Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

“She doesn’t have a blog post yet, but it’s just his name and the words ‘To Come,’ so I don’t know. I don’t believe it, but I thought you should know.”

Letting out a long breath, Lucy shook her head. “Fucking figures. I have the worst luck in my life. I don’t need this.” Rayne nodded as Lucy got up, her heart pounding. “Thanks for showing me this. I gotta go get Angie.”

“Are you okay? I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be. And I’ve been better, but it’s nothing I can’t handle,” she said as Rayne stopped her.

“I don’t believe it, though. Benji isn’t that guy.”

Lucy only nodded, patting Rayne’s hand before heading out of her office and out the door. She couldn’t believe this. Getting in her car, she put her phone in its holder and FaceTimed Benji.

“Hey, baby,” he answered as she backed out of the driveway. “Off to get Angie?”

“Yeah,” she said sharply as she put the car in drive to pull away. “Do me a favor. Go to”

He made a face. “Why in the hell would I go on that filth’s website?”

“So you’ve heard of her?”

“Everyone has heard of her. She’s trash,” he said simply. “Why?”

“Go look.”

He didn’t say anything for a moment, and when she looked over at him, he was staring at his computer. Making a face, he looked back at her. “Okay, do I need to defend myself here, or are we good and you know this is complete bullshit?”

Her brow furrowed. “I mean, what do you think?”

“I think it’s a pile of bullshit. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is what you think.”

“I don’t believe it, if that is what you’re asking. But it would make sense.”

“Excuse me? Make sense how?”

“I’m the queen of bad fucking luck. Finally find this guy I’m really digging and he cheats on me with some whore. Figures.”

“Well, you’re actually in luck, my love, ’cause my heart only wants you and that’s it. This is bullshit, and I’ll be calling my lawyer as soon as we get off the phone.”

She nodded, shaking her head. She already knew that. Benji wouldn’t cheat on her. He wasn’t that kind of guy. Still, it was nice for him to reiterate that, though. “Okay.”

“I’m sorry this came up now.”

She shrugged. “My luck. But like you said, it’s bullshit. I’m not worried about it.”

“Are you sure? Are you okay?” he asked, and she shook her head again.

“No, I’m not.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No, ’cause it won’t do anything,” she said sharply, feeling bad for it, but she was just pissed. Stupid Nikky Jiggler. Stupid Rick.

“Okay,” he said slowly as she pulled into the school parking lot. “You look beautiful today. At least when that douche is being an asshole, he’ll have regret for ever treating you wrong.”

Her lip quirked as she put the car in park. “Just what I want.”

“I know, baby, I’m sorry,” he said as her eyes met his. “I wish I was there.”

“Me too. I haven’t even really talked to her about it. I told her that we had to meet him, and she had to tell him she didn’t want to go. She didn’t like that, told me she’s scared of him, Benji. How can you be okay with your daughter being scared of you?”

He shook his head. “Baby, I don’t know. It’s killing me. It really is.”

“I just— Shit, she’s getting in the car. Hey, honey bun!”

“Hey, Mom!” Angie jumped in, leaning over the seat and giving her a kiss. “Hey, Benji! You come home tomorrow, right?”

“Yup. We’re still having that dance party Sunday?”

“Duh! You better be ready.”

“Oh, I am,” he promised and Lucy grinned as Angie snatched the phone and sat down.

As Lucy pulled out, Angie said, “Hopefully, I’ll see you Saturday. Mom says I have to tell my dad I don’t want to go to his house.”

“Yeah, I know, sunshine. Are you okay with that?”

Lucy’s heart broke as Angie said, “Not really, but Mom says I have to.”

“You do. It’s legal adult crap that you shouldn’t have to deal with. But do me a favor, honey,” he asked, and Lucy caught Angie grinning in the mirror.


He chuckled and it made Lucy’s heart swell. “No matter what happens, you’re coming home Sunday, and you don’t have to go back till after the first of the year. So just remember that and try to have fun.”

“But, Benji! He won’t take me to hockey and he yells all the time.”

“I know, sunshine, so just be strong, okay?”

When a tear slid down Lucy’s face, she wiped it away as her baby said, “Okay, I can do that.”

“All right, I miss you and can’t wait to see you Sunday!”

“Me too! I love you, Benji.”

That stole her breath and Lucy gripped the steering wheel as Angie grinned at the phone. Did her baby just say that? Holy crap, she did, and when Benji spoke, his voice was hoarse and full of emotion. “I love you too, sunshine. Be good, and I’ll see you soon.”

“Okay! Win some games, okay?”

“Of course. Hey, let me say bye to your mom.”

“Okay. Here, Mom,” she said, handing the phone back.

Holding it in her lap, Lucy felt him looking up at her but she couldn’t put him in his spot yet.

“I’m driving, sorry you’re getting my double chin.”