Ransom (Dead Man's Ink #3)

“Mmm.” Jamie makes a savage snarling sound at the back of his throat as he scoots back so he can gain access to me with his mouth. His tongue is hot and persuasive as he licks at my clit. “Goddamnit, Soph. I’ll never get over this. I never will. You taste so fucking good. I wanna eat your pussy all day long.”

I’m inclined to let him. He’s so fucking good at it. My body sings with anticipation as he rubs at the entrance of my pussy; I know he’s going to slide his fingers inside me soon, and I know how amazing it’s going to feel. My breath stutters out of me when he does it; he finds my g-spot immediately, curving his fingers down and forward at the same time so that I can feel the unique, intense pressure that always starts to build when he massages that spot inside me.

When we first started sleeping together, Jamie told me I hadn’t come properly, and he was right. Ever since then, he’s shown me time and time again that my climaxes can only get better and better. He’s had me howling and begging all over the compound, desperate for release while he administers the sweetest, most intense sexual torture to my body. Right now is no different.

“Shit, Jamie. Oh my god.”

“That’s right, baby. That’s right. Let go for me. I wanna feel you letting go.” I only grow tenser as he carries on laving and sucking at my clit, though. He pumps his fingers inside me, swearing quietly when he feels my pussy contract around him. “You getting close?” he asks.

If I wanted to, I could probably quit trying to hold onto my sanity with such determination and allow myself to succumb to the orgasm I can feel building. I don’t want to yet, though. I’m not ready for this to be over. I want him inside me when I come. I want to feel weakened and at his mercy as I slip beneath the waves of my pleasure. I shake my head. “Not yet. Please, not yet.”

Behind me, he laughs. It’s the most sensual, thrilling sound—it sends chills racing all over my skin. “You’re a glutton for punishment, sweetheart. How hard do you want me to make you come?”

“Really fucking hard.”

“So hard you can’t stand?”


“So hard you can’t remember your own name.”


“So hard I have to change theses sheets when we’re done?”

I close my eyes, pressing my face into the very sheets he’s talking about. I have them balled up in both my clenched fists. “God, yes,” I hiss.

“Okay, baby. You asked for it.” Jamie licks me again, but this time he’s not licking at my clit. He licks my ass, and I buck against his mouth, surprised by the sudden heat and the intimacy of the gesture.

“Fuck! Fuck, Jamie. I can’t—”

“Yes, you can. Stay very still for me, sugar, there’s a good girl. I’m gonna take care of you. I’m gonna give you what you want.” His fingers are still inside me, thrusting into my pussy. He slowly slides them out of me, and then pushes them back inside much more forcefully. I gasp every time, my voice hoarse, my throat stinging as Jamie fucks me with his index and middle finger. It feels so fucking good.

I had no idea I’d like what he’s doing with his mouth, but every time Jamie licks my ass, the pressure from his tongue growing and growing as he works, I find myself falling apart piece by piece. This is incredible.

Seriously. Fucking. Incredible.

Jamie pauses, sinking his teeth none-too-gently into my right ass cheek. “You want my finger in there, beautiful?”

I don’t normally go in for this kind of thing, but he’s got me so worked up and crazy that I find myself nodding. More than that—I physically ask for it. “I want you to, yes. I want to feel you in my ass, Jamie. Please…I can’t take it anymore.”

“Fuck.” Jamie sighs out further colorful expletives as he gently, carefully pushes his finger inside me. I break out in an instantaneous sweat, my legs trembling as he moves little by little. It’s such an overwhelming sensation. The combination of pleasure and pain is dizzying. “You want my cock inside you, too, Sophia?” Jamie whispers. “You want me to fuck you in your pussy while I fuck your ass, too?”

My cheeks are the color of a freshly painted fire truck. I know this because it feels like they’re on fire themselves. For a second I don’t really know what to say. I don’t know if I can handle that. I don’t know if my body can take that much attention.

“Sophia.” Jamie slides his thumb inside my pussy at the same time, gently pumping both fingers in and out of my body. I gasp, clutching the bed sheets tighter. “Don’t overthink it. It’ll feel good, I promise.”

Jamie doesn’t make promises lightly. He’d never say something like that in order to get his own way. And he’d sure as hell never promise me pleasure and then not deliver. It’s a point of pride for him.

“Okay. Okay, yes.” My voice is quiet but I sound like I mean it. Like I want it. Jamie grunts, repositioning himself between my legs. His breathing is fast and labored like mine. His cock presses against me as he grinds his hips against my ass.