Razor: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

In the end, I found out she was just using me. Using me for my money and to get ahead. She had me fooled from the very beginning. I thought she was the love of my life, when all she ever was, was a fucking gold-digging skank.

“Still working out that incredible body, I see,” she murmured with appreciation, eyeing my abs and appearing unperturbed by my shock.

Breath finally found my lungs. “What the hell are you doing here? And what makes you think you can waltz up in here like you own the place?”

Candice’s eyes stayed on my abs. “You, or someone, left the door open,” she replied softly, ignoring my question. “I knocked a few times. No one answered. I was going to leave, but I heard noises. I came in to check on you, to make sure you were alright. I called your name, but no one answered.”

I cleared my throat, trying to regain my composure. “I was in the shower . . .”

Candice tore her eyes away from my stomach and nodded. “I realized that when I came up the stairs.” She looked around the room. “Not much has changed, I see.”

“Nope,” I said easily, finally able to regain my swag. “But I have.”

Candice stepped forward, reaching out. “Ty—”

“Don’t even start!” I yelled.

Candice froze.

“Why are you here? You know how our relationship ended. I told you that I never wanted to speak to you or see you again. And I meant every word of it.”

Candice’s arms dropped to her side and she dipped her head. Seeing her look so vulnerable caused old emotions to roll through me. “I wanted to see you,” she said quietly. “I’ve missed you.”

“That boat has sailed,” I said firmly, pushing away any feelings of sympathy. “Long ago. And it’s not coming back.”

Candice looked up. Tears were streaming down her face.

Oh God. Not this bullshit.

“I’m so sorry, Ty,” she sobbed. “I didn’t mean to do it. I’ve been trying to work up the courage for so long. It was just that I felt so lonely and so vulnerable and he—”

I set my jaw, unimpressed by her act. “Do you really think I want to listen to this bullshit? Good God, listen to yourself! We will never be anything ever again, Candice. Ever!”

Candice pressed her hands against her face and sobbed, her whole body shuddering.

Damn, am I gonna have to drag her ass out of here or what? It was obvious that my ex-girlfriend wasn’t going to make this easy for me.

“I’m not falling for it, Candice. You fooled me once with that shit, but you won’t fool me again.”

She stopped for a second. "It was the biggest mistake of my life! And I regret it more than anything in the world."

Ditto, I thought

“Can you quit with the act?” I demanded, after a half-second of listening to her ridiculous sobs. “It’s pathetic.”

Wiping her eyes, Candice grew quiet and stopped the melodramatic sobbing. It was crazy how she could cry her eyes out one minute and be totally tranquil the next. “I saw Jonathan help a girl inside of your limo as I was coming up. New girlfriend of yours?"

"That's none of your business."

"Really, Tyler? You could do so much better."

"Better than a cheating skank? I sure can."

Determined, Candice walked over to me, her intentional seductive strut seeming to taunt me. I averted my eyes, refusing to give her the satisfaction.

"What are you doing, Candice?" I growled, looking at the wall, even though I knew damn well what she was doing.

"It's been so long, Tyler," Candice purred, reaching me. She placed a hand against my stomach and then began dragging her fingers softly along my happy trail.

I grabbed her wrist firmly, stopping her before she could reach my junk. I turned my gaze on her, scowling fiercely. "I don't know why you suddenly decided to show up, Candice, or what you hope to accomplish, but I'm going to ask you one time to leave. If you don't, I'm going to drag your ass out of here. And trust me, you don’t want me to do that."

Shit, I better be careful, I thought when something suddenly occurred to me. Becoming forceful with her could be a lawsuit waiting to happen, maybe it's even exactly what she wants. She knows I'm loaded. If I get rough with her, she could claim anything, and being a female and with my bad boy reputation, who wouldn't believe her? I won't even have to worry about mine and Victoria's relationship ruining things at work. Candice will ruin everything herself.

Worrying about whether Candice's intentions had malice in them caused me to become momentarily distracted and my grip on her wrist became lax, allowing her freedom.

"I bet whoever she is can't suck your dick like I can," Candice purred up at me, my cock suddenly in her grasp. "Remember? I'm the only one who could take all of you.”

Before I could reply and shove the cock-hungry whore away, I heard a shocked gasp.

Chapter 18


I'll just go up there, grab my purse, and leave. I'd repeated the litany about twenty times since getting out of the limo and making my way up to Tyler's door.

Don't show any emotion or give him a chance to get you in his bed.

Lauren Landish's books