Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Mason grinned and continued his assault. “Not until you say sorry.”

I tried my best to push him off me, but his weight kept me pinned down. Finally I could take no more. “Mercy!” I yelled breathlessly. “Mercy!”

He stopped, but stayed on top of me, grinning in my face. I could feel the heat from his body, and down below I could feel his bulge on my stomach as he stared at me.

Deep aching pulsed down below, reminding me of the danger of engaging in another roll in the hay. I’d have to settle for something a little tamer for now.

Looking back at him, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He never looked so handsome — like my prince charming.

“Promise me,” I whispered, my lips inches away from his lips.

“Promise what?”

“Promise me you’ll never leave me again.”

Before he could respond I pulled him into a deep kiss that had me seeing twinkling stars. When he finally pulled away, we were both breathless.

“I promise,” he said, his eyes brimming with affection.

Chapter 22


Despite being a sanctuary city, Los Santos was a pretty cool place. While smaller, it reminded me a lot of San Diego, which was only a short drive to the west. It had New Town and Old Town districts and the faire we were going to be held in Old Town.

Garbed in costume, the entire town seemed to be out on the streets celebrating, making for a festive atmosphere that almost made me forget about the predicament we were in.

The day couldn’t have been better for it either, hot with clear, vivid blue skies.

I probably would have been enjoying myself a lot more if it wasn’t hot as fucking hell. So hot that I was practically dripping sweat from body parts I dare not mention.

It wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for all the crowds of people and the ridiculous SAW mask Mason was forcing me to wear.

Luckily, he’d informed me that I didn't have to wear the damn thing much longer — just until we made it to the meeting place Mason's hacker buddy had set up for us.

"We'll meet them first, let ‘em know that we're here, and then go enjoy the faire," he had said once we arrived in the border city.

Apparently, Los Santos had a black market filled with people who were willing to smuggle people in and out of the U.S. all the time — for a sizable fee.

When I asked Mason how much it was going to cost, he wouldn't say. I figured it was another one of 'those' things that he simply wouldn't discuss.

“This thing is itching like crazy,” I complained, scratching at the skin under my mask as we weaved our way through a crowd of chattering people. I hated wearing the stupid Mask in the blistering heat, but I was doing it to make Mason happy. Besides, he was just trying to be safe and take every precaution, so I couldn't blame him. “I might scratch my face off, if it doesn’t melt first.”

Mason eyed me through his mask and I could see the amusement in his eyes, though I couldn't see his smile. “Oh stop it. You look so damn cute with that on."

"You really think this shit is funny, don’t you?" I snorted, rolling my eyes. "I look like a fucking moron, you mean. Do you see what these other people are wearing?" I said, gesturing at the people milling about around us. "We look like we’re auditioning for a horror movie — a fricken D-list one at that."

Mason said people dressed up in all kinds of costumes for the faire, but these people were mostly dressed in a more festive manner with a lot of the costumes being colorful and bright.

Mason laughed. "Lighten up, C. You'll be able to take it off in a little while when we reach our destination."

I scowled at him. "Don't call me that."


"Don't call me 'C'. Don't reduce me to a single letter." Mason had never called me that before, and it was lame. I'm sure he was just trying to be funny.

"Alright, alright," he laughed. "You know I was just playing. Lighten up, will ya? We’re already in a depressing enough situation as it is, and it won’t help matters if you’re pissed off."

"Sorry, but I'm not amused," I said flatly.

"But damn you're sexy when you're mad, especially with that mask on."

I flushed. It was funny how easily Mason could take my anger away with a compliment.


We continued on, sluggishly moving through the crowds and viewing the sights. There were all sorts of activities and food vendors lined up throughout the area and street performers of every type.

We'd made it several blocks before I saw something that made my mouth instantly go dry.

The Police.

And a lot of them.

Though I knew it was protocol for law enforcement to attend such events to ensure public safety, just the sight made my heart pound in my chest.

"Mason," I whispered fearfully.

Mason glanced over at me as we avoided a crowd of people watching a juggling clown. "What?"

I nodded up the street. "Do you see all those men in uniform?"

He followed my nod. "Yeah, so?"

Lauren Landish's books