Rough Rhythm: A Made in Jersey Novella (1001 Dark Nights)

“Yes. I…try to be,” she breathed.

Somehow she’d given James the answer he’d needed, when even he hadn’t known what it was. His heart jackhammered, loosing his staunchest inhibitions until they were sprinting past undiscovered roadblocks. They were two strangers encountering each other on a deserted street, the darkness giving them an excuse to buck society’s dictates and strip down to their basest existence. A tempted male and a coy, breathless female.

Taking another irresistible opportunity to stroke her backside and give it a reproving slap, James let his fingers continue further, testing the damp, addictive heat waiting for him. “Jesus, you’re wet all over. Not even fit to be in public, let alone bare-assed in a tight skirt. No bra, either, to keep you decent.” With a rough middle finger, he petted her clit. “Know what I think? I think you didn’t wear a bra because you want your tits to shake when you walk past a man. Yeah. You were out looking for something. Weren’t you?”

She tried to close her thighs around his hand, but he only pushed her stance wider with a foot. “No, I wasn’t.” A pregnant pause. “Let me go.”

On a labored exhale, James’s head fell forward into the crook of her neck. Conflict raged within him, two sides of a tarnished coin. And that was before she tried to get free. Lita’s body jerked, hands reaching behind to shove his body away. The animal she’d uncaged—or maybe they’d done it together—demanded he pin her back down and sink his cock into all that welcoming wetness. Hold her still while he banished the wealth of lust. But he wasn’t so far gone that he’d lost sight of Lita. God, he couldn’t hurt her again. Not in this lifetime. Even though he couldn’t see her face, he could visualize it and could remember how it made his heart pound.

With an astronomical will, James leashed his demons and released Lita, stepping back to give her space. Lungs protesting his lack of oxygen intake, he watched her straighten and face him, cheeks flushed, eyes a little wild, reminding him of that night when she was only nineteen. Fuck, the similarity almost did him in. Made him want to fall at her feet and apologize until the world ended.

“So that’s it?” She sauntered toward him, making his eyes narrow. “You’re just going to stop?”

“You asked me to stop,” he returned through clenched teeth, needing like hell to reach out and touch, grab, overwhelm her.

Closer now—so much closer—she raised the shirt over her head, letting it fall to the ground, giving him an unobstructed view of her tits. “I asked you to stop because you wanted me to.” She ran her index finger down his abdomen, sending a bolt of need to his still-erect cock, thickening it as she watched. “And because I…wanted you to say no.”

Yes. The invisible chains holding him back clanked onto the ground. James lunged forward, hauling Lita up against him with one arm, yanking her skirt down with the other. Naked. He wanted her fucking naked, without a goddamn stitch to offend him or share access to her body. As soon as the skirt dropped, her legs were around James’s waist, the head of his sensitive arousal slipping through her *. His hands molded to her bottom, giving her a nice glide up and down an erection that might as well have her name tattooed on it. “You know why you fit me so nice, Lita? Why all I have to do is tilt my hips to go home?”

Her thighs slipped down his sides, so she clung to his shoulders, working to get higher, leg muscles flexing. Even though his hands were braced on her ass, he loosened them a moment and enjoyed watching. Seeing her sexual frustration as she worked to stay on top of his cock. “James.”

“Why do you fit me so well?” he grated at her mouth.

“I’m your plaything.” Finally having found purchase, she writhed on his lap. “I’m your plaything.”

He slapped her backside. “That’s right. Only mine.” God, the flood of lust was battering him from all sides, the need to get inside her fierce. Waiting another second seemed like a travesty, but protecting her came second nature, so he took two steps and set her down on the desk, getting a priceless eyeful of her female flesh as he bent forward the remove his jeans and dig a condom from the pocket.

“No.” Lita shook her head. “I don’t want that.”

His look held a warning. “Lita…”

“You brought me to the doctor.” Her eyes grew glassy, her slight figure swaying on the desk’s surface. “You had me put on the pill yourself. I probably shouldn’t find that so hot.”

James tossed the condom onto the desk, eased between her thighs and let their mouths graze together. “You tortured me for a week. Blowing kisses to jackass boys in the crowd. Wearing my shirts to bed so they smelled like you the next day.” He shook his head. “But I couldn’t take chances with you.” His knuckle slid over her clit, making her gasp. “Or this.”