Ragdoll (Detective William Fawkes #1)

5. Your book has been sold in countries all over the world. How do you feel about the success?

It’s been a very weird year.

I feel like a bit of a fraud, but I’m just concentrating on making RAGDOLL 2: RAGDOLLIER the very best that it can be… I do hope to get some free trips to nice places this year though.

6. Baxter and Fawkes are set to return in 2018. What can we expect?

Book 2 is certainly the clichéd bigger, darker, more shocking sequel that you’d expect it to be, but at the same time it’s funnier, more poignant and more personal as well. Some familiar faces return. Some new faces are introduced and yes, I’m aware that this is the vaguest answer ever given…I can only apologise.

Daniel Cole's books