Rocked by Love (Gargoyles, #4)

Dag frowned. “What is Patriot’s Day?”

“It’s a state holiday here in Massachusetts to commemorate the American Revolution. It’s the anniversary of the first battles of the war on April 19, 1775. The third Monday of April every year is the observance. There are historical reenactments, schools are out, and that’s the day they run the marathon.”

“With the bombing,” Wynn said, her eyes widening. When the Guardians continued to look confused, she clarified. “The Boston Marathon. It’s an annual road race through the city. From what I understand, there are tens of thousands of runners entered, and several times that many spectators. A few years ago, a couple of terrorists set bombs near the finish line. Three people died and a couple hundred were injured.”

“That is not the kind of death toll the Order will be seeking, not if they wish to raise enough power to summon the Unclean one, as well as to return the Defiler to full strength.” Knox shook his head. “It is a brutal fact, but a fact. They will require dozens, or more likely, hundreds of deaths for that kind of black magic.”

Now that she heard the facts, Kylie’s stomach unclenched, and she nodded reluctantly. “You’re right. Achieving that at an event like the marathon would be a massive undertaking. The route actually goes through like eight different towns. The runners will be scattered all over the course, and spectators are spread out all along it as well. It seems inefficient to try to strike in a place that will not get the results they want. Their best bet would be the finish line area, but the security there since the bombing is insane. I’m guessing the nocturnis are too, but that seems like banging their heads against a brick wall.”

Dag grunted. “Agreed. We must consider other possibilities.”

“I wish we even knew when they planned to strike,” Wynn said. “Then we’d at least have a frame of reference.”

Kylie frowned. “I’ve been through all of Ott’s notes so many times, I can quote them by heart. He didn’t know when the attack would come, but he knew it was in the works. He left the Order before the meeting where Carver outlines the plan. His notes read to me, though, like he thought it was coming soon. There’s a real sense of urgency in them.”

“But does that mean tomorrow, or six months from now?” Wynn asked. “Remember, we’re dealing with a cult that’s been around thousands of years. Time means something entirely different to these people.”

They all went quiet for a moment, each mulling over the problem for themselves. It was a few minutes before Kylie ventured, “You know, maybe we’re looking at this from the wrong angle. Maybe our approach shouldn’t be to try and pick a date or an event out of thin air. Let’s try a little deduction.”

Wynn laughed. “What did you have in mind, Sherlock?”

Kylie set aside her soda and turned to her computer. Her fingers flew over the keys as she typed and talked at the same time. “We need to start using what we already know about the Order and how they operate. I mean, the Guild has been watching them for, well, ever, right? And you’ve known about them your whole life, plus you’ve come up against them personally a couple of times recently.”

“Yes, but I’m not sure I’m following you.”

“Okay, let’s think about what the Order wants.” Kylie paused in typing and looked at her friend expectantly.

“You mean total global apocalypse.”

“Well, sure, that. But why do they want it? Why enslave yourself to a bunch of Demons who see you as nothing more than a convenient tool or a late-night snack?”

“Power,” Dag growled. “The nocturnis seek power, and they believe that if they remain faithful to the Seven, they will be granted power in the wake of their rising.”

“Exactly,” Kylie said, “but after reading Ott’s notes, I have to say it’s not just power. From what he wrote about, I think they want more. I think they want to be feared, and to watch the havoc they cause. It’s sick, but I honestly believe they get off on it.”

Knox nodded, his face grim. “That would not surprise me. Cruelty and sadism can be methods to raise power, but also to heighten the emotions of the victim. If the soul is in distress, it becomes a tastier treat for the Darkness.”

“Right. So, if we operate on that understanding, it would make sense that whatever big bang the Order has planned, they’re going to want to watch it happen. Especially the ones who planned it.”

“Like the Hierophant.”

“Yup. This is where we have to take a little leap of faith, so if we work for the moment on the assumption that Carver is the Hierophant, we could take a look at his public schedule and see if anything coming up looks like the kind of opportunity the Order would want to take advantage of.”

Christine Warren's books