew in deep breaths, his hair falling slightly over his closed eyes. His brown lashes touched his cheeks, his plush lips parted ever so slightly, and Jesus… Did she miss him? Obviously not, because she hightailed it out of there faster than Angie moved when she hadn’t had her medication. She had hustled moved so fast in her life, and because of that, she didn’t give herself time to actually find her other shoe or panties.

God, she was a mess.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she considered just hanging up. Did she really want to share her indiscretions with her sister-in-law? What would it do? She wouldn’t cry; she didn’t regret it. She enjoyed every minute with him, but she was embarrassed. She hadn’t wanted this to happen. She’d said it would be a bad idea. Yeah, she might have considered going out on a date with him. But that was it, a date! She basically jumped the dude. How was she supposed to face him? Ugh. It had been such a bad idea. She didn’t have time for this.

“Damn it,” Lucy muttered, shaking her head.