Rocked by Love (Gargoyles, #4)

The sight hit him like a punch to the gut. If he had known what she hid beneath her T-shirts with their silly sayings, he would have tried to keep her constantly naked. Her pale skin glowed like warm cream dusted with honey and looked twice as tasty. Helpless to stop himself, he dipped his head and pressed his mouth to the tempting sight, groaning when her scent and flavor flooded him, hot and sweet and fresh, so complex and layered that he knew he could explore it for a lifetime and never capture every nuance.

His body ached for release, but he savored the torment. Inside the heavy fabric of his jeans, he felt hot and heavy and unbearably restricted, and he knew he couldn’t allow her to suffer the same torment. Pulling off her snug, worn jeans was the least he could do to make her comfortable. The fact that it exposed legs that looked too long for her modest height was entirely incidental, even if their softly rounded curves made him picture how they would feel wrapped around him, clinging tenaciously to his hips as he pounded into her.

By the Light, thoughts like those were not going to help him maintain his control, but then again, neither was the sight of the woman lying stretched out before him clad in nothing but scraps of turquoise silk and a shy, sinful smile. When he reached for her, he had to stroke firmly to disguise the shaking of his fingers. Him, a warrior, brought to a state of trembling by this little scrap of a woman. He could only hope his brethren never discovered the shameful secret or he would never live it down.

He slid his palms up the smooth curves of her hips, tracing the dip of her waist and the gentle flare of her rib cage until his palms cupped the warm, soft weight of her breasts. His fingers closed, kneading gently, and a soft sound escaped her, like a breathless hum, before she arched into his touch, inviting more. Dag could hardly refuse.

Her nipples drew tight beneath his touch, shrinking into little pebbles that he burned to taste. As if she read his mind, she shifted and squirmed and the tight band of her bra went slack. She shrugged out of the bright silk garment and let it flutter from her fingertips to join the rest of her clothes on the bedroom floor.

When he growled something indecipherable, even to himself, she just chuckled, her smile taking a cheeky turn. “What can I say? You were taking too long.”

Well, he’d have to make sure he didn’t make the same mistake twice, now wouldn’t he?

His head swooped down and before the sound of her amusement had completely faded he drew the tip of her breast into his mouth and sucked strongly. A strangled cry escaped her, and he felt her hands fly up to cradle him to her. Her fingers tangled in his hair and the sting made him rumble in approval.

Her taste filled his head, the rough and smooth textures of her skin fascinating as his tongue drew circles around her hard nipple. Part of him wanted to savor this moment, to feast on her forever, his female eternally hot and soft and needy against his hands. Another part of him, the part currently protesting vehemently against the confines of his jeans, strongly disagreed. They could come back to this later, and then again and again and again, but now he needed to be inside her. He ached to feel her warm inner walls gripping his cock, driving them both crazy with desire. Savoring each other could wait.

With a thought, he banished his human clothing and grinned at the sound of her surprised gasp. All at once, they lay pressed skin to skin, only the flimsy scrap of her panties separating them, and Dag intended to take care of that quickly.

Shifting his mouth to her other breast, he scraped his teeth over the taut peak and felt her whole body shudder against him. His hand slid down, gripped the thin fabric at her hip, and twisted. The silk tore with a whispering snarl, and he tossed it away before going in search of his real prize.

His fingers feathered through the neat little nest of curls decorating her mound and then slid deeper to find her inner flesh slick and swollen with arousal. The tip of his index finger brushed absently over the little nub hidden in her folds, and Kylie jerked, a high sharp squeal escaping her. Fascinated, he repeated the caress, then again and again until her entire body tensed and shook beneath him.

Her pleasure made him feel like a god, as if he could take on all of the Seven at once and never taste the sting of defeat. As if he could rule the world, move the heavens, and balance the entire universe in the palm of his hand. He wanted none of it, though; all he wanted was Kylie.

“Please,” she said, panting, fingers sliding down to grip his shoulders and urge him up over her. “Inside me. Now. I need you.”

She sealed his fate with those words.

It no longer mattered what Fate had decreed, or what the Light had intended. Kylie was his, and he would wage war on the whole of the universe in order to keep her.

Dag couldn’t wait another instant.

Christine Warren's books