Roots and Wings (City Limits #1)

“But I know it’s short notice, and you might already have something planned for next weekend.”

Meticulously, he tested the last thing he’d done to my tooth before flipping off the light above my head and pulling out the spongy worm things he’d shoved in the corners of my mouth.

I stretched and moved my dry lips around and then ran my tongue over the cap. It felt really close to what my tooth was like before. A little smoother in the back, but overall, it was good.

He handed me a little cup of water. “Feel okay?”

“Yeah,” I answered and took a drink, which I desperately needed. “Feels good. Thanks for fixing it for me.”

“Sure. We can’t have you hiding that smile, beautiful.” Then he quickly kissed me, remarking, “Feels the same to me.”

“I’ll go with you on your fancy date, Dr. Renfro.” I’d never been to the charity dinner before, and, so far, all of the new things I’d tried with Vaughn were wonderful.

More than wonderful.

I often questioned, if I’d never met Vaughn, or if Rachelle hadn’t ever left him for his friend, would I have ever been that happy? That invested in someone else?

I was glad there was no way to know those answers.

Being with Vaughn had made me braver. I’d been shopping with Sunny twice that summer, and the closer Vaughn and I got, the more I wanted to look as beautiful as he made me feel.

For me and for him.

I was still me, only I was changing. And, in my opinion, all for the better. For the happier, anyway.

“Good. We can just go and eat, or stick around and see if it’s a good time. Totally up to you. We can leave whenever you want.”

“You’ll be there, it’ll be fun.”

I even had a dress I could wear for it already. I’d found it on sale in Browning but hadn’t had any reason to wear it yet. A pretty light peach color, which would look awesome with the great tan I had.

I leaned in and kissed him, knowing how he liked when I did. “So are you picking me up or what?”

He looked up at the ceiling with a smirk. “I don’t know. Maybe you could just bring clothes with you Friday night and get ready at my place?”

I’d gotten ready at his place a few times, but not ready-ready. Like doing nice hair and taking my time with putting makeup on-ready. That was his house. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have all of my things there.

I didn’t dress up a lot, so I had to go a little slower than most. Sunny would have to help. It takes a village, people.

“You know what? How about I spend the night Friday, then go home Saturday afternoon for a while and get dressed there? You come and get me, and after I’ll go home with you.”

It wasn’t as large as I liked, but that got a little grunt out of him before he clicked back the chair I was in and proceeded to give me a real-life doctor/patient fantasy come to life.

“I’ll let you win this time, but you’re mine both nights,” he told me in a seductive, rumbling tone.

Suddenly my heart raced, knowing we shouldn’t be in there. The look on his face wasn’t to be taken lightly as he threw a leg over me and pulled my hands up over my head, biting his lip.

“Are you going to be a good patient now and not use your teeth to bite things you shouldn’t?”

I snapped my teeth at him, just to rile him up.

It worked out for me just fine though.

After my mouth on him wasn’t enough for either of us, I was bent over a dentist chair begging him to stop torturing me when he’d brought me so close to too many orgasms before backing off each time.

“I won’t do it again. I promise. Just, please, don’t stop,” I begged.

“That’s right, beautiful. I can’t stop now anyway,” he said as he grabbed my hips and thrust even harder into me. We found a new level of ecstasy in a procedure room under fluorescent lights, knowing it was totally wrong for us to be doing it there.

It wasn’t until we were finished and he was cleaning the chair down like our genitals were radioactive, did he start really giving me shit about the tooth.

“Seriously though, do you think you learned your lesson?”

“Shit. What lesson? Crack a tooth and my dentist will give me orgasms? Lesson learned.” I hoped he’d never get sick of my sarcasm.

“I wondered if you were going to be upset about the blowjob for payment arrangement I was making with you,” he teased.

As he shut the lights off and walked out after me, locking the doors on his way, he asked, “So you still up for ice cream?”

I was.

I hadn’t eaten since lunch and I was always ready to see what he did with his share. Let’s just say the good dentist liked to play with his dessert.

I stayed at his house that night and he had to get up early to take me home.

There was no way to hide what was going on from my dad. Not that I felt like I needed to.

I walked in the next morning, wearing what I’d been wearing the day before and one of Vaughn’s hoodies.

He sat at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee.

“Things are going pretty good with Astro, huh?” he asked. As I tried to walk invisibly past him on my way to the shower.

Caught, I stopped.