Protected by a Mobster: A Russian Mafia Romance (Volsky Mafia #1)

I’ll ruin her for all others and leave her broken.

That’s why I should leave her sweet little ass be and let her live her perfect angelic life. I know all of this, but I also know that I cannot resist the mystery surrounding her. She’s hiding something, of that I am sure. Knowing this spurs me on like an addict seeking his next high. I’ll find out what it is, this secret that she keeps. I always do. If she’s lucky, I’ll let her go when I’ve had my fill. One taste should be enough, it usually is. And then I will be on to the next one. It’s just as well, since I despise attachments.

I fingered the screen of my phone, pulling up Bobby’s number, waiting for him to pick up. One ring. Two. Three. Bobby has been a trusted associate of mine for many years. The day we met, he was hustling his dope in my territory. Long story short, he caved to the powers that be, meaning he knelt before me and the Volsky family, offering up his loyalty. Without hesitation, he was accepted into the fold, becoming a brother in our growing family. I can always count on him, and I need him now. I need to know more about this mystery woman that seems to be quickly becoming my obsession.

I’m the kind of man that gets what he wants. When I set my sights on something, I never stop until I have it, and my sights are set firmly on her plump little ass. She won’t know what hit her until it’s too late.

“This is Bobby.”

“Bobby, it’s Ruslan again. That sweet little lady you changed the tire for, by chance did you get the usual information on her?”

“I did. What’s going on, boss?” he asked. He’s an inquisitive little shit. Always has been. I’ve told him before it’s a dangerous habit. Too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing. I had no intention of explaining myself to him, but he would cough up the information regardless, because that’s just the way it worked. Nobody ever tells me no. Sometimes I wish they would, just to see how I’d react. It’s been too long since I let the beast free.

“Give me the full name, and any other contact information you have. Oh… and if you managed the license plate and vehicle identification number, give me that too.”

“Sure thing, boss. You thinking the gal is trouble for us or something? Hold on a second and I’ll grab it for you.” Papers shuffled for a minute or two, and I was beginning to get a little annoyed at being kept waiting when Bobby was suddenly back on the line. Crisis avoided, Bobby. He rattled off the details I had requested and I jotted them down. All the details, except one.

“Last name, Bobby?”

He went quiet. I could tell he was hesitant about sharing the name. Waiting was making me antsy as hell. Why wouldn’t he answer? Bobby never denied me. And if he valued his life, he wouldn’t deny me now. “Last name, Bobby,” I repeated, my voice edged with steel, promising violence if he made me ask a third time.

“Uh… sorry, boss.” Another moment of silence that I gritted my teeth through, imagining Bobby on his knees in front of me, the barrel of my gun pressed against his forehead. “Mr. Volsky,” Bobby said, a slight tremble in his voice, “this might not mean anything. I mean I ran a quick check to be sure. She’s…” Again he went quiet.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, Bobby?” I exploded. “Give me the damn name or I’ll drop in for a chat that you’ll definitely regret. Now!”

“Markow,” Bobby stammered. “Her name is Liliya Markow… as in THE Markow crime family of New York City.”

Fuck! The unexpected shock made me instantly forget that I had been within moments of driving to Bobby’s and putting a bullet in him. “Any idea what she’s doing in Vegas? And why she’s driving around in a beat to hell piece of shit car?”

“No idea, boss. Word on the wire is her older brother, Malcolm, was killed a few months back though. They were close, boss. Should I dig deeper?”

“I heard about her brother at the last meeting. Find out everything you can. I want to know what you know as soon as you know it. Make it fast… but keep it all quiet. This is between you and me only. I have a bad feeling about this.”

Jacee Macguire's books