Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

You've got to be shitting me.

I clenched my fists, anger swelling in my throat. "I can't believe you're saying this, sir," I said hotly. “You’re going to let Tyler continue to be the downfall of Armex? Your company?”

James sat silent.

"Why?" I continued. "Why would you want to keep someone like that on board, even if he is your son, when you have someone more capable and far more willing to take this company to the next level?" I shook my head. "I just don't get it."

“You are both alike,” James remarked, his eyes scrutinizing me.

“Never!” I raged. “I’m nothing like him.”

“Yet, in some ways you are. You’re so blinded by your dislike and jealousy of my son that you fail to see it. In my opinion, you both are hard-headed and have a problem with authority.”

I sucked in a breath, readying a hot retort, but then gained control of myself. “Are you alright, sir? You sure you haven’t drunk anything, taken any medication?” It was unlike James to be so direct with me. Maybe he was speaking under the influence.

“I’m perfectly sober.”


James stood up from his chair, interrupting me, looking tall and imposing. I could definitely see where Tyler got his impressive frame from. James was the type of old man you didn’t want to mess with you. “I want what’s best for my son, Charles. He’s my only heir. This company is just as much his as it is mine. I have to believe that he’ll turn things around, however unlikely that may be.”

“But you’re making a business decision based on emotion, sir,” I protested. “That’s like the number one no-no in business. You know that even more than I do.”

“Even so, you have my decision. I can only hope Tyler straightens up and becomes the man that I know him to be.” He looked at me with sympathy. “I’m sorry, Charles. I know you were looking forward to this.”

“Weak,” I snarled. I knew I was insulting my boss, a very powerful man, but I couldn’t help myself, and my emotions were getting the better of me. “This decision makes you look weak and unfit.”

“I know very well how it makes me look,” James said tightly, “and if you value your place here at Armex, I suggest you watch what you say right now. I know you’re upset and speaking out of emotion right now, so I’ll forgive you this once, but make no mistake, I will not tolerate any more disrespect.” His eyes bore into me. “Do I make myself clear?”

I stood there for a long time, overwhelmed by helpless rage.


“Yes,” I grated. “Yes sir, I understand you completely.”

James nodded his head. “Good. Now go finish that report that you said you would have on my desk by Monday.” He sat down at his desk and began looking over a stack of papers, letting me know our meeting was over.

Swallowing my pride, I turned and walked out of the office, closing his door a little louder than I should have behind me, vowing that it was time to take matters into my own hands. This wasn’t over, not by a long shot.

Chapter 21

Tyler - Three Months Later

An irritating beeping sound awoke me with a start. I laid there for a while, trying to ignore it before I went searching for the annoying offender.

“Shut the fuck up,” I growled. The sounds literally felt like they were skull-fucking me, sending sharp slashes of pain through my temples.

Rolling over in bed, moaning and groaning, I blindly ran my fingers over my night stand until I hit the alarm clock button, narrowly missing knocking over a half empty bottle of vodka.

“Fuck, my head hurts,” I groaned, clutching at my temples.

I felt like complete shit, but that was to be expected.

I’d spent another night out, drinking and partying at the hottest clubs the city’s night life had to offer, attempting to drown away my unhappiness. I hadn’t been in this much of a slump since Candice . . .

Speaking of Candice, since leaving my apartment the night she unceremoniously showed up, Victoria had refused to return any of my calls.

For three months straight.

I’d left her more messages than I could count, messages that I’d be ashamed of under ordinary circumstances. Messages where I’d poured my heart out and tried to explain my situation and what actually happened.

It didn’t work. She was as stubborn as me sometimes, and maybe that’s why I liked her so much.

I'd even tried to track her down at work, but I never seemed to be able to catch her. She either wasn't there or someone would tell me she was too busy running errands for Christine. I figured it was probably bullshit, but I wasn’t going to push it and get her in trouble, making everything worse.

Lauren Landish's books