Ride Hard (Raven Riders #1)

“Cora,” he said, stepping into the room. “I’m sorry to bother you all.” His gaze cut to Haven and moved over her body, and she felt it like it was his fingers, not his eyes, that had caressed her skin.

She pushed herself into a sitting position, suddenly self-conscious about her appearance. After they’d eaten, she and Cora had slipped into pajamas, which for Haven meant an oversized T-shirt Bunny had given her. Cora at least had on a pair of men’s boxers rolled at the waist.

“Dare,” Haven breathed.

“I should’ve given you more notice,” he said, shifting on his boots. God, he was hot standing there in his cut, tattoos running over his biceps, his hair looking like he’d been running his hand through it.

“For what?” she asked.

He looked from Cora to Haven. “Bunny has a friend who runs a beauty shop, and she agreed to come over after she closed up tonight to do your hair.”

Cora’s eyes went wide. “You’re getting your hair done? Wait. Why are you having it done here and not at the shop?” She frowned at Dare. “What’s going on?”

“Oh, uh,” he said, clearly uncomfortable to be put on the spot.

“The Ravens thought it would be a good idea for me to change my hair. Too unique given the length. And it’s perfect timing, because you know I’ve been wanting a change.” She gave Cora a pointed look and hoped her friend got the message. Don’t contradict me.

“Uh-huh,” Cora said, not sounding very convincing at all.

But it must’ve done the trick for Dare, because he nodded and turned for the door. “Well, she’s getting set up down in the kitchen, so, if you want to get dressed and come on down?” His gaze lingered on her bare legs for a moment, and then cut back to her face.

“Yup. Be right down,” she said.

He nodded and closed the door behind him.

Waiting no more than five seconds, Cora turned and planted her hands on her hips. “What the hell, Haven?”

Haven flew off the bed. “I don’t want to do it, okay? But they think it’s too noticeable, and Dare’s pretty convinced there’s a good chance my dad or his men are nearby. They think I need a disguise, just until we leave here.”

Cora shook her head, her mouth opening and closing like she wasn’t sure what to say.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you speechless before,” Haven said, crossing to the chair and stepping into her jeans. She changed into a tank top so that her sleep shirt didn’t get all hairy.

“I want you to cut your hair when you’re ready to do it, not because you have to do it. Why didn’t you tell me?” Cora asked.

Haven hugged herself. “I didn’t want to be a baby about it.”

“Stop that right now,” Cora said, coming right up to her and fingering the loose blond wisps hanging around Haven’s face. “I know how much you love your hair. I’m sorry you have to do this.”

Haven waved a hand. “It’s just hair, right? It’ll grow out.” The words were for herself as much as they were for Cora.

“That’s right. And you would be gorgeous if you were bald.” She squeezed Haven’s shoulder.

Haven grimaced. “Let’s not test that theory.”

Chuckling, Cora nodded and headed for the door. “Give me a minute to throw on some clothes and I’ll come down with you.”

“I’d like that,” Haven said. Besides, Cora could talk a mile a minute and would provide the perfect distraction from the fact that Haven wasn’t really ready to do this. Her father hadn’t given her money or approval to go out to do things like getting a haircut because it didn’t serve him in any way, so the last time she’d had one she’d been sixteen. Or maybe it was fifteen? She couldn’t even remember.

Cora popped back in wearing jeans and a tee not a minute later. “Okay, I’m ready. Are you?”

“SHE’LL BE RIGHT down,” Dare said, walking back into the kitchen. Bunny stood at the counter, pouring a cup of coffee, while her friend Joan set up a makeshift shop on the kitchen table. Two towels lay over the back of a chair pulled out into the middle of the floor.

“Don’t worry, Dare. Joan’s great. So good she’s usually booked weeks ahead of time. She’ll take care of Haven,” Bunny said.

Dare nodded, though he didn’t care if Joan was the best hair stylist who ever lived. None of that would make a difference to Haven if she really didn’t want this done. Despite how much sense Phoenix’s words made back in Church, for right that moment, Dare didn’t feel that much different from her father. Or, at least, he feared that she’d feel that way. And he wouldn’t blame her.

A few minutes later, Haven and Cora came in. Haven’s face was scrubbed clean and her hair was a little messy from sleep, but she was showing the most skin he’d ever seen in a skimpy pink tank top—well, except for when he’d found her in bed wearing nothing but a men’s white T-shirt. Without even trying, she’d looked sexy as fuck, making him wish he’d been there for a totally different reason.

“Ah, Haven, this is my friend Joan.” Bunny made introductions and the women exchanged greetings, Haven shaking the older lady’s hand.