Reckless Whisper (Off The Grid: FBI #2)

"How are you going to do that? The girl has always been mad for Johnny. And she might have liked you before you hooked up with Johnny, but after that she hated you. Why would she tell you anything now?"

"Because the last thing Sierra wants in Johnny's life is the child he had with his ex-girlfriend. If I can convince her that helping me get Hayley back will return her life to normal with Johnny, I think she might be willing to help."

He had to admit it wasn't a completely bad strategy. "Sierra was always very selfish."

"Exactly. And I doubt she wants to be a stepmom, not judging by the lifestyle photos she posted online."

"But you're overlooking the fact that Sierra is controlled by Johnny and she might be more scared of him than she is concerned about being a stepmother to your daughter."

"I don't think Johnny hurts the women in his life. He never lifted a hand to me."

"You were scared of him when you left, Bree."

"That's because I was starting to see what he did to other people. I was overhearing odd conversations. The police seemed to be very interested in Johnny's actions. I was questioned several times about several incidents, including that one with Stix. I knew I had to get out of the relationship, but it still took me almost too long to get up the nerve to go. You know when I actually made the decision to leave?"

"I know when, but I don't know why."

"My jeans wouldn't snap."

He raised an eyebrow. "Okay. I was not expecting you to say that."

"I knew I was starting to show. Johnny was going to notice. He was already asking me why I'd stopped modeling when I was getting so many calls after my photo was in the paper. It was just a matter of time before he would know I was pregnant. That's the day I called you to help me get out of town."

"I'm glad you finally did make the decision, even if it was just due to the snap on your jeans. As for Johnny's potential for violence, I certainly saw the raging, willing-to-kill side of his personality after you left, and I suspect that's grown stronger in the last decade. I think Sierra will be scared of going against him. He has a lot of power over her. I'm sure he bought her the salon she's running."

"Well, I won't know until I talk to her, until I get a read on the situation." She paused, glancing over at him. "You need to stay outside, Nathan. Sierra hated you even more than she hated me. I don't think double-teaming her is a good idea."

"I hate for you to be alone with her."

"You don't think I can handle a hundred-pound hair stylist?" she asked dryly. "Believe me, I have taken down men much bigger, much stronger, and definitely more dangerous than her."

"She might have security at the salon."

"I doubt Johnny's bodyguards are hanging around the salon, at least not during the day. They might drive her and pick her up, but I think she'll be on her own."

"If she's there."

"It's Saturday, a busy day in the business. I have a good shot. So, you'll stay in the truck this time?"

"I'll consider it," he reluctantly agreed, putting his attention back on the road. "He didn't want to let Bree out of his sight for a second, but Sierra would probably react negatively to his presence, so he'd go with Bree's plan.

A few moments later, he was able to find a parking spot a few doors down from the salon. From his vantage point, he could see the front door, and if Bree needed help, he could get there quickly.

"It's going to be fine," she reassured him.

"That's usually my line to you," he muttered, having a bad feeling about it all.

"And when you say it, I try to believe it. You should do the same."

"I'm working on it. Good luck, Bree."

"I'll be back soon." She got out of the truck and walked down the street.

He kept his gaze on her until she entered the salon, and then watched the door for several minutes after. He didn't see anyone follow her inside. Hopefully, she was right about the salon being a safe place for this very dangerous conversation.

But all he could do was wait.


The salon was busy as Bree had expected, with eight stylists working on clients, and two people waiting in the reception area. She didn't flash her badge; she simply told the receptionist to tell Sierra that Bree wanted to speak to her.

She had a feeling that Sierra would be curious enough to find out what she wanted. Sierra had always had a fear of missing out on anything, so she'd always been eavesdropping, hanging on to conversations, trying to stay in good with anyone who might have something going on.

She straightened as she saw Sierra walk through the salon. She wore black jeans and a loose gray crop top that fell off one shoulder and revealed her flat abs. Her long hair was sleek and straight, her expression a mix of surprise, wariness, and dislike.

"So, it is you," she said. "I can't imagine what you're doing here."

"I need to talk to you. Do you have a minute?"

"I'm very busy."

"It won't take long. Is there some place we could speak in private?"

Sierra considered her question. "All right." She turned and walked away, and Bree quickly followed her.

They moved through the salon, into a back hallway, passing by the restrooms, a small kitchen and finally entering an office with a desk, a love seat, and a table upon which there were dozens of beauty product samples.

Sierra didn't sit down, just crossed her arms and waited. "Well?"

"Do you know why I'm in town?" she asked.

"Why would I know that?"

"I work for the FBI now." She saw surprise flash across Sierra's face. That was interesting. Sierra didn't know about her job. Did that mean she also didn't know what Johnny was up to? "I came to Chicago to look for a kidnapped child."

"What does that have to do with me?" Sierra asked.

"It has to do with Johnny. I understand you're with him now."

"I bet that kills you," Sierra drawled. "Once he dumped your ass, he came crawling to me, just like I always knew he would."

She ignored that comment. "Do you live together?"

"Of course, we live together. We're in love."

"But you're not married."

A hard light entered Sierra's eyes. "Not yet, but Johnny bought me this beautiful ring," she said, flashing the diamond-and-emerald ring on her right hand. "It's only a matter of time."

She had a feeling Sierra was trying to convince herself as much as she was trying to convince her. "You got what you always wanted."

"I did. And I make Johnny happy—happier than he ever was with you."

She licked her lips, debating how to make her play. "Are you going to have kids?"

"Why are you asking all these questions?"

"Because Johnny is in trouble, and I think your life is about to change in a way you never imagined. Did you know he spoke to the FBI last night?"

"He was at work last night. He didn't say anything about the FBI."

"He doesn't want you to know what he's doing, but you need to know."

"If you're trying to scare me, it's not going to work. Johnny can handle whatever trouble you're bringing. I'm not worried. He knows very important people. They will always help him."

"They won't be able to help him this time, and you should be worried. Johnny kidnapped a child."

Wariness entered her eyes. "That's ridiculous. He doesn't go after kids."

Meeting Sierra's gaze, Bree had the feeling the woman thought she was telling the truth. She remembered that feeling. She'd once been told that Johnny had assaulted and almost killed a man, and she'd said the exact same thing—that that was ridiculous. Frowning, she brought herself back to the present. "Sierra—"

"No. We're done talking. I shouldn't have even let you back here. Johnny wouldn't like it."

She could see that Sierra was quickly pulling away. Like a turtle, who'd suddenly been shocked by a bright light, she was tucking her head back inside of her shell.

"Wait," she said, as Sierra moved toward the door. "The child means something to Johnny."

Silence followed her words. Slowly, Sierra turned her head. "What do you mean?"

"The girl is Johnny's daughter."

Barbara Freethy's books