Reckless Temptations (Tempted #4)

Please let Pea survive.

“My kid will always know who you are. Always.” I vowed as my voice caught in my throat. “And any good I get to teach him is because I’ve learned it from you. Got one more promise for you, and it’s big so, listen up…” I said, drawing in a shaky breath as I leaned over his body. “I’m going to make the motherfucker who did this pay. I promise you. I fucking promise you with everything I am, I will get him. I will be his judge and his jury and I will make him pay for every sin he’s committed, starting with your death.”

I straightened up, patted his chest one final time before shoving both hands into my pockets and taking a step back.

I’ll never forget this moment.

I’ll put men in the ground remembering this exact moment.

I turned around to walk away and leave him to rest but something nagged inside of me. I didn’t want to ask anything of him. He’s given me so much and still I turned around to ask him one last favor, because I’m a greedy fuck. A terrified, greedy fuck.

“If they don’t make it, please take care of them,” I whispered to my friend. Turning once more, I made my way out of the morgue; glancing over my shoulder to catch one last glimpse of the man I was always proud to call my brother.

“Love you, my brother. See you soon,” I rasped, before closing the door behind me and coming face to face with the doctor again.

“These are his belongings,” he said, handing me a clear bag. I opened it and pulled out his leather cut stained with his blood. I fisted my hand around the leather and glanced at the rest of the stuff in the bag before handing it back to the doctor.

I walked to the bank of elevators clutching Bones’ cut, stepping inside the first one that opened and when the doors closed I drove my fist into one of the walls, my scream echoing off the walls of the elevator.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

I turned the corner, lifting my head to see Jack and the rest of the club flocked by police officers, namely officer Brantley. As I made my way further into the waiting room I could hear Jack and the cop arguing. I’m sure the cop was having a chubby over the massacre that took place in the parking lot of the compound.

“Now isn’t the time to gloat Brantley. We’re one man down and waiting on word on an innocent woman and her child, so instead of you busting my balls and picking apart my club, why don’t you go find who the fuck is responsible for the bloodshed?” Jack growled.

“You’re partially responsible for this bloodshed and you know it Parrish.” Brantley countered. “The Satan’s Knights have been taking the lives of innocent women for years. It doesn’t matter if that girl in there lives or dies. She’s better off dead,” he seethed.

I charged at him but I was too slow as Anthony got to him first, slamming the cop in uniform up against the glass window of the hospital.

“Anthony!” Adrianna shrieked.

“That’s my sister in there you pig,” Anthony seethed, slamming his body against the glass.

“You’re assaulting an officer,” Brantley warned.

“Then fucking lock me up, douchebag,” Anthony gritted, releasing his hold on Brantley.

“Excuse me?” A doctor said, speaking over the commotion. “Are you the family of Lauren Bianci?”

I turned on my heel and looked at the doctor, watching as she removed her paper mask and glanced around at us until her eyes focused on mine. She glanced down at my clothes before lifting her eyes back to mine.

I’ll never forget the worn and drained eyes that stared back at me sympathetically. And I’m even more sure I wouldn’t forget the words she was about to deliver.

“I’m her mother,” Maria declared. “Please, is she okay?”

The doctor turned her attention to Maria.

“She’s still in surgery. I’m the resident OBGYN and this, is Dr. Meadows, the head of Pediatrics,” she explained, motioning to the doctor standing off to the left of her, a man I hadn’t even noticed was there.

“Pea,” I whispered, looking back and forth between the two doctors who were about to tell me if mine and Lauren’s baby had survived. It was that moment I became a father first and foremost, when I understood what it was to be a parent. I was terrified that they were going to tell me that Pea didn’t survive. The old me would’ve walked away just like I always did when something threatened to hurt me and not in the physical sense. Physical pain I could live with. The pain that slices through your heart? That shit was different, and as tough as I claim to be, as brutal of human I am, I usually run scared when it comes to the heart.

But I’m someone’s father now and that someone comes before my fear. That someone is my heart. The reason I have one, the reason it beats.

“I’m the father,” I said, walking up to them.

Janine Infante Bosco's books