Ride Hard (Raven Riders #1)

If they only had a few more days here before they had to go, Haven didn’t want to spend another second of it hiding out in her room. Because who knew if she’d ever feel as safe again as she did with the Ravens.

And with Dare.


Haven came down to breakfast late to find at least twenty people already digging in. She’d been so nervous to walk into a big group of mostly strangers that she’d delayed in her room forever, fussing over her clothes and her new hair, which she loved even more in the light of day. But she was done with letting her fear keep her from doing things, trying things, living life to the fullest.

All of which led her to walk into a room of mostly seated people, and not a few heads turned her way—and did double takes.

“Whoa, Haven. Is that you?” Phoenix asked from where he sat across from Cora, who waved her over, wearing a big smile.

“I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill you,” Haven said as she rounded the table and scooted between the chairs until she got to her own. Laughter filled the room, which eased some of her anxiousness until she noticed Dare staring at her from where he sat at the head of her table, dark eyes hot and intense.

“Please tell him then,” one of the Ravens she didn’t know said to more laughter. Phoenix flashed his middle finger at the guy.

By the time she sat, her face was on fire, but she felt good for having come.

“You came,” Cora said in a low, excited voice. “I’m so glad.”

“I’m here,” Haven said, her gaze flicking to Dare, who was still looking at her. “And I’m kinda starving.”

“Well, we have the perfect cure for that,” the big guy next to her said. He passed her a platter filled with scrambled eggs and bacon. “I’m Joker, by the way.”

The guy who’d tried to talk to her at the party that first night. She should’ve recognized those friendly green eyes and the dark beard. “Hi Joker, I’m Haven.” As she scooped some food onto her plate, other words threatened, and then she decided to throw caution to the wind and just say them. “I’m sorry I freaked out at the party when you tried to introduce yourself. I’m kinda ridiculously shy, and big groups like this . . .” She shrugged. “. . . well, they’re usually too overwhelming for me.”

“Don’t worry about it, darlin’,” he said with a wink. “We have a knack for being intimidating.”

“You do,” she said with a little laugh.

“Here, you gotta have one of these, too,” he said, passing her the plate with her cinnamon buns.

“I’d love to,” she said, biting down on her lip to try not to smile. She took one and then passed the plate to Phoenix, who was waggling his fingers for it.

Cora elbowed Haven in the ribs, and Haven threw her a look.

“Too bad you’re already taken, Bunny,” Phoenix said. “Because I’d marry you in a heartbeat for making these buns.” Raucous exclamations and agreements circled the room.

“You’d break those vows in five minutes,” Bunny’s husband, Rodeo, said with a wicked grin.

“Yeah, probably,” Phoenix said, not seeming to mind the ribbing at all. “But I’d be deep in love for all five of them.”

Shaking her head, Bunny laughed. “Well, I’m just glad you’re all enjoying them. Now stop all the yammering and eat.”

It didn’t take long for all the platters and plates to be licked clean, and then Cora and Haven helped Bunny and a few of the guys clear the table.

When they came back out for another haul of dirties, Dare waved Haven and Cora over. “Can I talk to you two for a minute?”

“Uh, sure,” Haven said, following him into the lounge with Cora.

“A contact sent us some photos, and I want to confirm identities with you two before sending them out to our people.” He punched a code into his cell phone.

“Okay,” Haven said, standing next to him. God, he smelled good. Like Ivory soap and leather and something all Dare.

He tilted the phone toward them. “Is this your father?”

“Yes.” Haven stared at a photo taken of him when he was out in public somewhere. He wore the same angry-at-the-world expression he always did, and just seeing it rushed a shiver that was part dread and part relief that she’d escaped him over her skin. “Did you have someone take these?”

Dare nodded, and thumbed to the next photograph. “All I know of some of these men is that they’re in his organization. Any names you can add would be helpful.” He showed them three pictures, and Haven was able to identify them all as people who worked closely for or with her father. “How about this one?”

Cora gasped. “That’s my father, Hank Campbell.”

Haven nodded, though something in Cora’s tone made Haven study her friend’s face. Cora gave her a small smile when she noticed, but Haven felt like she’d just watched her friend don a mask.

“Okay,” Dare said. “Are we missing images of anyone you think we should know about?”

Haven and Cora exchanged glances. “The men you showed us are my father’s right-hand men, so I don’t think so. Do you, Cora?”

She shook her head. “Those are the most obvious guys.”