Rocked by Love (Gargoyles, #4)

The repeated squeezing of her channel around his cock overwhelmed him. Offering a muffled roar of his own, Dag let the orgasm wash over him and poured himself into his mate’s snug heat.

He collapsed above her, shifting when she grunted to protest his weight. He slid an inch or two to the side, unwilling to relinquish her warm embrace, but equally having no desire to suffocate her. They lay like the wounded after a battle, breathing heavily, weak and unmoving. One of his hands remained tangled in her hair, while the other cupped the curve of her hip and savored the damp satin texture of her skin.

Neither spoke. Whether because neither had the breath to do so, or because neither knew what to say seemed equally possible. Dag had no trouble identifying his feelings, but his grasp on Kylie’s seemed much less certain. He had claimed her; she was his mate. He knew he could never let her go, but whether this news would thrill or horrify her, he had no idea. His little human rarely reacted in any way he had expected.

Case in point: knowing how much his small female loved to speak, he expected her to say something. Whether it would be a serious comment or a sassy quip, he did not even try to predict. But instead, she merely turned into his warmth and snuggled closer, one hand curling to tuck under her chin, the other pressed against the plane of his chest. When her mouth opened wide, the only sound to emerge was a huge yawn, one that would have done King David proud.

Then, like her cat, she drifted easily into sleep. Dag sighed out a laugh and cuddled her close, leaning down to press a kiss to the damp curls that clung to her forehead. Life with his mate would never be boring. It might be the only thing he felt certain of at the moment, but it would do.

For a start.

Chapter Ten

Shuldik iz der stolyer; ven er volt nit gemakht di bet, volt ikh nit gekumen tsu keyn khet.

It’s the carpenter’s fault; if he hadn’t built the bed, I wouldn’t have sinned.

The sharp rapping sound intruded on Kylie’s sleep and made her frown. She felt too warm and drowsy to care much where it had come from, so she decided to ignore it and slide back into sleep. A few seconds later, it came again, this time louder, with enough force to shake the window in its frame.

Wait, window? Why would someone be knocking on her window? What was going on?

Sleepy and confused, Kylie tried to roll over, only to find the way blocked by a very large, very male, very naked body stretched beside her.

Memory came flooding back in full, unedited Technicolor. Chub rachmones. What had she done?

The gargoyle, obviously.

Okay, of all the times for her own brain to pick to snark at her, it had to settle on this one? Really? Throwing her arms over her eyes, Kylie lay still and wondered if it was too early to pray for death. Or too late.

Bam!rattle. Bam!rattle. Bam!rattle.

The noise came again, eliciting a snarl from somewhere to the left just over her head. She continued to ignore the world outside her own inner elbow and felt the mattress dip and shift as Dag rolled to his feet. When he roared his displeasure, the rattle sounded again and she finally realized the noise came from glass shaking in the windowpanes. Someone had been knocking on the window.

The second-story window.

Realization dawned, bringing with it panic, guilt, and a soup?on of outright humiliation. Kylie’s gaze flew to the bedroom window to see a gray-skinned, fang-flashing face staring back at her. Since the face obviously belonged to a Guardian, and the only one she was acquainted with—intimately acquainted—clearly stood inside the room with her, she had no trouble guessing that Knox currently hovered outside the guest-room window, wearing an expression of mingled irritation and amusement.

With an eep, Kylie reached for a blanket to cover herself and discovered none to be had. She hadn’t yet made the bed she and Dag had just, um, occupied. Groaning, she did the only thing she could, flinging herself off the far side of the mattress and hiding in the space between it and the far wall where no more strangers could see her bare tits and ass.

Oy to the ever-loving vey!

Knox tapped on the glass again, this time with much less force, and gestured at Dag to open the window. The latter complied with enough irritated force to have the old sash screeching in protest.

“Wynn is waiting below by the front door,” Knox said the minute the barrier had been lifted. “No one answered our knocks, and she became concerned, so I agreed to look around for our hosts. It appears I have found you.”

Kylie groaned and heard her grandmother’s voice clearly inside her head. “Dayn mazl, Got, vos du voynst azoy volt men dir di fentster oysgezetst.” You’re lucky, God, that you live so high, otherwise people would break your windows. In that moment, Kylie’s hand itched for a rock.

“We did not hear the knock,” Dag bit out, and Kylie peeked over the mattress to see he had regained his natural form in response to the rude awakening. Too bad the other man was a Guardian, too, because she would have liked to see those claws of Dag’s do some damage to the jerk’s smug smile.

Christine Warren's books