Queen of Gods (Vampire Crown #1)

I blinked ever so slowly, then nodded quickly before the druid could question my behavior, brushing away the overlord’s peculiar, spying actions.

I couldn’t see anything except the clock on the nightstand. He had to have some weird druid bullshit spell going on to keep the room dark. He shut the door behind us, and the dark completely overwhelmed me.

It was disconcerting.

As a vampire, I wasn’t used to being robbed of my sight.

A shiver ran up my spine, freezing cold air rushing around my feet and ankles, slithering up my calves.

Pressing against my back, Nial’s hand took hold of my chin and turned me toward him. His breath passed over my eyes, and the room immediately lightened up, gifting me with the magic to see through his spell—as his magic also kept my breasts entertained.

Although, the gold mist slithering around his floor didn’t disappear. It covered the entire area in its freezing touch. Nial didn’t appear to mind it, but it was entirely unpleasant to my skin—unnatural and magical.

“Undress, Gwen. I don’t want to waste time doing it for you.”

“You’re bossing me around?” I shivered again, rubbing my arms. I was dawdling. I knew it.

Dammit, I could do this.

“Do you want to get laid or not?”

“You’re crude.”

“Because asking for a fuck is so haute?”

“Will you stop with my tits? Goddamn it!”

I tried to swat the magical fingers away as I also attempted to unbutton my shirt. The magic stopped there, but a second later, there was a caress on my pussy.

“That better?” Mocking laughter filled Nial’s voice.

“Are you naked yet, Niallan? You talk about wasting time…”

Strutting around in front of me, he provided proof he was, indeed, naked, and already aroused. I had a moment to admire his physique, and he was nicely made.

He caught me looking, and grinned.

“You’re so damn smug.”

“I can smell your sex, Gwen.” He took a stride toward me. “I could smell your sex in the hallway. Are you always this horny, or is this just for me?”

I huffed, stepping out of my pants, finally free of my own clothes. “Blood Rite. Get over yourself.”

Reaching out a hand, he caressed my breast without his magic. “Mm. A perfect handful.”

His cock was reaching for me, and I reached back, wrapping a hand around him. I wasn’t going waste any more time, leading him over to his own bed by the erection. I really could do this, and I needed to get laid, as he said. Most vampires sought a good bed partner at least every night. I’d been fucked only once since my last Rest, but what Lord Belshazzar did to me that night...left me looking at every other eligible male as lacking.

Which really sucked.

I needed to find another way to get some.

Overlords were not on the regular menu.

But for now, I had an impressive cock in my hands.

That was all I needed to remember. Nial was a man. He had all the male parts I needed to get off tonight. I would try to forget that he was an asshole druid.

I slid my hand over the delightful cock that was ready, willing, and able.

Nial didn’t give me a chance to get on the bed and drag him with me. I found myself horizontal with his very large body nestled between my legs, his mouth on my tit sucking as if his life depended on it.

“Men and boobs.” I sighed. “What is it with that?”

“Tasty, soft,” he mumbled around my nipple in his teeth. “Pliable, fun, sensitive.”

Arching up a little, involuntarily against the press of his mouth, he started a journey that involved licking, nipping, and sucking his way across the valley between my peaks. But as he got to the other breast, I noticed the first wasn’t left alone. The magic fingers were back, and they were working in tandem with his mouth.

This druid with the weird magic was talented in the sex department.

I went with it. I was here, and I was getting some. I needed some. I needed more of… Well, of this apparently.

And the sexy play of Nial’s tongue and body over mine was pleasurable, no doubt.

His lips and tongue started a trail to where his body was lodged between my legs. Moving down the bed, inch by inch, he made his way to my pussy and started to kiss and suck and lick the sensitive flesh that hooded my clit. The bright green of his gaze seemed to glow as he caught my eyes in his stare.

I hadn’t realized how clear green they were, or how intense. I allowed myself to keep contact with those eyes until the dance of his tongue and lips pulled me away and made me toss my head back, rolling my eyes in pleasure.

I arched, my shoulders pressing into the mattress. The druid knew how to work his tongue. I groaned long and heavy, his mouth grinning against my intimate flesh.

But there was a new, soft heat on the skin of my stomach.

Confused, I peered down.

A warm yellow flame danced on my flesh.

My entire being froze.

I was on fire!

Fire could kill me—kill the whole stronghold.

Nial reached up, and the fire leapt into his hand as though it were a pet. It twisted, the fire…pleased with itself.

I bared my fangs. “If you’re trying to scare me, Nial, you did a damn fine job.”

Without moving his mouth off my pussy, he put his hand down on my stomach and let the flames dance off his palm and onto my stomach again. Laying tense beneath him, he traced a finger over my skin, creating a trail for the fire to follow. And it did. It followed him around the flesh of my stomach, up my ribs, over my pearled, excited nipples, and down to the valley of my sex.

Nial controlled it, and its heat on my hot skin was an entirely new level of sexy.

My body melted under the bizarre, intimate attention.

The druid whispered, “Someone likes it.”

I didn’t trust myself to talk, so I nodded instead.

Nial split the flame in two, the little yellow licks of heat racing up my skin and focusing on my nipples, heating them, dancing softly on and over the taut skin.

Shit, I was so bothered. I felt like if anything even remotely sexual happened, I would come.

What happened was more than remotely sexual—it was delightfully so. While I lay there, trying to stay even and keep breathing, I heard a soft buzzing sound. A second later, my curiosity was satisfied when a cool, buzzing sensation tickled the entrance to my sex.

A vibrator.

I didn’t know where the hell it had come from, but it merrily buzzed between my legs.

I started to squirm, a lot.

“You like?” he asked, resting his chin on my mons.

The slick silk from my depths glistened on his chin, and that was also wantonly delicious to me. I had to answer, but I didn’t trust my voice at that point. I had a vibrator in my pussy, a tongue on my clit, and magic fire playing with my nipples.


It was the only word my brain came close to finding.

I nodded at Nial, who immediately went back to licking me to the heights of orgasm.