Rocco and Mandy: A Red Team Wedding Novella (Book #6.5)

“The woman who will share my life, my love, and my dreams… Mandy, this ring is a symbol of my love and devotion… I give you all that I have, all that I am… I join my life with yours…to cherish and protect you… I honor you as my wife now and forever.”

Mandy sniffled again, but smiled through her tears as he pushed the ring all the way on her finger. She picked up his heavier gold band, catching Zavi for a kiss as she did so. Then she straightened and held Rocco’s wedding ring at his knuckle while she repeated the same vows.

“And there you have it,” the JP said with a smile. “Perhaps you would like to share your first kiss as husband and wife—”

Rocco pulled Mandy close and kissed her mouth. When her arms went around his neck, he would have deepened the kiss, except someone yanked on his trousers.

“Papa, I get a hug, too.” Zavi looked put out that he wasn’t included.

Rocco laughed and picked him up for a three-way hug, then held him as they turned and faced their friends. Everyone stood and clapped, then swarmed them for hugs and handshakes and more hugs as they slowly made their way back into the house.

Chapter Fourteen

When Mandy had come through the living room with Owen minutes earlier, she’d been too focused on the ceremony to notice the stunning way the dining room had been decorated for her and Rocco. It was a fun mixture of country and elegant decor. The long table had been covered in white linen tablecloths with burlap toppers. A long ivory lace runner went down the center. Ty must have had a set of china, for each place was set with a place setting of sterling silver flatware and fine white bone china sitting on golden chargers. Coffee cups sat on the right side and bread plates on the left. Each place setting had delicate goblets: one each for water, red wine, and white wine. There were even dessertspoons and forks placed at the top of each plate, and forks, knives, and spoons for each course beside each plate. Candles glowed from dozens of different silver and gold candleholders, in different heights and designs.

Each place setting was reserved by a name card set in a petite bouquet of purple and yellow flowers. Mandy smiled at Rocco, feeling like a princess. Kathy, Dennis, and Carla had been outside, observing the ceremony. They’d come inside first and were standing near the buffet table, smiling at her and Rocco. Everyone in the whole world who mattered to her was standing in this room. She wrapped her arm around Rocco’s and squeezed it tightly.

When Ivy paused beside her, Mandy gave her a big hug and said, “Thank you.” She shook her head as she glanced over the table. “This room has been transformed!”

Ivy smiled at the other women. “We all worked on it. We wanted it to look like a fairytale for you, because if anyone deserves a happily ever after, it’s the two of you!” Ivy led them toward the living room.

Mandy noticed Val was behind the bar with Greer, pouring glasses of champagne, which Max helped hand out. Val opened a couple cans of ginger ale and poured them into four glasses for her, Ivy, and the kids. Once everyone had their glass, Blade held his up and quieted the group for a toast.

“Rocco, you and I’ve known each other a long time. Most of it high-stress, think-on-your-feet, live-the-rest-of-your-life-by-the-decisions-you-made kind of time. The kind of time and experiences that shorten lives by a heavy factor.” He looked at Mandy. “When I heard the two of you had hooked up—”

Kit interrupted him. “Blade, you’re talking about my sister.”

Ty grinned. “True, but she’s pretty much my little sister, too. Anyway, when I heard you were together, I knew it was right. You were meant for each other. You’re both deserving of the bright, happy times that lie ahead for you. To Rocco and Mandy!” He gestured toward them with his glass, then took a sip.

Kit was next. He stepped forward and was silent a second while he composed his thoughts. “Em, when I sent Rocco to you, I’ll admit I was secretly hoping this would be the outcome. I knew you had a way with broken things—”

“Just not busted weed whackers,” Rocco whispered to Mandy, who punched his arm.

“Rocco wasn’t merely broken, he was shattered.” There were tears in his eyes as he finished. “Sis, you not only helped my friend find his way back to the light, you married him and made our family bigger. Congratulations to you both!” He put his hand on his heart as he looked at them, then lifted his glass and took a sip.