Rush (Carolina Bad Boys, #5)

“These yahoos.” I motioned toward them.

“Oh God. They all know?” Her hands flitted down to the visible stump of her leg.

“I tried to tell them not to come, but they’re stubborn.” I squeezed her shoulders. “Just like someone else I know.”

Boomer stepped up. “Hey, Shiloh. Our buddy needed to make sure you were all right. Damn happy to see you getting out of this place.”

Tucker shook her folks’ hands then held out his huge fist to bump Shy’s.

Every man came forward, formally greeting her parents and giving their own gritty downhome blessing to my girl.

Tail saved the best—not—for last. “You know, if Handsome screws things up with you, I’ll gladly take over.” Asshole winked, once again pushing all my jealous buttons.

“Handsome?” Justine interjected.

“Max’s roadname.” Shy linked her fingers through mine. “Thank you, guys.” She dipped her head then looked up with a coy grin aimed at Tail. “And I’ll keep your offer in mind.”

All the men guffawed.

Her parents stared at us, open-mouthed.

I muttered a few foul words under my breath as we headed toward the elevators.

“Relax. I was just joking,” she said as I rolled her away.

“That’s not even funny though.”

“But you know what is?” The elevator doors slid shut behind us. “We left my parents with the MC!”

“Looks like it.” I stooped so we were eye to eye.

“I think that may have just made my day, Handsome.” She clasped me behind the neck. “That, and you being here.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Strength and Steele

WE ONLY MADE IT a few floors down before my phone lit up.

A huge grin spread across my face when I saw the group message from Brodie. “I’M A BABY DADDY!”

“What is it? Did Ashe have the baby?” Shy tugged on my wrist.

I showed her the photo of Brodie propped up next to Ashe, both of them cuddling a blanketed bundle with a tiny round face and a rosebud mouth and a pink ribbon on the top of the knit cap.

A girl.

The messages started pinging back and forth like crazy, and I knew the maternity ward would soon be the scene of bedlam when basically an entire MC plus the MPPD made their way downtown to celebrate. Not to mention the dudes we’d left moments ago upstairs.

I wanted to see the baby, but I . . .

“You want to visit, Max?” Shy peered up at me.

“Would you mind?”

“Of course not. We’re already here.”

“Okay.” I redirected the elevator to the right floor. “Only for a minute or two.”

Brodie was stalking up and down the hallway, buzzing with energy, when we located the ward.

He practically ran toward us. “Oh, man.” He bear-hugged me before bending to give Shy a squeeze too. “She’s freakin’ beautiful. Wait ’til you see her!”

“We don’t want to impose on Ashe,” I said.

“Are you kidding me? She’s like an expert at this stuff.” He swept the door open. “She can’t wait to show off our new baby girl.”

I wheeled Shy into the room, which was—somehow—already filled with flowers and balloons.

Ashe sat in the bed with her daughter snuggled in her arms. She looked tired but radiant at the same time.

Brodie patted me on the back. “You get first viewing. Nice one, dude.”

I could tell he was trying to be cool, but his voice shook, and he quickly knuckled beneath his eyes before gathering the tiny, pink-faced baby in his arms.

“Wanna hold her?” he asked, unable to tear his gaze from the newest, littlest Steele.

“Don’t think we should. You know. Shy’s infection and everything.”

“Okay, okay.” He rocked the little sweetie gently in his arms, his voice dropping low. “She’s freakin’ precious. Can’t believe she’s finally here.” Leaning over the bed, he kissed Ashe softly on the lips. “You done so good, babe.”

“Not too bad yourself, Brodie.” Ashe caressed the curve of his jaw.

A lump grew in my throat, and I looked down to see Shy’s watery smile.

“Well, what’s her name, proud papa?” I asked.

As soon as I voiced the question, baby girl’s mouth popped open to emit one loud squall before she settled back to sleep in her daddy’s arms.

“Roxanna Rebecca Steele.” Brodie patted her on the rump, brimming with paternal pride. “But I’m just gonna call her Rockstar.”

“Have fun with that once the boys start hanging around her.” I grinned.

“Boys? Screw that. There will be no boys for my little rockstar. Ever.” He pushed his thumb into the little lady’s tiny grip.

“Foxy Roxy? Just sayin’.” I smirked.

Brodie’s head shot up, and he glared at me. “Good point. Changing her name to Agnes.”

Ashe smacked him lightly on his side. “We’ll do no such thing. And if you’re not careful her name’s going to be Roxanna Rebecca Kingston.”

“Kingston?” Shy asked.

“My last name.” Ashe pinned her gaze on Brodie.

Brodie shuffled his big feet.

Rie Warren's books