Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

“I’ll see. If I don’t come, though, have a great night,” she responded. “Bye Riggs,” she said before ending the call.

“I just fucked up,” I said out loud, staring at my phone.

“What’d you do this time?” Bones asked, lighting up a freshly rolled joint.

I snatched it out of his mouth and took a heavy pull.

“I just invited Bianci’s sister to my pussy party.”

I left out that the fact that if I had to choose between the club whores that would swarm this place tonight or my Kitten, hands down I would choose the girl next door with the gorgeous eyes and sexy glasses.


I thought glasses were sexy.

Yeah, I really lost my fucking mind.

“What?” Mia asked, as I stared at my phone.

“He was patched into the club,” I said automatically.

“Yeah, I don’t know what that means,” she counted, shaking her head.

I turned to her.

“It means he’s a full fledge member. It means he gets a vote, it’s everything to a man like him,” I explained.

I remember when my brother became a made man. I remember the black suit he wore, the scent of his cologne, and how he wore entirely too much hair gel. But, what I remember the most, is the look in his eyes when he kissed my cheek before he left. They were full of pride, thinking he had made it in life, that he finally had everything he ever wanted. He didn’t know every word of his oath was another piece of his soul he handed the Devil. Anthony didn’t realize until he lost everything he ever wanted, until he lost Adrianna and their baby.

I didn’t know if being a member of a motorcycle club was anything like being a man of the mob but if it was, if there was any resemblance at all, I hope Riggs knew what he was doing.

“Mazel to Riggs,” Mia offered.

“He invited me to his patch party,” I added, as I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to figure why he did that. I was pretty sure there would be a shitload of women there so why invite me?

“Did you say a party?” She asked, dropping her magazine on the coffee table.

“Yeah, but I don’t think I want to go,” I blurted.

“Oh you have to go! You’ll break his heart if you’re not there on his big night,” she exaggerated.

“Mia,” I warned.

“No, Lauren, you’re an idiot if you don’t go. It’s not like you have anything better to do anyway,” she pointed out.

Way to kick a friend when she’s down. My best friend was better than yours. Not.

“I like Riggs, Mia,” I said, feeling frustrated and honestly a bit na?ve.

“More of a reason to go to his party,” she suggested.

“No, more of a reason not to go,” I argued. I knew enough about men to know the type of man Riggs was. He probably invited every girl he ever banged to his patch party. I wasn’t stupid enough to think I was the exception, and I wasn’t ready to face that truth head on. I didn’t want to give up on Kitten and Tiger just yet and still wanted to hold onto the dream of us.

Maybe I was na?ve.

Maybe I was just plain stupid.

“You’re going to the party,” Mia insisted. “And you will make Riggsy’s head spin when he sees you,” she said with a grin. “I have the perfect outfit for you!”

“Fine, I’ll go but you’re coming with me to make sure I don’t do anything stupid,” I conceded, knowing very well that deciding to go was the first of many stupid things I would do. But hey, life was about taking detours right?

Chapter Ten

I leaned back against the back of the black leather couch, swigging tequila straight from the bottle as the blonde in front of me shook her tits in my face. She was one of many, a dime a dozen, just another piece of ass swapped by the brothers. She placed her hands on my thighs and fell to her knees, trying her hardest to smile seductively at me.

Her hands traveled up my legs, and I took another swig of tequila, feeling my dick jolt against the zipper of my jeans. I’ve been walking around with a hard on since the party began. It was a feast of nipples and ass galore, yet we were hours in and I still hadn’t fucked anyone. Blondie over here was trying her hardest to be the one.

“You ready for me, tiger?” She purred, as she drew down the zipper of my jeans.

Wrong thing to say.

Because my dick died a little knowing it was the wrong girl asking, calling me a name meant only for her.

But my Kitten wasn’t here. She never showed and all I had was blondie, a cheap imitation. Fuck, she wasn’t even an imitation. She was the opposite of Lauren. They all were, every single whore that rubbed up on me tonight. I had blondes, redheads, even chicks with bright pink hair, but I stayed away from the brunettes purposely and I had no fucking idea why.

I grabbed blondie’s face, leaned forward and crashed my mouth over hers.

It was all wrong. She was wrong.

Janine Infante Bosco's books