Rough Rhythm: A Made in Jersey Novella (1001 Dark Nights)

Doubt crept into her expression. “Is it you, then? You’re not—”

He cut her off with his mouth, ending the kiss by rubbing their damp lips together. “In this one way, I’m clean for you.” He dropped a hand down to stroke his aching cock. “You want it raw?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

Somehow, floating in his lust-fueled consciousness was the important reminder that Lita hadn’t been with a man in a long time. The testosterone fueling him wanted to take her fast, hard, completely, but he couldn’t. Not their first time. “Lita—”

“You’re thinking too much.” She reached behind him and dug her fingernails into the flesh of his ass, drawing him forward. Their gazes held for a meaningful moment, before she moved her hands to his chest. Smoothed her palms over him in a circle. And pushed. “I said, I want to go home.”

This time, there was no conflict or hesitation. It couldn’t exist when lust, power and need was a vacuum, sucking all the uncertainty free. He wrapped Lita’s hair around his fist, hauling her head back and savoring the shocked whimper that passed her lips. “You’ll leave when I’m done with you.”

When Lita started to struggle in earnest, he released her hair in favor of yanking her hips to the desk’s edge. She tried to insert a leg between them, a lever to shove James away, but only succeeded in kicking over a plastic ice bucket and a stack of paper cups. Jesus, the combination of those objects scattering on the floor and her hands pushing at his shoulders made his blood turn thick, made it pound. Take, take, take. He allowed himself to experience her resistance, savor it, before wrapping a forearm around her waist and pinning her arched back to the desk.

The position left her thighs wide, her * on display. She made a distressed sound, her legs attempting to shoot closed, but he blocked them with his body. He didn’t so much as flinch when she slapped his face. “You’re not helping your cause.”

“Get off of me,” she said through her teeth.

James entered her body with a growl, a sound drowned out by her scream. Christ. Christ, for a moment, the dark game they were playing didn’t exist. He was finally inside Lita and what the hell else mattered? But the tight, sleek feel of her, the hands still attempting to push him away, called to his primitive nature, roused the more intense facets of it. James leaned down, putting his ear directly above her mouth, needing to hear everything that came out. Then he reared back his hips and drove into her hard, closing his eyes at the deafening cry she released.

“Did you ever stop to think about how a man looks…when he’s got a woman beneath him?” His voice was a boom of bass in the darkness. “When he’s finally got one mounted and spread?”

Her breath feathered his ear. “N-no.”

“No?” James slipped free of her perfection and rolled himself forward again, noting how her knees shot high every time he thrust. God, he would love to film that little move so he could replay it for her. Make her look at the effect of his plunging cock on her lithe body. “Men were made with this length of flesh that only fits one place. Inside a woman. And that flesh gets hard all the fucking time, always aching for that space between a woman’s legs. Where it was made to fit.” He punctuated his final word with a hard thrust, groaning at the way her tits shook. “I’m an animal just like the rest of them. Wanting to get on top of a woman and ride her rough, close my eyes and fuck until the hard flesh we were cursed with doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Lita renewed her attempts to get free beneath him, ramming the heel of her hand into his pectoral and shifting her hips, heels digging into the desk. All useless movements, despite their vigor. It was dark in the room and her eyes were shadowed, but the dipping of his right shoulder caused light from the bathroom to illuminate her face. Her eyes were glassy but focused on him. Hair a mess, mouth puffy. God, he’d never seen anything sexier in his life. My Lita.