Ruined (Ruined, #1)

“They’re getting into position for the attack. We were doing the same.” Mariana cocked her head, her thin dark braids falling over her shoulder. “Why are you here? I was sure you died months ago.”

Em ignored the question, glancing at the two men. The man with gray streaks in his hair was Weldon, and must have been the one to spray dirt in her face. The younger man, Nic, was also able to control the elements, but the power was so weak he was practically useless.

“What are you wearing?” Nic asked, grimacing as he surveyed her tattered blue dress.

“I’m on my way to get Aren,” she said. “You three come with me. I may need the backup.”

“Aren’s alive?” Mariana instantly perked up.

Weldon lowered his bushy eyebrows. “We thought you finally got him killed.”

“The warriors have him.”

“Maybe you should wait here,” Mariana said, like she was talking to a child. It was a tone any useless Ruined knew well. “We can handle it.”

Em rolled her eyes and turned away from them, breaking into a run.

“Seriously, what is she wearing?” Nic asked from behind her.

“Come on!” she yelled over her shoulder. Footsteps followed her a moment later, and she led them through the trees to the south side of the fort. She slowed as she approached the area where she’d seen the warriors. She didn’t make an effort to be quiet. She was negotiating with the warriors, not attacking.

Iria’s face appeared from behind a tree, and she glanced over her shoulder. “Emelina’s here.” An angry murmur followed her words, and Iria frowned.

Em slowly stepped forward. Iria stepped aside, revealing Koldo and a female warrior standing over Aren. He was seated on the ground, still blindfolded but apparently unharmed.

“I just want Aren,” she said, raising her hands.

The female warrior shook her head. “He’s too dangerous. He killed a warrior earlier, and we’re not taking a chance that he’ll kill more. We’re keeping him until we can transport him to the Olso king for evaluation.”

“Petra, we don’t need—” Iria began.

“Move, or I will make you move,” Mariana interrupted, stepping up beside Em. She narrowed her eyes at Koldo and the warrior screamed, batting at invisible images with his bandaged wrist. He whirled around, slamming straight into a tree.

He moaned as he hit the ground. “I hate you people.”

Petra reached for her sword, making a beeline for Mariana. Em jumped between them, putting her hand over Mariana’s face before she could use her powers.

“Get off,” Mariana said, jerking her head away.

“Everyone just calm down.” Em turned to Petra. “Put the sword away.”

“Make me.”

“I’d be happy to.” Mariana lunged and Em shoved her.

“We’re on the same side!” Em yelled. “Will everyone just shut up for a minute? Nic, take off Aren’s blindfold.”

“If you take off his blindfold, he’ll kill us all,” Koldo said, shakily getting to his feet.

“Probably not,” Aren said. “I’d say there’s only like a sixty percent chance I kill you all.”

“Aren,” Em said in a warning tone.

He let out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. Fifty percent.”

Iria stepped aside, giving Nic access to Aren. He tugged off Aren’s blindfold and untied the rope binding his hands. Aren hopped to his feet.

“Are the warriors in position to attack?” Em asked Iria.

“Yes. There are a few Ruined scattered through the woods as well. They’re part of the second wave.” She pointed at Mariana. “Weren’t you given an assignment?”

“Yeah, but then I ran into Em wandering aimlessly around the woods.”

“I wasn’t aimless, I was looking for—” Em cut herself off, taking a deep breath and turning back to Iria. “I need for you to wait. Cas promised to release Olivia.”

Mariana gave her a baffled look.

“Olivia is in there,” Em said before Mariana began asking questions. “She’s still alive, and she should be walking out that door any minute.”

“Wait.” Mariana put her hands out in front of her, like stop. “Cas, as in Prince Casimir?”

“King Casimir, now,” Aren said.

“He told you he would release Olivia.” Mariana’s face twisted into utter disbelief. “Why would he do that?”

“It’s a long story. But—”

“It’s a long story you need to hear,” Aren interrupted. “Em married Cas. She’s the reason we were able to launch a successful attack against the Lera castle. She’s why we’re all here.”

Silence fell over the group, and the three Ruineds looked at Em in confusion.

“Married?” Weldon repeated.

Mariana made a disgusted face. “Ew.”

“Can you hold off on the attack?” Em asked Iria.

“No. It happens after sundown. Everything is already in motion.”

Em looked at the sky. About another hour until sundown. Hopefully that was enough time.

“Fine. Aren, come with me. We’re going to keep watch on the fort and see when she comes out. Mariana, Weldon, Nic, get in your positions.” She pointed at the warriors. “You three. No more taking Ruined as prisoners. We’re on the same team here.”

Koldo and Petra frowned at the Ruined warily, but Iria agreed.

Amy Tintera's books