Ruined (Ruined, #1)

The door at the back swung open, and Cas squinted in the bright sunshine.

“Men first,” the warrior barked. He jerked his thumb, indicating they should get out.

For a brief moment Cas panicked, thinking the warriors were lining them up for execution.

“Over there in the bushes,” someone said as the men started piling out. Cas sighed as he realized the warriors were just letting the prisoners relieve themselves.

He climbed out of the wagon, ducking his head into his chest. There were six warriors around the wagon, and Cas noticed that many of the saddles were Lera colors as they dismounted their horses. They must have taken them from the castle or the townspeople.

The warriors marched them in a straight line to the bushes, swords pointed at their backs. No one appeared to be thinking about running, as that seemed pointless. A few warriors had spread out in a circle, covering every corner.

“Quickly,” a warrior barked as they approached a thick patch of bushes.

When they headed back, Cas snuck a glance around. They must have been traveling south, because the air was thicker near the jungle. Were they headed for the Southern Mountains?

Would Emelina be there?

Anger bubbled in his chest, so powerfully it almost knocked him over. She must have known the warriors planned to attack. She’d probably had a hand in planning it.

She’d known they were coming specifically to kill him and his family, and she’d let it happen. How strong could her feelings really be for him if she’d so easily sent him to his death? His father was gone because of her. Galo too, most likely.

His throat closed, and he forced the image of his dead father out of his brain.

The women streamed out of the wagon as the men approached, and Cas took a moment to appreciate the fresh air around him. How many days was he going to be in that wagon?

And worse, where was he going to be when they finally let them out?

The man in front of him stepped onto the wagon, and Cas put one foot up, tossing his hair out of his eyes.

“Wait,” the warrior said.

Cas froze as a hand closed over his arm.

“Look at me.”

Cas’s heart stopped. The warrior gasped as their eyes met.

The warrior’s hand found his sword. “You’re—”

Felipe shot in front of Cas so quickly it was nothing but a blur. The boy kicked the warrior in the hand, sending the sword flying. The boy scrambled in the dirt to grab it, and Cas opened his mouth to scream for him to stop.

Felipe grabbed the sword and sank the blade into the warrior’s chest.

Cas’s eyes went wide as the warrior fell to the ground, his mouth forming silent words.

A female warrior lunged, easily blocking Felipe’s attack. She sliced her blade across his neck.

Cas screamed. A sob caught in his throat as he fell to the ground. Felipe’s blood pooled beneath his knees.

Someone grabbed him under the arms and he struggled against them, kicking his legs and trying to get back to the boy.

“Get him in there or I’ll slit his throat too!” the female warrior yelled.

Tears streamed down Cas’s face as a staff member gently tugged him into the wagon. He wiped a hand across his face as he scooted on his knees to the corner of the wagon, but a fresh wave of tears came.

People moved in all around him. Daniela sat beside him again. She put a hand on his arm, and he had to fight back another wave of tears.

He took in a shaky breath, glancing at the people around him.

“Please don’t anyone else do that,” he whispered.

Daniela patted his arm. “I’m sorry, Your Highness, but I think we’re all going to ignore that order.”

His cheeks burned as he wiped tears from them. His people were probably looking to him for leadership and strength, and he was weeping like a child.

He cleared his throat, turning his gaze to his feet. They began moving again, and Cas spent most of the morning and afternoon struggling to hear the chatter outside. He needed a plan, and an idea of their location, but the warriors gave no indication as to where they were going. The only hint he got was that they were “sticking to the road and staying clear of the river,” which he took to mean they were avoiding traveling through the heart of the jungle. It would have been very difficult with a wagon anyway.

He leaned his head back against the wood, noticing suddenly that every head in the wagon was turned in his direction. He straightened, giving them a curious look.

Daniela pointed to something across from him, and Cas leaned over so he could see what she was trying to show him.

A young woman in the back left corner had her hand braced against the side of the wagon. She tilted her hand forward, an entire wooden panel coming with her. She’d managed to free a large piece of the wood and was only keeping it in place with her hand. It was big enough for someone to squeeze through.

“They have us surrounded,” he said quietly.

Amy Tintera's books