Redemptive (Combative, #2)

“Fuck you.” I spat in his face. “I’d rather you kill me!”

He wiped my spit from his face and smiled. “Maybe I will,” he whispered, pressing his gun to my bare stomach. “After I’ve had my fun with you, whore.”

I choked on a gasp.

In my mind, I knew it’d only been minutes, seconds even, since he spoke his first words to me, but the fight felt eternal.

I tried again to kick him off me, but he kept his body over mine, making sure I had no way out. My hand seemed to move on its own to the gun between us. Sweat dripped from his forehead and onto mine as I writhed beneath him. My heart was racing, my hands shaking. “Get. Off. ME!” I screamed louder than I had in years. My throat closed as I saw the evil in his eyes. He lifted off me slightly and popped the button on my jeans, tugging them down past my hips and exposing me to him. Then he pressed the gun firmer into me, his spare hand rising and coming down harshly across my face.

I screamed out in pain while PJ stood over us, laughing.

Blood filled my mouth.

Don’t let ’em take it.

My hand gripped the gun tighter as I tried to free myself from under him.

But he knew.

He was fast.

So fast.

He pinned me down with his entire body, and I swear he screamed out, almost joyfully, a newfound determination filling his eyes. I pulled my free hand from between us and pushed on his face, turning it away from me.

PJ stood above me, bending down to grasp my wrist and placed it to my side. He stomped harshly on my hand and kept it there. “Take it,” he told Pauly. “Fuckin’ take her.”

My cheek stung as Pauly’s palm made contact again.

I stayed silent—a piece of me dying as his hand covered my breast, squeezing once, before making its way down my body and between my legs. His fingers moved slowly down my mound. I shut my eyes, my throat closing when I felt a single finger start to invade me.

“Take it,” PJ encouraged.

And my eyes snapped open.

Don’t let ’em take it.

My fingers tightened on the gun.

A single gunshot sounded.

All air left my lungs.

And then…




Screams filled my ears.

I looked over at Tiny, his eyes wide as he stood there frozen, hundreds of kids partying in the field running in all directions around us. “What the fuck?” Tiny said.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Pauly’s number. The phone connected after what seemed like an eternity, but it wasn’t Pauly, it was PJ. “Do you know what’s going on?” I asked, my eyes darting everywhere for a source of the sound.

“Boss. You need to come. QUICK!”

“Where the fuck are you?”

“The path behind the field.”

I hung up and ran toward the path with Tiny far, far behind me.

A million scenarios ran through my mind, but none of them could have prepared me for what I saw when PJ came into view.

“Fuck,” I whispered, adrenaline spiking my veins. I looked over at PJ, who was pacing, hands linked behind his head.

“What the hell happened?”

My heart hammered as I looked back down at the pool of blood right next to my foot. I followed the trail to Pauly. Or at least, I thought it was him. He was laying still, a girl beneath him. “What the fuck did you guys do?” I almost shouted. “Swear to God, PJ, you better start talkin’.”

I kicked the side of Pauly’s limp body, rolling him to his side. I couldn’t see the wound, but blood covered his shirt, the stain spreading wider the longer I looked at it.

Then I heard it.

The heavy release of her breath.

My eyes snapped to the girl and her eyes shut tight, her chest heaving up and down. Her sweatshirt was raised, exposing her stomach. Every single part of her was still, everything but the hand holding the gun. “Fuck.”

My eyes moved down her body; blood covered her waist all the way down to where her jeans were pulled past her hips.

I choked on a gasp.

Rage filled me.

I pulled my gun from my waistband and pointed it at PJ’s head. “Did you fuckin’ rape her?”

He threw his hands up, shaking his head quickly. “I didn’t fuckin’ touch her.”

“Boss Man,” Tiny panted, finally caught up and standing next to me. “We gotta clear out.”

I could barely hear him over the beating of my heart. “Get the van, PJ.”

PJ dropped his hands, his gaze moving from me to the girl on the ground. “She killed Pauly,” he spat out. A snarl pulled on his lips as he reached behind him. “She killed one of our men, and you’re pointing the gun at me?”

“Hey!” Tiny yelled, but I ignored him and took slow steps until the barrel made contact with PJ’s head.

I fisted his shirt, feeling him tense beneath my touch. Then I leaned into his ear; my words meant only for him. “If I find out you’ve laid a hand on her, I swear to God, I’ll hold you up and watch as she pulls the trigger and ends you. Get. The. Fucking. Van. Now.”

He swallowed loudly, then pushed my hands off him and slowly backed away.