Preppy: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part Three (King, #7)

“Thanks,” I said. The sun was setting over the river. Preppy traced lazy circles over my wrists. It was a romantic moment and I felt like I was spoiling it by being so turned on I could scream. I was squirming in my seat like a kid who couldn’t sit still. My nipples were painfully hard underneath my blouse. My breasts heavy and full.

Preppy called over the waitress. “We’re gonna take a little walk before our food comes.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from my chair. He tugged me along behind him as we walked down the pier to the small beach below.

“Where are we going?” I asked, trying to keep up.

“I gotta take care of a situation,” he replied. The restaurant was half on land, half on pilings, creating a shadowy overhang onto the beach that was already in the dark and the sun hadn’t even fully set.

“What kind of situation?” I asked, breathing heavily as he pulled me into the back corner of the overhang. Sand fell as patrons and staff walked around on the deck above us.

“I can smell you, baby. I know what has you wiggling around. I aim to fix it for you by giving you this big cock. Right fucking now.” He grabbed my wrist and set my palm on the front of the huge bulge of his pants. I gasped. He wasn’t joking. He was rock hard and straining against the fabric.

He crushed his lips to mine and made quick work of pushing my skirt up my thighs. I reached for his pants, unbuckled his belt and his fly, releasing his massive erection. It hung heavy and hot in my hand. He groaned when I touched him, but pushed me away, spinning me around. “Hands on the wall,” he ordered.

I placed my hands on the wall as I was told. Preppy had already pushed the strip of fabric covering my pussy aside and was pushing his hard heat into me. I groaned and sucked in a breath when I realized that the people above us could probably hear me. I arched back against him, needing more and more and he gave it to me. Glorious inch by inch until I couldn’t take him any further.

“Hold the fuck on, Doc,” he whispered the delicious warning in my ear, his cool breath tickling my skin.

Chills ran down my spine. I bit back a scream as he began to furiously pound into me, his massive cock rubbing against every nerve inside me with each torturous stroke. In and out. In. Out. His fingers dug into my ass cheeks while he gave me exactly what I’d needed. What I’d been craving.


All of him.

“I won’t ever get enough of this beautiful fucking pussy,” Preppy groaned. “Holy fucking shit.” His pace became fast and reckless, a sure sign that he was about to come. He pushed into me as hard and as deep as he could and I thought right then I was going to tip over the edge until he twisted his hips and I lost my fucking mind. I cried out as the orgasm that had started out mild exploded into something not of this universe. I didn’t just feel it in my pussy, I felt it in my nipples, in my skin, in my fingertips. Bursts of pleasure that weren’t like a wave, but like lights growing brighter and brighter until the glass bulbs shattered all around us. We were still breathing heavily through our recoveries when reality came back into focus and I realized that’s exactly what he’d done to me.

He’d shattered me.

Thoroughly. Beautifully. Crazily.

I never wanted to be put back together.


I want to say that every time with Dre was like the first time, but it wasn’t. It was BETTER.

The anticipation. The need. It only grew, thickening between us with each tick of the clock.

I’d never get enough of her smell. Her taste. Her touch. HER.

Not now.

Not ever.

I tucked myself back in my pants and tried to put Dre back together best I could. It was downright adorable when she stumbled around like I’d just fed her half a bottle of tequila, but the truth was my legs were feeling a little shaky too. I held tightly onto her arm to guide her back up to the deck. She looked up at me with the goofiest smile on her face. When we made it back to our seats. I let Dre sit first and pushed her chair in.

“Thank you. So chivalrous,” Dre pointed out, crossing her legs and setting her napkin back on her lap. She was practically glowing, and I’m not a huge fan of a pussy word like GLOWING, but there was no other way to describe her.

I sat down and grabbed my beer. “I mean, if a quick hard fuck in a public place doesn’t make me chivalrous than I don’t know what does.”

Dre laughed just as TAR-RAH brought us our food. She cleared her throat. “For the record, I heard you,” she said setting our plates in front of us.

Instead of being embarrassed or looking to me to make things better like most chicks would, my wife winked at the waitress. “I was kind of hoping you would.” She set the check down on the table and left but she could have been naked skipping through the place and I wouldn’t have noticed. I was too busy staring at the swollen lipped little vixen that was my wife as she took a sip of her beer. “Holy shit, I’m getting hard again,” I said.

Dre covered her mouth to prevent spitting her beer onto the table. She laughed as she wiped the dribble on her chin with a napkin. “The things you say,” she said, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

“Does it bother you?” I asked. “The way I talk. The things I say.”

She shook her head. “No. I think the way your mind works is incredible. Hilarious at times, but still incredible. It’s unexpected.” She pressed her lips together and toyed with the edge of the label of her beer. “You’re just you, and there’s no one else like you.”

I coughed and glowered at the bottle in my hand as if it was the beer’s fault, and not my emotions, I was choking on. “I think the way you look. The things you do. The way you are with Bo. With me. God fucking damn it, Doc. You’re the incredible one.”

She inhaled sharply.

“Now eat while you can because I have a surprise for you,” I told her.

“Another surprise?” she asked, eagerly picking up her crab-cracker. She stuck her tongue out of the side of her mouth and concentrated on breaking the hard shell of the crab.

I took a sip of my beer and leaned over my plate. Her eyes met mine.

“You’ve got a lifetime of surprises coming your way, Doc.”



My next surprise turned out to be Ray and Thia who were kind enough to organize a bachelorette for me. They’d both become great friends in recent months.

They took me to a bar called Hansen’s where we played pool, drank pitchers of warm beer (everyone except Ray), danced to the music from the live band, and talked about all things wife/woman/mother/life while pretending like we didn’t know that Wolf and Rev, who were standing on opposite corners of the room, were sent to keep an eye on us.

After our second pitcher of beer, I excused myself to use the restroom.

I was in a stall doing my business when I heard the door open. A wave of loud music from the band came bursting in then swiftly disappeared as the door was shut again. I didn’t think anything of it until I heard the door being locked. Footsteps slowly clacked across the uneven tile. “Ray?” I asked. “Thia?”

No answer.