Right Through Me (The Obsidian Files #1)

Her fingers held his with desperate strength as pleasure crashed over her.

She came back from far, far away when he nuzzled her neck. Caro shifted her body, and realized that he had not come. Still super hard. Still inside her. He just rocked against her. Waiting. She had no idea for what.

“I thought you wanted to come together,” she ventured.

“I do. And I will. I’m just not done yet.” He rocked his hips against hers, nudging deeper. “Caro. Listen. I want you like I want to breathe. In my bed. In my life. I want it it all.”


“You know. The whole thing.” He waited, his body taut with expectation.

Caro shook her head, momentarily lost.

As if he’d read her mind, he rocked back and surged forward, swiveling his thick rod inside her, stimulating all those hot glowing sweet spots. Which was great, but it didn’t do much for her ability to think. She wanted to understand him. “What are you talking about?”

“Marry me,” he said.

She stared at him, mouth open.

He waited. “Say something.”

“You’re proposing to me?” she squeaked. “Now? You’re inside me!”

“Yeah,” he said, with evident satisfaction. “Feels fantastic. The last time I proposed to someone, it was so much more calculated. Champagne, candlelight, fancy ring, memorized speech. This is realer. I like it.”

She didn’t. “And I get a flying tackle from out of left field? Come on. That was the absolute best hot sweaty sex I ever had but if you think that I—Noah, this is crazy timing.”

He looked perplexed. “Do I have to give you the option of saying no? I don’t have a plan B.”

“I don’t even have a plan A,” she said hotly. “I don’t have squat right now. And when people get close to me, it does not end well. Don’t do this to me.”

“I’ll keep you safe,” he said intently. “We’ll get through this. I promise.”

She reached up, tracing the sculpted shape of his cheek. “Please. Let right now be enough for us. It’s enough for me. I’m grateful.”

He responded by nuzzling her neck, like he didn’t want her to see his face.

He finally lifted his head, stroking her hair away from her face. “I’d do anything to keep you with me. Sex as a strategic device? Yeah. Multiple screaming orgasms to wear down your resistance? Sign me up.”

“It won’t work,” she said. “And don’t joke around. Things are too dangerous. I can’t make promises and neither can you.”

“Why can’t you?” His amorous mouth whispered the question against her ear before he nipped her earlobe.

“Come on.” Her lips trembled. “I’ve got a big, dark cloud hanging over my life.”

“It’s my cloud now. I own it. So? What do you say? Where do you stand?”

She smacked at the solid wall of his chest, poised over her. “Who’s standing? I’m flat on my back! With you about three miles up inside me!”

“We could get engaged.”

“You must be kidding.”

They stared at each other for a long moment. He shifted, as if about to roll away, and she tightened her legs around him, trapping him inside her with a spasm of what felt almost like panic. “Don’t you dare move,” she whispered.

His smile flashed. He kissed her lips, her chin, her jaw. “Never. That’s the whole point.”

She gripped his big shoulders, fingers digging in. “It’s sweet of you to ask,” she said. “Very romantic. But it’s way too soon. Let it go. Please.”

“Don’t say yes or no,” he urged. “Just think about it.”

“I’m not going to say anything,” she said fervently.

He nibbled her ear. “I’m going to finish now. You good with that?”

“Yeah,” she said. “I love that. I love all of it, with you.”

He wound his arms around her shoulders. They clung to each other desperately as his hips drove against hers until he climaxed with a shout, and pulled her along with him, freefalling into sweet oblivion.

Some time later, he rolled onto his side, keeping her clasped tightly against him.

“It’s dawn,” he said.

Caro yawned. “I noticed,” she said. “Sort of.”

He’d stayed on his side, keeping her clasped tightly against him. He ran a hand over her from shoulder to hip. “You OK?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Good. I’ll make you breakfast.”

She heard a faint ringtone. Waited for him to ignore it. He did, but after a few moments he stretched out his arm and grabbed the thing, tapping the screen.

“Hell,” he muttered. “Gotta call my crew. Sorry.”


“Looks like we have to figure out exactly how to sell our souls to my problematic brother.” He slid from between the sheets, sat up and reached to snag his jeans. His mind moving forward with the task at hand.

All business again.

Chapter 30

“If you want him to bring the safe, you have to show him the girl.” Asa sounded irritated. “He’s not stupid.”

Shannon McKenna's books