Ransom (Dead Man's Ink #3)

I nod, breathless, and Jamie grins wickedly. “Good girl. Why don’t you start off by showing me how well behaved you’re going to be?” He may know that I never really do as I’m told as a prospect for the club, but in this situation Jamie is king and I am his humble servant. It thrills me to give him what he wants. It excites me to the point of insanity to obey him in every way. Jamie knows this all too well. “Suck,” he says, opening his mouth. He darts his tongue past my lips and I do as I’m told, sucking his tongue, licking at his mouth, trying not to get too ahead of myself just yet.

My arms are starting to ache in the most delicious fucking way. He’s still holding them high over my head, pinning them to the pillow above us, and my wrists are burning. He won’t let go unless I ask him to, and I’m not about to do that. I love feeling vulnerable with him. I love feeling like he has absolute control. He’s so much bigger than me, stronger, more commanding. He could really hurt me if he wanted to, and something about that knowledge tips me over the edge every time. I know with every molecule of my body that he never would hurt me. He makes threats and sometimes even promises, but it’s all bullshit. Under no circumstances would he ever do anything I didn’t want him to do, especially if it might cause me harm.

Jamie groans as I suck a little harder on his tongue. He pulls back and ducks down, nuzzling into the crook of my neck so he can bite and kiss me there. My neck is my biggest weakness. My whole body hums with excitement, goose bumps everywhere, as he uses his teeth and his tongue on me, sucking, making me pant as he grinds himself against me between my legs.

Letting my hands go, he leans back, palming his cock. “Roll onto your stomach,” he tells me.

Oh god. This is going to be so intense. I turn over, planning on sliding my legs in between his so that he’s straddling me, but Jamie has other plans. He grabs me by the ankles and spreads my legs again, jerking me toward him as he pulls me down the bed. I’m exposed, open to him, my pussy laid bare as he continues to stroke his hand up and down his erection. “Fuck, Soph. You are in some serious trouble right now, girl. I’d apologize ahead of time, but I get the feeling you’re going to like this.”

I should probably protest. As the Widow Makers’ prospect, it’s my job to prepare breakfast for everyone in the mornings. Just one of the shitty tasks I have to complete without bitching. If I bitch, I add time onto my term as a non-member of the club. Letting Jamie have his way with me right now will make me late, and being late to put food in front of twenty hungry bikers is a very bad idea. But still…I can’t do it. I can’t say no. This is going to be too delicious.

“You could still apologize,” I tell him. “At least pretend you’re sorry that you’re about to get me into trouble.”

Behind me, Jamie growls. “No way, Sugar. I don’t hand out apologies unless they’re one hundred percent necessary. You can get your ass up and go start scrambling eggs if you like. I’d prefer not to, but I can finish off this job by myself if you have someplace to be.” He slaps my right ass cheek, making me hiss.

The pain is both shocking and amazing at the same time. “Sounds about right,” I say though gritted teeth, smiling, waiting for the burning pins and needles to subside. “I’m sure you’d be just as satisfied if you jerked off and had a Kleenex moment, wouldn’t you? I’m basically surplus to requirement.”

“Not true. Sinking my cock into your pussy is definitely way more fun than taking care of business myself. But, y’know. I’m a guy. I’ve had a lot of fucking practice. I’m pretty good at making myself come.”

“You’re pretty good at making me come, too.”

“Damn straight.” Jamie takes hold of me by the hips, pulling at me so that my ass is sticking up in the air. “I plan on having a lot more practice at that, too.”

I flush with embarrassment, and then with heat as I feel his fingers skate over my ass cheeks and then in between them, touching first my pussy and then bringing his hand back, tracing the tips of his fingers up, over my asshole. We haven’t really done this before. Not often, anyway. Jamie knows it’s taboo for me, knows how turned on I have to be for him to even approach that area of my body. My palms are already sweating as he applies a slight pressure, rubbing the pad of his thumb against me, teasing but not pushing inside.

“You’re wet for me, Soph,” he says under his breath. “I can fucking see how wet you are for me, and it’s fucking beautiful. Can you feel it?”

I shudder, trying to calm my breathing. “Yes. Yes, I can feel it.”

“Do you want me to taste it?”

I’m convinced that no one on the face of the planet has ever been turned on as badly as I am right now. It’s as though I can feel the need flowing through my veins with every elevated, frantic beat of my heart. He’s going to destroy me one of these days. “Yes. Fuck, yes. Do it.”