Queen of Gods (Vampire Crown #1)

Master Niallan slapped it away. “What the hell is your problem?”

“Someone just tried to kill me, you assbag.”

He dropped me to my feet and pushed me out the door of the celebration rooms and into the foyer. “You just beheaded two influential vampires in front of all of the castle and two thousand humans!”

Ugh. The Original was talking to me.

I tried to play nice. It wasn’t going to get any better with him, the situation not changing. He was the possible candidate for King.

So I acted like I gave a damn what he had to say.

Holstering the gun, I shrugged. “They thought it was a show. They’re all drunk and horny anyway. What do they care as long as they get laid and get more of the punch?”

“You should be more concerned about the vampires who just saw you behead an old vampire and her companion—possibly friends of theirs.”

“Then they chose the wrong friends.”

“Don’t be fucking flippant!” He jerked a finger at the room. “Those vampires are going to want retribution.”

I stared him dead in the eye. “That was retribution. They fed me and who knows how many other vampires poisoned blood. Blood, dying blood from laudanum. If the corrupted blood doesn’t get them, the poison will.”

He paused. “Fuck. Why didn’t you lead with that?”

“Because I’m positive Lord Otto and Lord Cato knew what was happening. I didn’t need to tell anyone. They already knew and wanted to see how I would handle it. And, besides, everyone in that room is blood drunk and screwing whatever they could grab!” I tore my arm out of his grip. “I should have done the same. I should have had a nice dick in there, got drunk off the blood, and had a good night instead of trying to keep myself sober and rational for my Challenge tomorrow.”

My feet pounded hard against the rock floor as I turned to march away from him.

Growling, he caught up with me. “Regardless, you caused a scene in there that didn’t need to happen. If the overlords knew, then you should have let them handle it. So what the hell is your problem?”

I glanced at him. “Back there? Hortensia. Now? You.”

“What kind of bullshit answer is that?”

“There’s nothing bullshit about it.”

“Are you drunk? Or just this childish?”

I ground my teeth together, a fleeting embarrassing flush staining my cheeks. “I was surrounded by two thousand willing humans! You think I didn’t partake?”

“Didn’t anyone—”

“For shit’s sake, Master Niallan—”

“Call me Nial.”

“Whatever. As you wish. But, like I was saying, I’m not childish like you said. I just didn’t expect to have an attempt on my life during the Blood Rite. So, yes, I enjoyed myself.” I growled under my breath, conceding one issue. “Maybe a little too much.”

“You’re a stupid girl, you know that?”

“And you’re an asshole. And now, I’m probably not even going to find a couch arm to rub off on thanks to this mess.”

“Why the hell would you rub off on a couch arm?” His anger was gone, replaced with confusion.

“Because I’m a candidate, and I’m not just going to sit and spin on any old unknown dick that points my way, no matter how blood drunk and horny I am!”

“Are you horny?”

“Oh for—” I started to walk away and then trudged right back. “I had one guy come while I was drinking, and I helped another come while my best friend rode him. Do you think I’m horny?”

“You really want to take a ride on a dick, don’t you?”

I muttered, “Go away.”

Lifting an eyebrow slowly, he considered me. “I wouldn’t mind getting laid.”

I tripped over my own feet, barely catching myself from taking a header into the floor. With my arms braced out away from my body, steadying myself, I cast a glance at him from the corner of my eye.

Oh. My.

Play it cool, Gwen. Play it cool.

I choked on a laugh and started walking. “Be careful. I might have taken that as an offer.”

He followed, his hands shoved into his pockets. A little smile curved the edges of his mouth as he stared at the ground. Quiet. Oh so quiet. He asked with casual curiosity, “And if it was?”

Although I still couldn’t stand this asshole, if I were ever looking for an opening into his life…

I muttered, “I think it would make for an interesting fuck.”

“That’s very true.”

I peered in his direction, not hiding the direction of my gaze as I blatantly checked out his impressive form.

“You’re thinking about my dick.” He smirked.

“Oh, you think about that enough for everyone in the stronghold. You don’t need my help.” I turned my regard back to where I was walking.

A magical cool breeze tickled my neck, which was one thing, but when it focused in and pinched my nipple, I turned and growled, “Keep your magical mitts off my tits, you shit.”

“She’s a poetess!”

“Fuck off.”

His voice was right in my ear. “I’d rather fuck you.”

With a sidelong glance, I sized him up again. I was still wet and wanting from the Blood Rite. But I couldn’t stand this arrogant buffoon. “You’re serious?”

“If you’re interested in finding a bed and not a hallway.”

“And what if I like fucking in hallways?”

“I’ll have to reconsider my offer and find a hallway.”

Oh. He wanted me.

This was a motivating development.

I hummed softly. “Find me a bed, then.”

I could do this. I could.

He magically tweaked my nipple again, but this time didn’t let go. “I think I can manage that.”

The magic continued to caress my nipple, flutters of sensation curling my toes. I wiggled my shoulders. It tickled, and not in a horrible way either.

“Stop that.”

Grinning, Nial took the lead, his magic finding the second nipple as we walked.

I didn’t mind walking behind him.

He had very nice broad shoulders.

His attitude, though, left a lot to be desired.

It took me only a moment to realize we were heading to his bedroom. That was a bold move, but if it meant I wouldn’t be bent against a wall, I was all for it.

I waited silently behind him as we stopped in front of his door. Though, my eyes flicked in the direction we had walked from when a flash of darkness caught my eye. My attention stalled for a heartbeat.

At the end of the hall…

Lord Belshazzar rested against a doorframe.

Was he following us?

What…had he overheard?

Did he know this was Nial’s bedroom?

His arms were crossed over his muscular chest.

His eyes slowly glanced between the druid and me.

Gradually, he pushed off the doorframe.

The overlord winked at me, a measured grin curling one side of his plush lips. His light eyes scanned my shocked features once more, holding my wide gaze. Then he was gone before I could breathe.

Unlocking the door, and holding it open, Nial turned back in my direction, inviting me into his room. “Are you coming?”