Rushing the Goal (Assassins #8)

Jude’s eyes were wide as he held Benji’s gaze. “You love her? Lucy?”

Not realizing he had said that, he smiled. “I do. She doesn’t know that, though.”

“Oh, okay, because I don’t think she loves anyone, not even me.”

“Who could? You’re a dipshit,” Jayden said, coming up to them and putting his arm around Jude’s neck. “I don’t even love you.”

As they tussled with each other, Benji watched and he shook his head. These Sinclairs were crazy. When they broke apart, Jude scoffed. “Whatever, dude. I’m your favorite.”

“No, Lucy is,” he said with a wink for Benji and he smiled.

“Ha, well, did you hear? Paxton here loves our sister.”

Jayden looked to Benji and he shrugged. “It’s true.”

“Well, duh, I knew that from the rip. Question is, does Lucy love you?” Jayden asked, shaking his head. “I told you, I don’t know if she knows how to love.”

Benji wasn’t sure and was unable to answer as Jude shook his head. “Well, for her sake, let’s hope so. She told me she loved me yesterday, and I think she meant it,” Jude said and they laughed. “Maybe our sister’s cold, dead heart is coming back to life.”

“You guys are too hard on her. She’s really great,” Benji said. He knew they were tough on her. It was some weird Sinclair thing they all did, but he felt he needed to defend her. They both looked at him like he was crazy, though.

“Shit, he is in love,” Jude laughed, smacking Benji on the back.

“Right? Scary. You should see them together. It’s like Mom and River, just less gagging ’cause I want Lucy to be happy,” Jayden added with a grin on his face.

Jude liked that and nodded. “Cool. Let’s hope it works.”

“It will,” Benji said confidently.

He just hoped he was right.

“Now, Mom, Dad is coming and I know—”

But her mother held her hand up, her other one laced with River’s. “As long as he makes sure that piece of junk does not get our baby, then he can come to any game he wants. I’ll even invite him to my wedding.”

“Well, I mean, let’s talk that over for a second,” River said. Lucy nodded since that was the last thing she’d expected her mother to say, but she was thankful.

Because she was legit losing her shit.

She hadn’t wanted to invite her dad to the game—she’d much rather keep it strictly professional—but he was going above and beyond for Angie. After fighting Rick’s lawyer about court dates, he finally got one that was good for both parties. Apparently, Rick was leaving for Christmas, which was good for Lucy since Angie wouldn’t have to go to his house after this next time before the new year.

But she did have to go.

Lucy couldn’t bring herself to tell her.

Her father had tried everything, talking to Rick’s lawyer and even Rick himself, but he wouldn’t just let her be. He was forcing her to come to his house, and it scared Lucy to her core. Especially with Benji being gone. Stress was eating her alive, and she was so worried. She wasn’t sure how, but during all this, she was still working to her full potential.

She had hired a new designer, Meg Patterson, and Meg had taken on a lot of the work. That was great because Lucy could focus on Benji’s design. She had maybe three more days on it, and while it was coming out perfectly to her specs, she was nervous he would hate it. She was sure he’d lie and say he loved it, but still, it worried her.

And she was so troubled about Angie.

Angie just wasn’t herself. She was withdrawn and scared, and it was killing Lucy. The only time she was the child Lucy recognized was when she was on the ice or talking to Benji. Did Angie blame Lucy for the Rick thing? Did she hate her mother because she knew she had to go back? Lucy wasn’t sure because when they went to therapy on Wednesday, Angie only spoke about how she loved Lucy and didn’t want to leave her. Lucy was a mess for sure, but her only saving grace was calls from Benji.

He was just so damn good to her. He did everything to make her laugh. To joke with her, to turn her on, and to tease her. He was everything she could ever need and she missed him dearly. She was ready for the next seven days to zip by so she could hold him.

Hug him.

God, she needed a hug from him.

“Oh, baby, come here,” her mother said before pulling her into her arms and kissing her hard on the cheek. “It’s okay. Don’t worry. You are amazing, Lucy, and such a good mom. Please remember that.”

Lucy’s mouth curved as she closed her eyes. It wasn’t Benji’s hug, but it was pretty damn close. Benji had told her almost the same thing that morning, but there wasn’t a time these days when she didn’t need to hear it. Especially when Rick was singing a different tune.

“I love you, Lucy Lane.”

“I love you, Mom,” she said softly, hugging her tightly. When River’s hand came to rest on her back, she looked up at him, smiling as his lips turned up. “You too, Riv.”

He smiled gently, patting her back. “Back at you, sweetheart.”