Ruined (Barnes Brothers #4)

“Not yet.”

The calm response had Sebastien jerking his head back. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Marin. She’s in love with you?” The words, so flatly stated, caught Sebastien off guard.


Zach turned around, shoving his hair back before leaning over the desk. They were in a library, a bright open one with windows that faced out over the property. The sun slanted in through the windows, but the party was taking place out back and these windows faced out over the side yard and the desert.

“Well, that answers the question.” Zach nodded, but not like he was happy with himself.” You two don’t act like people who are in love with each other, Seb. Abby sees me and she kisses me. I see her and I do the same. Keelie can’t keep her eyes off Zane, and have you seen how Ressa is with Trey? He can’t be near her without playing with her hair or touching her in some way. And Mom and Dad? Married almost forty years and they’re the same way.” Zach turned to him. “I haven’t seen you touch her except for when you two dropped that bomb on us. You’re not dating. The papers would be having a field day with it if you were. Marin always tells Abby when she’s hooked up and I end up hearing about it through her. Abby’s been teasing me about how she thinks you two might have something going, but if Marin was in love . . .” Zach laughed a little. “When she falls in love, we’re always the first to know, Seb.”

Zach continued to stare at him, commiseration in his eyes.

“You know what, Zach? Fuck you.”


Zach’s words echoed in her mind as she strode away from the library.

“When she falls in love, we’re always the first to know.”

She loved him, but sometimes, she wanted to smack him. She’d almost walked right into the library and done it, right there.

But she’d stopped herself.

She had a better idea.

Marin strode through the house, one goal in mind.

“Hey, wait . . . Wait up. Where are you going?”

“I’m taking care of something.” When Abby caught her arm, Marin slowed, but only a little.

“Look, all of that . . .” Abby tried for a smile, but it was a miserable attempt. Hard to tell she used to be an actress. “Zach means well, you know that.”

“Zach’s a dumb-ass,” Marin retorted. “When you go yell at him, be sure to tell him I said that.”

When Abby saw Marin grab her purse from the stand by the door, her eyes widened. “Hey, you’re not—oh, no. You are not leaving. Not like this.”

“I’m not leaving, per se.” Marin grabbed Abby and hauled her in for a quick hug. “Like I said, I’m taking care of something. And do me a favor—make sure you tell Zach what I said. I’ll be back soon.”

“But . . .”

Marin closed the door on Abby’s attempt to stop her, striding for the rental car. Sebastien had listed her as a secondary driver, although she’d told him she didn’t plan on driving his phallic symbol. Now she was glad he had, because she needed transportation.

Zach’s words circled in her head, over and over.

“When she falls in love, we’re always the first to know, Seb.”

“My ass.” Throwing the car into reverse, she left a little plume of dust as she backed out and another when she came out of the three-point turn. Just because she wasn’t overly fond of the Corvette didn’t mean she didn’t know how to handle a sports car.

She was in Tucson in under thirty minutes and at her destination in under forty.

Overall, her trip took less than two hours. Impressive, considering she was making one of the biggest purchases of her life.


“You are a dumb-ass.”

Zach flinched as a book smacked down on his head.

Abby glared at him.

“What?” he asked warily, although he had a bad feeling forming in his gut.

She went to smack him again, but he dodged. That caused him to spill the whiskey he’d been drinking and it went all over him and the nice, comfy jade-green leather couch. Well, at least it wasn’t white. And leather cleaned up pretty easy, right?

Still wary, he got up while the whiskey continued to soak through his jeans. “What’s this about, Abs?” He gave her the smile she’d once told him melted her knees.

“Dumb-ass,” she said again, not swayed by the smile at all. She threw the book down, still glaring at him.

“You’ve said that.”

“The first one was for Marin.” Abby crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. That position did amazing things for her breasts, but when his eyes strayed, hers narrowed and he immediately focused back on her face. “The second time was for me. I might say it again, too.”

Running his tongue across his teeth, Zach pondered that, and then he said, “If I’m going to be verbally abused, I need to refill my glass.”

“Don’t you want to know why Marin and I think you’re a dumb-ass?”

Shiloh Walker's books