Right Through Me (The Obsidian Files #1)

Caro sighed, and hooked his jeans, shoving them further down his thighs. “Then take what you want. Just don’t make me wait!”

She tried to yank him down on top of her and onto the bed, but Noah stood strong. He stripped off his clothes and then kneeled on the bed before her, pulling her closer.

“Be patient.” His tone was implacable as he slid his hand up between her legs, cupping her mound. He thrust his fingers tenderly inside her, pulsing and stroking. “You’ll wait if I say that you will.”

“Goddamnit, Noah—”

“Shhhh,” he murmured. “Don’t rush me. I’m getting you ready.”

She gasped as his fingers circled inside her, and clenched around him, wriggling with pleasure. “You are such a control freak.”

“Yeah. Fun sometimes.”

Anger and excitement and pleasure fought for dominance as one sensation melted into the next. He touched her with incredible skill, unlocking new desires she never knew she had. She’d never imagined being so open to a man.

Noah was exactly what she craved. Whatever she’d been bitching about before the clothes came off and they got down to it, she couldn’t remember. Not for the world, while being caressed by his long fingers. His tongue would be next. And then . . .

“More,” she said shakily. “There. Yes.”

“I don’t need you to tell me that,” he muttered against her throat, between hot, dragging kisses. “Your sig never lies.”

“Damn it, Noah. Not fair.”

“You’re so right. But I don’t care. Too bad for you.”

But it wasn’t, not at all. It was good for her, so good, and he knew it. It was obvious, how much he loved making her whimper and writhe. He knew just where to stroke, where to press and circle inside her in ways that sent pulsing throbs of erotic energy through her entire body.

“Put your hands on my shoulders,” he commanded.

She did so, trying to dig her fingers in. His muscles were so hard, so dense.

“I imagined this, the first time I saw you dance,” he whispered against her ear. “Just us. Alone. You naked, dancing for me. But with my hand shoved up deep inside you, so sweet and tight. Sliding in and out of you. Your juice making my fingers all slippery and hot. Rolling your hips, getting closer and closer to coming right around my fingers. Made me hard as a rock.”

“Oh . . . God,” she whispered.

“I wanted it so bad,” he said. “I love how your lips get so red. Your eyes go almost black, and I can see inside, all the way into your secret, hidden places. Let me in, Caro. All the way in. Sweet fucking surrender.”

“Noah . . .” Her voice was low and pleading.

“Dance for me now,” he said. “Dance around my fingers. Come around my hand. I want to feel it. Make me hot, Caro. Do it. Move!”

The snap of command in his voice startled her into motion.

She did just as he asked, clutching his shoulders, face damp and hot, breath rapid and ragged. She thrust her hips down and around, her arms draped over his shoulders as she rode his expert hand, maxing out on strange new sensations.

He was doing it all to her. Noah. Her man, if that’s what he was. And if he was more than a man, she craved it all. Everything he was. Hers.

Noah withdrew his fingers and opened her legs all the way. Then leaned her back, his hands cradling her.

“Yeah,” he murmured. “That’s how I want you. Wide open to my hands, my tongue, my dick. My mind. You make me so hot.”

Caro moaned with pleasure at his weight, his heat, as he settled himself between her legs and teased her labia with his penis. Painting her with long, slow, licking, strokes, dipping deeper now and again, to bathe himself in her slick opening. His glans shone with it.

Ooh yes. Yes yes yes. His fingers encircled his dick, touching the tip to her quivering bud. Letting her enjoy the tiny thrill every time he did it. Keeping the action unpredictable. Delicious, maddening, marvelous. He continued, relishing her building frustration, until she rocked forward, squirming with eagerness. She clutched at him, trying to pull him deeper.

“Please, Noah,” she whispered. “Give it to me now.”

“You’re ready?”

“You know I am,” she said. “Don’t play games with me.”

“No games.” He thrust inside her with controlled, deliberate slowness.

She gasped at the heavy slide of his thick member moving into her inner flesh. He surged in, filling her completely, eased out. She could feel his strong pulse throbbing inside her.

“Look into my eyes,” he demanded softly. “Don’t look away.”

He clasped her hands, twining his fingers with hers. She lost herself in that amber glow, in the sensuously deep connection, every point of contact as intimate as a kiss, as steady as a heartbeat, shimmering with intense emotion.

Light blazed through her. She wondered if it was like the light he saw with his altered eyes. Wild joy lifted her, launched her into the heart of that brightness.

Shannon McKenna's books