Rush (Carolina Bad Boys, #5)

“Uh. Yeah. Brodie popped the question last year, but he still hasn’t married Ashe yet,” I explained.

“Oh dear!” Shy’s lips curled together, she was probably trying not to laugh, watching the big bad biker dude go all sheepish.

“Exactly,” Ashe agreed.

“Gonna fix that soon.” Brodie nuzzled his nose against baby Roxy’s.

“Dude. Your house is dominated by females,” I said, very entertained by the idea.

Ashe sure as hell wasn’t a pushover, and Cara—their ten-year-old—often claimed to be more mature than her adoptive dad.

“Yeah. I don’t think I’ll hate it too much.” Shrugging, Brodie grinned. “’Sides. I’ve still got Twatson the cat on my side.”

We didn’t hang around too much longer, just enough to seep in the vibe of new baby and happy family. I managed to get Shy out of there before the rest of the dudes descended en masse.

“She’s adorable.” Shy sighed.

“I think she’s gonna end up giving them a run for their money.” I rubbed my fingertips along Shy’s neck. “You all right?”

Leaning her head back, she looked up at me. “I think that was just what the doctor ordered.”


Shy had checked herself into the hospital so getting home was no problem with her car on the premises. And I didn’t worry about my Harley—one of the dudes would figure it out for me and get the bike wherever I needed it.

After I settled Shy on the couch in her condo, I took her bag through to the bedroom. Hadn’t realized she always kept a go-bag in case of medical emergencies.

The thought sent a shiver down my spine.

I tried to set my fear aside, returning to bring her a glass of water to go with her antibiotics.

She looked at the pills with disgust, her thigh propped up on a cushion.

I settled behind her with her back resting against my chest. “You hungry?”


Smoothing the little waves that clung to her temples, I murmured against her ear, “Tired?”

“Are you my caretaker now?” Shy awkwardly scooted away from me.

Bringing my legs off the edge of the sofa, I hung my hands between my thighs. “I’m whatever you need me to be, Shy. I want to take care of you, ya know?”

“Why don’t you just get me my crutches and go home.” Her chin jutted, and she refused to look at me when I swung my gaze to her. “I didn’t want you to have to get stuck with an invalid girlfriend, Max.”

She shielded her leg from my sight, throwing a blanket across her lap.

“First you’re planning our family, and now you’re my girlfriend.” I grinned, snaking an arm around her shoulder.

Shy could fight this thing between us and make it seem like she was doing me a favor cutting me loose, but that shit was a no-go as far as I was concerned.

I snorted when she continued to ignore me. “Damn, woman, you move fast, don’t you?”

Her small smile at my teasing quickly dissolved, and her gray eyes were bleaker than ever when she finally met my gaze. “I’m serious. You shouldn’t have to see me like this. Shouldn’t have to come to the hospital. We can’t have a normal family, might never have children of our own, and I don’t want you here if it’s because you pity me!”

“Look, Shy.” Swiveling to face her full on, I cupped my hands around her sweet face made stark through emotion, all she’d gone through. “I’m not just in this to have a fuck buddy. You got problems. So what? I do too. We’ll deal.”

She bit into her bottom lip, frowning.

“I started wanting you before I even realized it. And I sure as hell didn’t want to get wrapped up with you because of my history, but I didn’t have a friggin’ choice.” I slid my palms down to her shoulders, forcing my feelings out through my lowered voice. “So we started this thing, and I like it. I mean . . . I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think you’re sexy as hell, and I love fucking you—”

Her widened eyes popped to mine.

“But I really like everything else too.” I rubbed a knuckle against her luscious lips. “I like how strong you are. How you fight for what you believe in. How hard you work.” I set my lips against hers, pulling her to me.

Our tongues met in a warm wet circling touch that curled me closer, made me slant her head farther back, open her inviting mouth wider to my eager touch.

When I withdrew, my tone was husky, my eyes captivated by her swollen, redder lips she licked where I’d just tasted her.

“And I really like the way you make me feel, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Um.” She brought her fingertips to her glistening lips. “Wow. Okay.”

“Good.” I boosted to my feet before I was tempted to do something inadvisable, like ravish her hot body when she’d just been released from the hospital. “Mind if I go grab a shower? Not smelling too fresh right now.”

Shy tugged on my T-shirt. “I like the way you smell. Like the way you feel.” Slipping her hand underneath, she drew lines along the muscles of my abs. “Want me to scrub your back?”

Rie Warren's books