Ruined (Barnes Brothers #4)

Abby was too busy taking in Sebastien. He hadn’t moved his hand. “So . . .” Abby propped her chin on her fist and studied Sebastien. “I saw you and Zach talking earlier. Is he going to pay up yet?”

“I’m not responsible for helping you collect on money owed, Abs.” Sebastien winked at her.

“You know, Zach was telling me—”

“So!” Denise sailed back into their orbit, her husband bringing up the rear. Ron gave her a nod and stroked his hand down his wife’s back.

“She’s all aflutter,” Ron said. “Ever since Trey and Ressa let us in on their news.”

“Another baby.” Denise’s eyes went misty but that didn’t keep her from narrowing her focus in on Sebastien. “So what is it you wanted to tell us, honey? I’m so happy to see you back at work, you know.”

“Ah, thanks, Mom.” Sebastien rubbed at the back of his neck and glanced at Marin from the corner of his eye. You or me, the look seemed to say.

She cocked a brow at him. This was his show.

Denise caught the look and she clasped her hands in front of her. “I knew it—there’s something going on between you two, isn’t there?”

“Ah . . . yeah. You can say that.” Sebastien stood up while Marin snickered.

“Are you two—” Denise stopped, closing her eyes. “No. You tell me.”

“I’m trying, Mom,” Sebastien said, looking exasperated.

By now, more than a few people had gathered around. It wasn’t just family at the house, but friends of Abigale and Zach, Keelie and Zane. That included some of the employees from the tattoo studio, Steel Ink, co-owned by Keelie and Zach. One of them was a bright, bubbly blonde and she clapped her hands, squealing. “Oh, wow! Are you two getting married? That would be so f’in’ awesome.” She bobbed her head at Denise. “Sorry, ma’am.”

Before Sebastien could respond, Zach snorted. “They ain’t getting married. Marin’s too old for him.”

Marin felt the hot rush of blood rush to her cheeks and for a few seconds, she was so embarrassed, she couldn’t say anything. The guests all found somebody or something else to look at

Sebastien’s jaw was like granite, eyes icy as he glared at his brother. Abigale didn’t look any happier as she stood, crossing her arms over her chest. “Seriously, Zach?”

He looked around, his expression growing sheepish as he realized how it might have come off.

Marin knew him well enough to know he hadn’t meant to be insulting. Zach had a bad habit of just inserting his size twelve shoes in his mouth at the drop of a hat. Still, her mood was precarious and as she stood, she dusted her clothes off and gave herself an assessing once-over before looking at him. “I hadn’t realized it was time for me to be put up on the shelf with the rest of the old maids. Think I need to start looking for different roles soon, Zach?”

“Hey . . .” He opened his mouth, then closed it with a snap. “Look, I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just . . .” He shoved his hand through his hair. “Sebastien is just a kid.”

Marin laughed. “Hardly.”

“I’m twenty-six years old.” Sebastien took a step toward his older brother. “Yeah, I get that I was more spoiled than the rest of you, and I know all of you saw me as an immature, arrogant ass for the most part.”

“Sebastien.” Denise stepped up. “That’s not true.”

“Yeah, it is. I was immature and arrogant. I’m still an ass sometimes.” He shoved his hair back, baring the scar completely and turning his face so that his ruined eye stared back at Zach. “But I’m pretty sure most of my . . . immaturity was cut out of me the day I nearly lost my eye. Killing a man, realizing you didn’t—couldn’t—save the girl . . . getting cut up in the process—all of that has a pretty rough effect on you.”

Zach’s mouth was tight, but he didn’t say anything. Just about everybody who wasn’t family had retreated.

Marin moved toward Sebastien and took his hand. She squeezed it, willing him to look at her.

And he did.

He brushed her hair back and her heart stuttered as he lowered his head and rubbed his mouth across hers. “Well, this kinda got fucked up.”

“Only if we let it.” She squeezed his hand again and looked over at Denise, then Ron, Zane and Keelie, finally settling her gaze on Abigale and Zach. Abigale didn’t look happy but her face softened with a smile as their gazes locked. “We came out to tell you all something. Be happy or don’t . . . it’s up to you, but I know you guys. I figure you’ll be happy. Even Zach, once he pulls his head out of his ass.”

She lifted Sebastien’s hand to her lips and kissed it. “We’re pregnant.”


“Okay. . . . first off, Zach really does owe me fifty. I always had this feeling about you two. But . . .”

Marin looked up as Abby slid into the room. People were still gathered outside, but Marin had retreated indoors, away from the heat and the noise. “But, what?”

Abby lifted a shoulder. “But . . . when? How? Wasn’t that long ago he was still stuck in the bottom of a bottle. And I know you. You’re not going to fall into a bottle with somebody. So I’m wondering how it all happened.”

Shiloh Walker's books