Queen Alpha (NYC Mecca #2)

The hand on my thigh flexed slightly, before it relaxed and started running in slow circles over my leg. “Gerald just escorted most of my council from Staten Island. They’re exiled out of the boroughs for now until I can decide what to do with them.”

Despite the fact the bears were grateful to me for saving them, apparently learning I was no longer queen, and that I’d be shacking up with their king, had sent some of his council over the edge. As soon as we had arrived, Kade had made a public declaration of support and love for me. The council threw a fit, but I hadn’t heard the outcome. Now I knew. He leaned over to Gerald.

“Spread the word. Those who are not okay with Arianna and I being together are welcome to leave New York City.”

My jaw went slack. It was one of the hottest, craziest, most perfect things he’d ever done. I still couldn’t believe after all we had been though, I was sitting next to him, his hand on my thigh, eating dinner with our friends and advisors, like it was no big deal.

I’d been content as queen, and the piece of me connected to my people would always ache at the loss, but if Calista asked me about my happiness right now, I would have no hesitation in answering.

My little sister twisted in her seat beside me and I glanced to her plate. She had completely devoured the BBQ chicken but hadn’t touched her broccoli.

“Winnie, eat your vegetables,” I said, grateful to have this moment to mother her again.

She looked at my plate, where I had the same pile of mini green trees. “You eat yours,” she replied, with all the cheekiness of a five year old. I couldn’t help but smile. Could I blame her? Unless Broccoli was covered in jalapeno cheese sauce, I wasn’t touching it.

Kade watched our banter with a crooked smile. “How does everyone at this table feel about chocolate?”

There were a few chuckles. Come on, who didn’t have the upmost love and respect for chocolate.

“I’m in a pretty serious relationship with chocolate,” Monica said, and we all chuckled.

She had been a mixture of tense and somber for the entire meal – mourning Ben, worried for Victor, and, well, being in bear territory was an extremely unusual situation – so when she answered Kade with her normal sarcastic quip, I was happy. Then the double doors that led into the kitchen opened and two attendants rolled out a huge three-tiered melted chocolate fountain. All around the fountain were skewers with chunks of fruit and bread. Oh my God, was that pretzel bread?

“We do a chocolate fondue night here about once a week,” Kade said, grinning at my sudden bright smile. Well, damn, I was starting to think Kade knew how to rule much better than the wolves did. We never had fondue night.

The next twenty minutes had talking at a minimum. We were all too busy devouring the warm melted gift from the gods. My favorite was the pineapple with chocolate. To die for. Chocolate was a great icebreaker too, slowly but surely my dominants began to warm up to the bears, conversing with Gerald and Kade. Maybe this was possible, a life where we all shared the same territory. It wouldn’t happen overnight, but a change had started here, at this table.

By 9 P.M Winnie was slumping forward in her chair, her little face smeared with chocolate as she tried to lick the last tendrils from her fingers. “Winnie, come on, baby, let’s get you to bed.”

I stood and she hit me with a frown, her words slurred but defiant.

“I’m NOT tired.”

With a shake of my head, I kissed her on the cheek. “Come on, little wolf, I’ll carry you up.”

I leaned down and scooped her out of her chair. She protested briefly, before she snuggled her head onto my shoulder.

Kade stood as well. “I’ll show you to your rooms.”

I followed him out of the dining room and into the expansive foyer. He led me up the staircase, and by the time we reached the next level I could feel Winnie’s rhythmic breathing on my neck. She was already out. Kids. Why did they make it their life mission to fight sleep?

Kade took a left down a long hallway and then opened one of the bedroom doors. Stepping inside, I was surprised to see a child’s room. A bunk bed rested against the wall to the left, and the other walls were painted with beautiful murals of the forest and animals. There was a reading nook filled with children’s books and a bunch of toys.

I must have looked completely shocked because Kade laughed. “My cousin, Thane, has two children, and they often come visit us and stay here. He lives outside of the mecca in Connecticut.”

Oh. For a second I thought he was going to tell me he had a kid or something crazy. There was so much we still didn’t know about each other. Which didn’t bother me. We had forever to learn, but if he had a child he hadn’t told me about, well, that’d be an issue for sure. Not because I couldn’t love Kade’s child, but because he would have hidden something that huge from me.

I lay Winnie down and tucked her into the bottom bunk, placing another kiss on her chocolate cheek. She really needed a bath, but if I knew anything about children, it was that you never woke a sleeping one. Following Kade out of the room, I was surprised to see Calista waiting for me.

“May I speak with you both privately?” she asked, her hands clutched in front of her, awkward without her beloved tablet. We’d have to get her a replacement. Right now though I had no idea if my private bank accounts were frozen, or what Selene was up to. All things to find out tomorrow.

“Of course.” Kade led us into a study just down the hall from Winnie’s room. Once we were all seated, my advisor turned to us, her movements a little agitated.

“It’s my duty to protect the queen’s reputation … her public image … and although Arianna might have been dethroned, she’s the true queen. I intend to reverse her dethroning as soon as we get Violet back.”

I was glad we were on the same page with that.

“There’s a formal process to a royal taking a mate, and despite the wolf-bear thing, it should be no different between you two.”

Ahh, that’s what she was getting at. Kade nodded, no surprise across his face. “I’m not familiar with the wolf mating process,” he said, “but I will adhere to whatever rules you see fit to protect the queen’s image.”

Calista smiled, relaxing a little. “Thank you. I think at this time courting is appropriate but no huge public displays of affection. It will take people some time to get used to this idea of a bear king and a wolf queen. Let them hear about it but not yet see it. Nothing indecent.”

I gave a snort of laughter. “Jesus, Cal, what do you think of me? You think I’m going to grind on him on a public park bench?”

Calista simply glared at me. Okay, so yes, that’s exactly what she thought I was capable of.

My cheeks turned red. Kade looked to be biting his lip to keep from laughing.

Calista stood. “Thank you for hearing my concerns.” She bowed lightly as Kade and I stood.

As she reached the door, she turned back. “One final thing…”

“Anything,” Kade said, and I was touched he was trying to please my dear advisor.

Leia Stone & Jaymin Eve's books