Reid's Deliverance (The Song, #2)

“So why all of this? Why didn’t you just let Dalir give me my memory back from the start?”

“Because I messed up. I wanted to win you back. Earn your trust. Show you how much you mean to me. Convince you to never leave.” He looked into her eyes. “I know asking you to stay here is a huge ask, but I’m asking.” He reached into his pocket and took out a ring. “You probably have a lot to work through before you’ll consider wearing this, especially about what I do.” He pressed the ring into her palm. “I want you to hold onto it until you’re ready to put it on.”

The marquise diamond sparkled in the sun. Not a dream but a gleaming light into the future. Days spent worrying about him. Sharing him with a team, a brotherhood he’d never betray, and a gift he couldn’t deny.

“You told me to listen with my heart instead of my head, but I can’t place one above the other. They have to agree, and right now, they’re telling me I can’t put this on.”

He swallowed hard. “And you won’t change your mind?”

“I will.” She handed the ring back to him. “With a proper proposal.”

A grin bloomed on Reid’s face. “Woman, I don’t know whether to kiss you or spank you.”

“Play your cards right and you can do both.” She couldn’t stop the smile tugging up her lips or the joy bursting within her. A life with Reid.

“I know I’m not the type of man you envisioned being with, but no matter where I am or what I’m called to do, you’re first, in my life and in my heart.” He took a knee, love and sincerity shone in his eyes. “Lauren, I want you with me forever. Will you marry me?”

“Yes.” Tears made the diamond gleam even brighter as he slipped it on. His kiss made the future sweeter. Lauren laid her head to his chest. Safe in the arms of her hero. Her man. Her love.

Meet the Author

Nina Crespo lives in Florida where she indulges in her favorite passions—the beach, a good glass of wine, date night with her own real-life hero and dancing. Her lifelong addiction to romance began in her teens while on a “borrowing spree” in her older sister’s bedroom where she discovered her first romance novel.

Curiosity about people and places, including what’s beyond the stars, fuels her writer’s imagination. This wellspring of inspiration allows Nina to create sensual contemporary stories and steamy paranormal tales, which she hopes will feed your own addiction for love, romance, and happily ever after. Visit her at:

Read on for a sample of the first book in Nina’s The Song Series


The one night she'll want to remember, she'll be forced to forget.

It's been almost a year since Celine's fiancé's death and she's still struggling to move on. But when she meets Thane, aka Mr. Hot Ass-Scorching-Twelve, the lead singer of Thane’s Redemption, she finds her desire reawakening, and her heart opening. Soon one kiss leads them straight into a night of heated passion…

Thane’s unexpected connection with Celine only leaves him wanting more of her—but his life makes it impossible. For Thane's Redemption is just a cover for a deeper secret: A former Army Ranger presumed dead, Thane is really a time-traveling, covert operative charged with saving the world from disaster. Each jump through time forces those around him to forget he ever existed—and Celine would be no exception. But can time work in their favor to give them their second chance at love? Or will a choice Thane makes in the future put Celine in mortal danger?...

A Lyrical novella on sale now!

Learn more about Nina at

Chapter 1

“Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! This is Lima Alpha Six going down. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is Lima Alpha Six, and we are going down!”

The military helicopter whipped and spun, all control lost to the laws of gravity. Team Sergeant Thane Eckert gripped his harness and took repeated bone-rattling hits against the fuselage.

“Fucking son of a bitch.” Reid grunted.

Curses from the other three members of the team and terse commands from the pilots in the cockpit joined vibrating metal, whining engines, and the chop of the blades. Helplessness bottomed out Thane’s stomach. His team, his brothers…He couldn’t save them.

Time slowed, and memories flashed frame by frame. Graduating high school and going straight into basic training ten years ago. Working his ass off to become a Ranger in Regimental Recon. Shedding blood on parched sand, snake-ridden jungles, and the rubble of cities they’d fought to liberate. Sharing too many bottles of Jack. Chasing too many women. Finding redemption and numbing the pain in music. Few understood their bond, but it ran deep.

Nina Crespo's books