Roots and Wings (City Limits #1)

“We need to slow down.”

No more were the words out of my mouth and he pulled himself up, giving me space, holding himself just above me.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized, but he didn’t look that guilty. “I lost myself there for a minute.”

He placed his forehead to my chest and chuckled, trying to catch his breath. I was chasing mine too.

“So did I.”

He moved his face to look up at me, his chin perched on my cleavage. It was a funny sight.

“You’re a really good kisser,” I admitted, licking my numb lips.

“Well, I know a lot about mouths. You could say I have a doctorate in them.”

I giggled and watched his head bounce between my boobs, which only made me laugh harder. I wondered how many chins I had from his point of view. “You look funny down there.”

His eyes jagged right then left, noticing where he was.

“I like it here,” he teased, then placed a kiss on my neck and lifted both of us up.

“I think it’s going to storm and it’s getting late.” I hated the thought of leaving, but I knew if I didn’t get out of that house sooner than later I’d be naked from another kiss like that.

As he stepped back, I hopped down and tried to fix the tube top, which had surprisingly stayed mostly in place.

He had touched me, but he never tried to get under my clothes. I, on the other hand, had had my hands up his shirt and down the back of his pants, not far enough to get a real grab, but far enough to know that his ass was firm as hell. No wonder his pants always looked so good. That ass was no illusion.

I hated feeling like I was being a tease, but the truth of it was, I didn’t even have a condom with me. Yeah, he was a guy and probably had one, but these days most girls were on the pill … and the whole I didn’t want to be an easy slut thing.

When you only have sex once or twice a year, you don’t really need a prescription contraceptive anyway. I’d always had condoms with me when I went out on a mission. On those nights when the loneliness took over, I knew what I was looking for and where to find it, but I still always protected myself.

Even if I had been on the pill, my behavior, sleeping with people I didn’t really know that well, really did warrant their use.

I’d never picked up anyone who looked dodgy, but let’s face it: most guys who go to a girl’s cabin after the bar aren’t angels.

We walked back outside and as I picked up Sunny’s jacket off the porch, thinking about that, I absentmindedly said, “I don’t have any condoms anyway.” There was no warning, even to me. The words just fell out.

He stopped in his tracks and he grinned salaciously.

“Neither do I.”

“Well, Dr. Kissylips, I suppose it’s good we’re calling it a night then.” I wanted him to know that, although it wasn’t the right night for it, I was positively interested in knowing all of the other things he knew about mouths and what his could do.

“Think your dad is asleep?” he asked.

I hadn’t even thought about him since the bar. What kind of daughter was I?

“Shit. My dad,” I said as I picked up speed and hurried to his vehicle. I thought about how nice it was not getting into my truck alone. I’d still get one last kiss before our first date ended. I hoped.

He trailed behind me, and soon we were pulling out of his drive and headed toward my house, just as the first raindrops began pouring from the sky.

My father was going to have one hell of a hangover; he usually didn’t drink to that point. I hoped that Dean got him the pain reliever and something to drink like I’d asked him to.

Then, just like that, my brain shifted gears. Back to what just happened.

One thing was sure, I’d been able to pull back that first night, but I didn’t feel like I could hold out much longer.

I didn’t know what his plans were for the next day, but I hoped they included me.

As if he was reading my mind, he asked, “What are you doing tomorrow?”

A little creepy, but I liked it and answered with, “Get out of my head.”

He looked at me, and, from the light of the dashboard, I saw he had a smile that reached ear to ear.

“What? You want to do something?”

My mind raced with what that something might be. I’d be perfectly fine going out to the cabin and just chilling there, but that seemed kind of forward. Ladies didn’t invite guys out to their bachelorette pad for fishing and a run around the bases.

Turns out, I was new at being a lady, so despite myself, I asked anyway.

“I was thinking about getting the boat out, if the weather is good. Maybe troll around and fish for a while. Test out a few new lures. Do you want to go?”

“I was hoping you’d say something like that. I had a really good time tonight, Hannah.”

And there it was again.

My name.

It was weird. Hannah had always been my name, but it felt foreign and familiar all at the same time when he said it. He’d never called me Mutt.