Prowled Darkness (Dante's Circle, #7)

And, of course, she wanted to make sure Malik wasn’t doing it all on his own. He might think he had to, but she would be his mate in all that counted and learn to help him where he would allow it. And in places he wouldn’t allow it, she’d figure out how to make that happen, as well.

After they had eaten, Jonah took Penelope from her arms and carted her around like it was the most normal thing in the world. Apparently, her daughter had both men wrapped around her finger. Not that she could blame Jonah or Malik, as Eliana was firmly wrapped, as well.

She’d been so scared about being a mother, and now she couldn’t quite remember how she’d lived without Pen in her life. It was amazing how quickly that had happened.

“What’s on the docket today?” Eliana asked as she finished up the dishes.

Malik rolled his shoulders, staring down at his tablet. “I need to meet with the elders about a few things and then I plan on going to the warrior bunker to oversee their training.”

She nodded as she sat next to him, one eye on Jonah and the baby. She trusted the man, but she still couldn’t quite let Pen out of her sight.

“Anything I can do?” she asked. When he didn’t say anything, she sighed. “It’s not as though I can hide here forever.”

“I want you to,” Malik said honestly. “Because I don’t know what my aunt and uncle want. They’ve been far too quiet.”

“Maybe they’ve given up? You’re mated and have a successor to the throne already. You’re the Leo. Maybe they can’t do anything.”

He gave her a look that spoke volumes, and she rolled her eyes. “They’re planning something. I know it.”

The French doors that separated the living quarters of the house from the royal part opened and the hairs on Eliana’s arms stood up.

“It’s time,” Malik’s uncle spoke softly. “You’ve been pretending to be the Leo for long enough to know you aren’t worthy of the title. Step down now before it’s too late.”

Eliana stood up as Malik did, aware that Jonah was near them, but not close enough. He had Penelope in his arms, and yet she couldn’t reach them.

This wasn’t good. Not at all.

Others began to fill the room then, quickly and in force. She met Jonah’s gaze and the other man brought Pen closer to his chest. He gave Eliana a nod, and she knew he would protect her child with his life. This was the part of her Ripley had told her about, the part that spoke of knowing. She might not know who exactly was against Malik, judging by the amount of people in the room now, but she knew Jonah was on their side.

She had to trust in that certainty or all would be lost.

“What is the meaning of his?” Malik asked, his voice deadly calm. “You come into my home where I’m with my mate and child and threaten me? You’re not in line for succession, old man. You haven’t been since I was born.”

The man threw up his hands and spat. “I was second in line for years before you were born. You were a mistake. I killed that bitch of a mother of yours so she couldn’t make any more brats, but I apparently should have killed you long before this.”

Eliana let out a curse as the tendons on Malik’s neck stood out.

“What do you mean, you killed my mother?” Malik’s tone was too low, too dangerous.

“Exactly what I said. Your mother didn’t simply die in childbirth, you fool.”

You killed your Queen because you’re a power-hungry asshole?” Malik snarled. “Did you poison your brother, too? Did you kill my father?”

The old man shook his head. “No, I didn’t do that.”

“But I did,” Malik’s aunt spoke up, her shrill voice sending shivers down Eliana’s spine. “The man was far stronger than he should have been,” she cursed. “It took decades for the poison to work and still he wouldn’t die. He clung to life like the mangy cur he was. My mate should have been Leo, not you or that father of yours. We will rule the Pride as it should be. Pure and with power. Not with random scraps coming in to muddle the bloodlines.” She narrowed her gaze at Eliana. Apparently, Eliana was the scrap in this case.

If it all weren’t so deadly, she’d have laughed at the drama.

Malik didn’t say anything for a moment, and she knew he was biding his time. There had to be forty lions in the room now, men and woman who were traitors to the throne and to his family. He’d been dealt blow after blow, and yet he hadn’t lashed out. He was waiting because he knew he was outnumbered.

And Eliana wasn’t strong enough to protect herself.

She just prayed Jonah could get Penelope out in time.

“I’ll give you twenty seconds to get out of my home,” Malik growled.

“You’re a clueless idiot, not fit to rule the Pride,” the old man spat.

With that, the forty lions shifted at once with Malik joining them. Eliana screamed and turned toward Jonah, needing to get to her child. But as soon as she turned, Jonah jumped…jumped. He was a jaguar, not a lion, and even with one leg, could run faster than the others, and could apparently jump faster, as well.