Return of the Bad Boy (Second Chance #4)

A short, tortured exhalation left her lips.

“Just imagine…” He tilted his hips and slipped his cock between her folds, finding her slick and wet and mercy, he was going to quite possibly die. This was a bad idea. All he wanted to do was plunge in there and pound them both into sweet, sweet bliss.

She leaned over him, her lips brushing his when she said, “I already am. But you…you’re…”

“I’m what,” he growled. His grip tightened on her ass.

“You,” she finished.

He knew what she meant by that. That was fair.

“Sarge, I never would have done this”—he shifted her and slipped along her folds again—“if I didn’t know I was squeaky clean.” He moved along her again. “I think I could just do this if pressed.” He put his mouth on hers, then pulled away to say, “You feel incredible.”

“So do you,” she panted, tossing her head back and closing her eyes.

Wet. She was wet and smooth, and so damn ready it wasn’t funny. He had no idea the last time he’d sat and kissed a woman for as long as he and Glo had gone at it. When he’d first talked her back to his place years ago, she’d gone straight for his fly before he could get her undressed. That hadn’t bothered him in the past; he was all for getting to the good stuff. But now since he’d had her on top of him, fully clothed, kissing him for what was probably an hour, he’d become a big, big fan of foreplay.

“Up to you. It’s your body, gorgeous. I’m springing this on you.” His lips twitched. “Literally.”

Gloria kissed him, letting out a muffled laugh. She rocked against him and Asher’s eyes slipped down to where they were nearly connected, his fingers pressing into her hips, his teeth stabbing his bottom lip. He watched their flesh slide, and damn, there wasn’t anything sexier than seeing that. Unless he had her shirt off, too, and her tits in his face. As it was, he’d have to make do with the view. Not a bad one, admittedly, since her V-neck shirt gave him a tease of cleavage, hinting at the fantastic rack she was hiding.

She kissed him gently, then paused, her mouth over his. Her voice was husky when she said, “Yes.”

Asher’s spine snapped straight.

In answer, she rose to her knees and positioned herself over the head of his cock. She brushed over him, and he clasped on to her bare ass. She sucked in a breath through her nose as he closed one hand around the back of her neck.

Then he pushed her onto his length, impaling himself in her smooth, silken heat.

He dropped his forehead to her chest and blew out a breath. Having sex with Gloria was awesome. Having sex with Gloria without a condom was…

He had nothing. No word in his vocabulary did her justice.

“Fuck,” he growled.

Except for that one.

But this was deeper than that. This was her trusting him more than she ever had before. This was more than a quick lay, to get off, and had been for some time now.

She rode him bareback, thrusting her chest closer to his face with every stroke. She took turns watching him and watching Hawk’s bedroom door. Ash grinned. Because, yeah, this was challenging in a way neither of them had been accustomed to pre-Hawk, but it was also just plain fun in a totally surprising way.

Watching Glo try to muzzle the very loud shouts she should be letting loose right about now was turning him on even more. His release built, putting pressure on his balls and vibrating down his spine like too much feedback from a hot mic. He was about to have a challenge of his own. Keeping himself from shouting his release or demanding Gloria to “come.”

He kept himself in check, focused solely on her. She caught his eye there at the end and he fisted her hair in his fingers, pulled her lips to his, and spilled inside her, letting out a few sharp breaths as his orgasm slammed into him.

He was sure she went over at the same time, given the way he felt her clutching, pulsing around him as he continued pumping. He hoped so, because he was spent. If she needed to get off after this, he was going to have to go to the kitchen and make himself an espresso.

It’d been a long-ass day.

“Ash,” she breathed into his ear as a shudder snaked down his spine. Lazily, he opened his eyes and found Glo over him, looking sated and relaxed. He released her hair, straightening her black locks as well as he could. Yeah, she came. He could see it in the highlighted pink of her cheeks and in the heat darkening her blue eyes.

“Yeah, Sarge,” he croaked.

Her lips parted, then closed. Then her eyes flitted away from his, and her fingers played along the neck of his shirt. She let out a sigh. A frustrated one.

He lifted his hands to her jaw and turned her face gently toward his. Just a hint of shimmer swam in her eyes, and if he had a guess, there was something on her mind and it was something she hadn’t quite worked up the courage to share.

She wanted to tell him. She just couldn’t.

“Yeah, Sarge,” he said, but this time his comment was a confirmation. “I see it.”

“See what?” Her eyes widened the slightest bit.

Jessica Lemmon's books