Real Good Man (Real Duet #1)

You’ve gotta be f*cking kidding me.

The scene in front of me gives me an idea of how Creighton Karas felt when he walked into this place and saw his wife entertaining an entire room.

Except Banner isn’t singing. She’s holding everyone’s attention captive just by existing—and apparently serving drinks.

I see Ben shuffle out of his office. “You make a new hire, old man?”

Ben has owned this place for as long as I can remember, but the last few years have taken a heavy toll on him. Rumors are floating around that his health is going downhill fast, and he’s been making inquiries into selling the bowling alley but hasn’t found any takers. Very few people in this town have enough money to cover all their own expenses every month, let alone buy an established business that requires a good deal of cash flow to keep it running. Even I don’t have that kind of capital right now, and God knows I’m not looking to borrow more from the bank.

Ben follows my gaze to the bar area, and we both watch as Banner flits from table to table, taking orders and delivering drinks.

“She sure livens up the place, doesn’t she?”

“You hire her?” I ask again.

He shakes his head. “Nah, she’s one of Holly’s friends from New York City, and said she’d help out for the night if she could keep her tips. Nicole was getting behind after Rosie left to take care of her kid, so it wasn’t like I could say no. Word must’ve gotten around, because I haven’t seen this place this packed since Holly was here last. Shit, I might actually have to try to hire her.”

No way in f*cking hell. The words echo in my head, but I keep them from springing free. “Banner’s just having some fun. She’s not staying long, and even if she were, I don’t think she’s the type to work a job like this for real.”

We both continue to watch her, and Ben replies, “She said she waitressed and bartended for four years of college in bars and clubs in New York, so I think you’re wrong about that. She’s got the knack for it, and shit, even the crankiest of the VFW crew is half in love with her already.”

The knowledge that Banner actually worked her way through college surprises me, and maybe that makes me an ass*ole for assuming she sponged off her mommy and daddy.

What else don’t I know about her?

I don’t have any time to ponder the answer to that question because I see Rusty Mills grab Banner around the waist and pull her down on his lap. He’s a piece of shit for a lot of reasons, and not just because he faked a back injury to collect disability from the state. ass*ole has a nicer truck than I do, and he hasn’t worked a day in the last year.

When I charge forward, Ben calls after me, “You do any damage, you’re paying for it.”

f*ck it.

But I don’t get there quick enough, because Rusty’s already got his lips planted on hers. The whole table of his drunk buddies is cheering, but all I see is red.

I lunge for Banner, but she’s one step ahead of me as Rusty rips his mouth away.

“Whoa there, darlin’. You just let go of those right now, and we’ll call it no harm, no foul.”

Banner’s hand is planted in the crotch of Rusty’s loose jeans, and his words clue me in to exactly what’s happening—she has him by the balls.

“I’ve been friendly, Rusty. I’ve laughed at your jokes, brought you your beers, even refilled the bar mix three times because you’re a big fan of that shit. I didn’t put a stiletto through your work boot the first time you ‘accidentally’ grabbed my ass. I didn’t even poison your drink when you made a comment about my tits as I walked away last time. But a girl has to draw the line somewhere.”

Rusty’s face turns even redder, and he lets out a squeak as Banner twists her arm sideways.

“So this line I mentioned, it’s where you apologize and tell me you’re never going to put your hands on another woman without her permission. Does that make sense? Am I being clear enough for you, Rusty?”

He squeaks again and nods his head vigorously. “I swear I won’t. Oh my God, you’re going to crush my nuts. Please let go.”

“I didn’t hear an apology,” Banner says with a sweet smile, and the whole table of men around her laugh as Rusty’s face turns a deeper shade of red.

“I’m sorry. I’m so f*cking sorry. Please let go.”

Banner releases her hold and jumps off his lap. Rusty bolts up so fast, the chair tips over as he falls to his knees.

She pitches her voice sweetly and says, “That’s too precious that you want to pray about what you just did. That instant repentance must be a Southern thing.”

A roar of laughter comes from Rusty’s friends, and I’m pretty sure no one in this bar will let him live tonight down. Banner probably just became some kind of local celebrity, because Rusty’s been known to have wandering hands on more than one occasion, but no woman has ever put him in his place quite so effectively.

Banner tips Rusty’s chair back up and steps onto the seat in her heeled boots. She surveys everyone in the bar except me, because I’m behind her.

“Anyone else have any questions about whether I want you grabbing my ass or trying to kiss me while I bring you your drinks?”

“No, ma’am.” The shouts go up.

She might not realize it, but Banner has officially been accepted by the town, and I’m damn proud of her for the way she handled herself.

I didn’t have to see that to know she’s one hell of a woman. I’d have to be an idiot not to keep Banner Regent in my life for as long as she’ll let me.

“Good. Right. So everyone understands they’ll be keeping their hands to themselves from now on?”

“I’m sorry, but I’ve got a problem with that,” I call out, and Banner glances over her shoulder at me.

“Is that right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.” I stalk forward and lift her off the chair. “If you haven’t already heard the gossip, I’ve got a pretty powerful need to have my hands on you.”

My declaration sends the crowd into another roar.

Banner’s eyes widen. “And here I thought you didn’t want anyone to know about that little problem of yours.”

Everyone in the bar quiets to hear us.

“It’s only a problem if I can’t have the woman I want.”

“I guess you’re going to have to wait and see what she wants.” Banner pushes out of my arms to land on her own two feet.

“I know what she wants, but we’re both too hardheaded sometimes.”

“Hardheaded? Is that another way of saying you were an ass*ole?” she asks as she turns away to walk toward the bar and pick up another round of drinks.

I follow her. “Yes. I was an ass*ole, and I’m apologizing for it.”

“Is that why you couldn’t manage to reply to me all damned day?”

The vehemence in her tone takes me by surprise, but instead of following her again, Nicole distracts me.

“You have any f*cking clue what you just did?” she asks.