Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

I stared at the gentle rise and fall of Carly’s shoulders as she lightly snored against my chest. She’d fallen asleep shortly after our discussion, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I was still in awe that we’d slept together. Even now, with her naked body pressed against mine, it was hard to believe.

Sex with her was everything I thought it would be. When I’d penetrated her virgin hole, it felt familiar, like I was home. Like I was finally where I was supposed to be.

The hole inside of me had been filled.

But now I had another problem — crushing guilt.

Not for sleeping with my stepsister. I didn’t give a rats ass about that anymore. I felt awful for the danger I’d put Carly in for my own selfish needs. On top of that, I’d taken her innocence and I wasn’t convinced we could have a future together. If it were any other girl, I wouldn’t give it a second thought.

I can’t stay here, I thought. Carly will never be safe with me.

Gently removing Carly’s arms from my chest, I slowly slipped out of bed. The floorboards creaked as I stepped on them and I froze, cringing.

Carly let out a small snort in her sleep and mumbled something unintelligible before rolling over.

I sighed with relief, hoping that I’d worn her out enough that she was in one of those deep sleeps. I stealthily continued, putting on my clothes and moving to the kitchen area. I grabbed a pen and scribbled out a note, instructions I wanted her to follow.

Outside, I mounted my bike and moved it manually down the gravel driveway, not wanting to start the motor anywhere near the cabin in case it might wake her up. If Carly confronted me, I’m not sure if I’d have the willpower to leave.

A heavy weight settled on my chest as I took one last look at the cabin. Fuck, I didn’t want to go — Carly would hate me. Shit, I hated myself.

But I would hate myself more if I took Carly with me and something happened to her.

At least I could take one last memory of Carly with me, the memory of being with Carly for her first time. And no matter where I ended up or what happened, no one could take that away from me.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered.

Walking the bike out to the road that led back to civilization, I hoped on, started the motor, and sped off into the night.


I awoke with a start, a dreamy smile on my face, and looked around. The room was completely dark, letting me know that it was nightfall. I felt the bed around me and was met with emptiness.

Mason was gone.

I must’ve fallen asleep, I thought. And Mason probably got bored and went into the living room to watch TV.

How he hadn’t fallen asleep right along with me, I had no idea. Having so much sex completely wiped me out, but then again, Mason had a lot of experience in that regard.

The memory of our steamy encounters filled me with desire and happiness.

And to think, I have that look forward to every day, I thought giddily.

Still, I was worried that I was letting my elation of being with him blind me to the problems we faced.

Don’t worry about it, I told myself, not wanting my doubts to ruin the mood. I’m sure if we both work together, we’ll make it.

I rolled out of bed and stretched, yawning lazily. The first step toward the dresser to grab some clothes had me grabbing at my side.


I was sore as hell.

Ignoring the discomfort, I walked over to the dresser and found my red silk negligee that I wore only when it was hot. I put it on, feeling the silky material rub against my flesh. I couldn’t wait to see Mason’s reaction to seeing me in it, though there would be no funny business, I was way too sore for another round.

Grinning, I waltzed into the living room, expecting to see Mason’s jaw drop when he saw me.

“Hey, bad boy—” my voice caught in my throat and I froze.

Mason was nowhere to be seen.

What the hell? I wondered. Where is he?

Worried, I checked the bathroom. He wasn’t there. I came back into the living room, running my fingers through my hair. I bit my lower lip and looked around. Maybe he was outside. I was about to step out when I noticed a piece of paper sitting on the kitchen table.

I walked over and picked it up, starting to feel a sickness in my stomach with each step.


I know you’re going to hate me for this, but I had to leave. I know you’re cursing me right now and wanting to claw my eyes out, and I can’t even begin to convey the pain I feel at having to do this, but it’s the only way I feel that you’ll be safe.

If you come on the run with me, all of this would have been for naught. The boon to your name and what it could do for your career would be useless. And while I know that won’t completely make you happy, at least you’ll be safe.

Please remember what I asked of you. Give me a couple days head start and then contact the police. Tell them that I threatened your life and made you cooperate with me.

I want you to know that I’ll cherish our time together for as long as I live.




Should you need to contact me for any reason, I’ve included an emergency number you can use to leave me a message, but I’m hoping you will never have to use it.

Lauren Landish's books