Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

I just need to show him the truth, I thought. Just show him he’s wrong.

I had the flash drive containing the damning footage. Mason must have left it for me as a parting gift.

“Haven’t you seen the video?” I asked.

“What video?”

“The one of the Mayor murdering the prostitute, the video Mason stole. It’s been all over the news.”

“No, I haven’t,” Brian replied tersely. “And from what I understand, this supposed video was a fake.”

“That’s the coverup at work.”

“Jesus, Carly, listen to yourself. You sound just like that damned idiot Mason.”

“I have the video.”

Brian grew quiet. “Do you now?”

“If I show you, do you think you could see reason? Mason could really use your help.”

He was a long time in responding, but when he did, he sounded more cooperative. “Send it to my email and we’ll see.”

Relief swept through me. Maybe I could finally get some help.


And then he hung up.


“Mr. Keller will see you now,” said the leggy blonde secretary standing in the doorway. Dressed in a black skirt, white blouse, and glossy heels, the woman carried herself as if she was high-class, when in reality, she probably had the self-esteem of a gutter rat.

I stood up from my seat and glanced at Andre. He appeared to have nodded off. I hadn’t noticed because I was too engaged with texting a few friends, trying to find out if anyone knew of Razor’s whereabouts.

Those fuckers probably wish they still had my talents right about now. Or should I say, Andre’s.

I kicked Andre sharply in the ankle and whispered out of the side of my mouth, “Get up you big oaf!”

Startled, his head snapped to attention and he wiped at the saliva that cornered his mouth. “Crap. Sorry Maddy.”

I sneered with revulsion. I swear I must’ve done something wrong in a past life to be saddled with Andre.

He got up and followed me to the door of Brian Keller’s office. As I passed the secretary, I cut my eyes at her and was rewarded with a flash of fear in her eyes.

I grinned wickedly. Bitch better be scared. I always let women who I saw as a challenge know that I was the alpha female.

The blonde led us into Brian’s office and I did a slight double-take.

He looks just like him, I thought with awe.

Seated at a giant desk in the middle of the swanky room, was a man who highly-favored Razor. He looked so much like him that anger knotted my stomach.

Brian looked up from a paper he was studying and nodded at the blonde. “You may leave now, Cindy.”

Tossing a nervous glance my way, she hastily fled the office.

As soon as she was gone, I adopted my most pleasant smile and came forward, extending my hand out. “Mr. Keller,” I purred, “it is so nice to meet you.”

Brian studied my face for a moment and then glanced at Andre, who stood beside me, before taking it. His grip was warm and firm as he shook it and his eyes bore into me with an intensity that made even my cold heart shiver.

I knew right then that this man was powerful, cold, calculating and ruthless — just the type of man I liked.

Brian let go of my hand and leaned back into his chair. “So what can I do for you two?”

I cut right to the point. “We have information regarding your son. Information that we are sure you will pay dearly for—”

Brian raised a hand to silence me. “Wait a minute. First of all, who are you and how do you know my son?”

“Your secretary didn’t tell you?” I asked with some surprise. “We are Razor’s friends . . . or ex-friends I should say.”

Brian frowned with confusion. “Who is this Razor?”

I almost laughed. He didn’t know who Razor was? But then I remembered, Brian had little contact with his son over the last few years.

“I’m sorry, sir, Razor is Mason’s hacker name.”

Brian grunted. “Sounds stupid as hell to me.”

I chuckled. “That it does.”

Brian remained unamused. “As I said before, how do you know my son?”

“We were a part of a hacker group called Anonymous,” Andre answered before I could part my lips. I shot him a venomous glare for talking in my place, but the oaf was too dumb to know when to shut up. “Mason was one of the best hackers we’d ever seen. That’s why we call him Razor, because his focus and concentration is so sharp it can cut you.”

Oh my God, I thought at Andre, go lick his ass why don’t you?

Begrudgingly, I knew Andre’s words were true, but I hated Razor so much that I refused to give him credit for his talents.

Brian was unimpressed by Andre’s praise for his son. “So you mean to tell me that you people are the reason for my son turning into some wannabe rebel?” he snarled.

Lauren Landish's books