Rocked by Love (Gargoyles, #4)

She felt a whine building, and had no problem with telling him exactly what she needed, but he was already ahead of her. His hands urged her to twist until she faced away from him, staring through the darkness at the shadow of her headboard. Pressure on her shoulders eased her forward, while his grip on her hips held her lower body in place.

Eager for what was coming, she settled her knees under her and braced her forearms on the mattress, tilting her hips to offer herself to her lover. She shivered as his hands stroked across the round cheeks of her ass, and she couldn’t bite back the moan of anticipation as his fingers closed around her hips. She needed him like her next breath.

He shifted behind her, his weight making the mattress dip. She had just an instant of warning as he set the head of his cock against her entrance before he thrust inside and filled her to the brim.

She didn’t scream, but she did cry out, a long, low, trembling sound of surprise and pleasure. In this position, he felt enormous, his width stretching her tender muscles, his length seeming to press against her heart. Her * clenched, trying to grip and hold him in place, but he was already moving, setting a rhythm of deep, heavy thrusts that made her head whirl and her clit throb between her legs.

His harsh breathing sounded loud in the quiet room, and the slap of his hips against her ass made her blush even as it added to her arousal. She began to thrust back against him, reaching for the pleasure she could feel beginning to build low in her belly.

Dag grunted his approval and leaned forward, draping his chest over her and pressing their bodies together, drowning her in the slick feel of his skin, and his hot, earthy scent. The intimacy only drove her higher, and when he scraped his teeth over her shoulder, she shuddered and clenched around him.

“Give me your pleasure,” he demanded, grasping her hip with one hand and sliding the other beneath her to press against the tight bundle of nerves he had already spent so much time tormenting. “Come,” he said, tapping her clit with firm, deliberate pressure. “I want to feel you around me, little human. Now.”

God, she wanted it, too. She reached for the climax, feeling it shimmer on the horizon. Then she felt his teeth close over the nape of her neck, digging in and holding her in place like an animal with its mate, and she lost it.

Everything went up in flames. Her body burned from the inside out, the orgasm like a wall of flames racing from the place where they joined through every inch of skin and muscle she possessed. She felt his hips bucking against her as he emptied himself inside her and wondered if he burned as well. Her arms and legs gave out, no longer able to support her, and she collapsed onto the mattress with a living blanket pressing her into the soft surface.

At least this time there was a sheet, she thought drowsily. As a couple, maybe they were making real progress. It was her last thought before sleep took her, but it took her smiling.

Chapter Thirteen

Az men hot a sakh tsu ton, leygt men zikh shlofn.

When you have a lot to do, go to sleep.

Kylie entered the fray with renewed energy and determination. After about twelve hours of recuperative sleep. Ridiculously hot sex could apparently take a lot out of a girl.

She had no illusions about a miraculous solution to her issues. She wasn’t na?ve enough to think one conversation, one self-administered slap upside the head, and one night of whew-boy-howdy sex meant that she and Dag were now on the straight path to happily ever after. She did, however, think that a more rational way to deal with this relationship, as with any relationship, was to take things as they came and to let it evolve into its own thing.

Besides, she had other stuff to worry about. That end-of-the-world nonsense just didn’t seem to be going away on its own.

Her bagels, however, were disappearing at an alarming rate. Apparently, gargoyles as a species got a real charge out of boiled and baked rounds of dough.

Everyone had gathered in the office, naturally, with bagels and coffee or tea (or soda) in hand to answer the day’s burning question. Where the heck did they start?

“Okay, say I’m a psycho-killer Demon worshipper,” Kylie threw out, bouncing lightly on her balance ball. “I want to make a big splash and raise a whole bunch of power in one fell swoop so I can feed it to my evil overlords. How am I going to do that?”

Wynn grimaced over her mug of tea. She perched on the arm of King David’s chair, which was currently occupied. Not by the cat, but by her bagel-munching mate. “I’d like to say you’re not, but then we wouldn’t be here worrying about it.”

Knox licked a schmear of cream cheese off his thumb. “Efficiency demands the nocturnis gather a crowd of humans together in one place. Once they strike, even if they are able to disguise the truth as some sort of natural disaster or terrorist action, the human authorities will descend and cut off their opportunity for another attempt. It must be all at once and quickly abandoned.”

“Oh, crap.” Kylie felt a quick clutch of fear. “What about Patriot’s Day? It’s coming up in just a couple of weeks, and there’s the history there with the bombing.”

Christine Warren's books