Roots and Wings (City Limits #1)

Vaughn peered behind me and his jaw ticked. The serious look he shot them was almost menacing.

I’d seen the two assholes get into fights before, but that wasn’t what they were after. They were just townies who got their rocks off making others feel as shitty as they did. Both of them were divorced, and both of them had kids they never saw. Compared to most, they were the two biggest jokes within twenty miles.

He ran a hand through his hair a few times and scooted his stool back as he stood. He appeared inches taller than before, and his chest was puffed. Sexy as it was, I had no time for the altercation I knew was brewing.

I had only one card.

I leaned in, pressing my hand against his chest once again, and whispered, “My name is Hannah.”

What I confessed stole his attention, just like I hoped it would. He looked from them to me and back to them, like he was trying to decide which statement to address first. Their dickhead comments, or the key to turning this night from great to … well … kissing.

Quickly, he pulled a bill from his wallet and tossed it on the bar, tipping Sally for the service and paying for our last beers, which unfortunately, went to waste. Then he grabbed my hand and led me toward the door. He didn’t say anything, but I could feel the power of his presence as we walked past the pair of knuckle draggers.

“You know I’ve heard that advice too, Seth,” Randy said as we hit the door. “If a woman breaks your heart, you’re better off just getting a dog. And look, he went and found himself a mutt, good for him.”

It was all so fast, and I spun with the force as Vaughn turned on his heel and punched Randy right in the mouth.

He didn’t even let go of my hand.

Seth howled with laughter. “He fucking knocked you one!”

Randy bent over, holding his mouth. Then smiled and wiggled his tooth with first his tongue and then his finger. “What the hell. You damn near knocked my tooth out.”

Then Vaughn spoke, his voice rich with promise and threat. “If I ever hear you talking about her like that again, I’ll knock them all out.” Then he turned us back toward the door, saying on the way through it, “Come in on Monday and I’ll fix that tooth.”

I was impressed.

I was surprised.

I was turned on like I’d never been before.

My mind raced as he briskly walked us around the building in the direction of where we’d parked his SUV. I wondered if he’d kiss me good night now since he knew my name.

Then I wondered if, with all that happened, if maybe he forgot I’d told him.

I didn’t have to think about it anymore because he was wrapping his arms around me and walking us backward to the brick wall, almost carrying me.

I paddled like hell to the top of my consciousness so that I could fully appreciate what was happening.

“What are you doing?”

We stopped when his hand stopped my back from slamming into the surface of the brick. With his other hand he pulled me closer, and he lowered himself just enough to press himself against my middle.

“I don’t like it when people call you Mutt.”

“I don’t like it when you know my name but aren’t kissing me yet.”

“Your name’s Hannah?”

I had to think a second to remember, my heart beating so loud he might have caught that it answered yes in Morse code for me.

“I think so.”

“Hannah,” he said, his face nearing, closer and closer our lips got. “I’ve wanted to kiss you so damn bad.” Face to face, his nose brushed mine and I could already taste him.

“Then shut up and do it.”

They pressed. They parted. Our lips enjoyed their first delicious conversation, pleased to make their acquaintance.

My chest caved and my knees failed. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and my hands found their way to his short hair. Then I ran my fingers down his warm neck and I squeezed, needing another outlet to apply myself to him.

A moan danced from his mouth to mine, and I was lost to the moment.

It was furious and graceful. The best kiss of my life, up until that point, and in awe of the moment, I let him lead it.

He was a born kissing leader I learned, and it was worth all of the waiting. All of the cat and mouse. All of the holding back and being patient. It was worth that and so much more.

As I caught my breath, a bittersweet reprieve, he made his way across my jaw, to my neck, and the tip of his tongue lightly licked me before his lips were on mine again.

“We should get out of this alley,” he said, raggedly, but pressed himself against me, again proving that he was just as affected by it as I was.

“Okay,” I said. But I would have agreed to just about any-fucking-thing he said. “But I don’t want to go home yet.”

He pulled away from the wall and me and I didn’t like the way my body felt, not having him close anymore. He cupped my face, his eyes dreamy and glazed over with a need that I knew mirrored my own.

“Hannah, I just learned your name. We just kissed. There’s no way in hell I could take you home yet.”

That was all I needed to know.