Preppy: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part Three (King, #7)

“What promise?” I asked, confused.

He tucked me in closer, laying a palm over my breast. “The one where I said I wouldn’t die again,” he chuckled. “‘Cause, Doc, I’m pretty sure you just fucking killed me.”

I made a move to stand up, still dizzy with lust and unsteady on my feet. Preppy pulled me back down and flipped me onto my back. “I’m not done with you, not even close,” he groaned, pushing my legs apart, spreading them wide as he licked his lips and appraised me. His gaze touching every part of my body. My insides clenched and I felt the wetness pump from my pussy, dripping down into my ass crack.

Preppy saw it too. He looked from between my legs to my face. “Fuck me,” he said running his hands up my body as he positioned himself over me and thrust inside in one long hard push.

I felt so full. His cock inside me felt warm and my body squeezed him, pulling him into me further. My nipples tightened and my skin felt alive as he pulled out and thrust back in using the same speed he had when his cock was in my mouth. He surprised me when he reached underneath me, lifting my hips so he could thrust even deeper. I cried out and he groaned.

He pulled out, just briefly, to dip two fingers inside me, wetting them. He pushed back inside me at the same time he fingered the tight circle of my back entrance, wetting it before pressing inside. “I want to fuck you here,” he groaned.

He pulled out and flipped me over suddenly, slapping my ass with such force my eyes watered but I didn’t have time to process the sting of pain because a new kind of pain had begun. The delicious pain of Preppy sliding his cock inside my ass.

The only time I’d ever had anal was when I was with Preppy and Bear at the same time and it was Bear who penetrated my back door. Not Preppy. But I didn’t remember much about that part of it. It was like being in a haze. All I remember is Preppy and the hurt in my heart, not the pain of my body or how it felt. Almost as if I was a spectator watching it all happen.

It burned as he penetrated me. There is no other pretty way to put it. But when he pushed past the tight nerves and further into me I was able to relax to the point where I felt nothing but full and a strange zing of pleasure that made my pussy clench.

“Ahhhhh, that’s my fucking wife. You like me in your ass don’t you?” Preppy asked. He pulled back and I cried out the loss of him but when he pushed back in I saw stars.

We both groaned and I pushed back against him needing to feel more. Preppy took the hint and started to move. Grabbing my hips and digging his fingers into my flesh he pumped furiously like the madman he was. Bringing me higher and higher into some realm of pleasure I’d never experienced before.

“You’re mine. Your pussy is mine. This ass is all fucking mine,” Preppy chanted as he thrust harder and harder. My eyes began to water, my throat closed up. The balance of pleasure and pain shifting from one to the other with each push and pull. A tightness started inside me and I clenched my teeth, pushing harder and harder back against Preppy, meeting him thrust for thrust until his hands were on my shoulders pulling me against him and grunting.

There was no longer any rhyme or reason to our pace. It was wild and furious and erratic and when he reached between us and inserted a finger into my pussy I screamed out as my orgasm burst from my lower belly, sending sparks of pleasure through my entire body. My sex clenched around emptiness and my ass tightened around Preppy’s cock until he was screaming with his own release, pushing deep inside as his warmth flooded me, spilling out around us and dripping down the backs of my thighs.

He pulled out and again we both collapsed. This time my body ached from the extreme bliss rolling through it. I felt both satisfied and energized.

When we were finally able to gather our wits about us, I noticed Preppy looking over at me. “What?” I asked, feeling the blush spread on my cheeks.

“I died,” he whispered, rubbing his thumb over my lips.

“I know,” I whispered back, turning to face him.

He pointed to his own chest. “But this is just a bag of bones.” He pointed to me then flattened his palm over my heart. “This. This is my life. YOU are my life. You and Bo.”

I looked up at him as tears formed in my eyes. I held his face in my hands and lightly kissed his lips. “And you and Bo are mine.”

“Why?” he asked. I searched his eyes and there was no sarcasm, no waiting to drop the punch-line on me. It was an honest question.

“Because, Samuel Clearwater. You’re everything.” I mimicked his own movements by rubbing my thumb against his cheek. “Because you are the light in all of my dark,” I said, reciting a line from the letter he’d written me.

Preppy pulled me close, resting his head against mine.

I didn’t even realize I was crying until Preppy leaned in and surprised me by licking a tear off my cheek. “What?” he asked, with a wicked smile. “You licked my tears, it’s only fair that I lick yours.”

I never thought I could love anyone as much as I loved Samuel Clearwater. But as we laughed together, our voices were carried off with the breeze high above Logan’s Beach, and we held onto one another like we were never letting go.

We never did.



We’d talked and lingered on the water tower for hours. The sun was just starting to rise when I helped Dre get dressed and we headed for home.

We weren’t even halfway up the porch when Kevin swung open the door looking frazzled.

“What’s going on?” I asked, ascending the steps. I squeezed Dre’s hand, sensing that whatever news Kevin was about to deliver wasn’t going to be good.

“Bo!” Kevin shouted. His eyes bulged from his head. “He’s gone!”


Kevin ran to all the neighbors’ houses while Dre frantically searched the house again from top to bottom. I ran straight for the woods. When I saw the train coming down the tracks a million scenarios of what could have happened to him ran through my mind. What if he was hurt? What if someone was hurting him? I picked up a rock and chucked it onto the track screaming, “Booooooo!” over and over again at the top of my lungs as the train passed.

I was about to turn back to the house and check the woods one more time when there was a tug on the back of my shirt. I spun around to find Bo looking up at me with a worried look on his face. “Bo!” I screamed, raising my hands in the air in a mock hallelujah.

Bo cowered and my celebration ended.

I knelt down and pulled his hands away from his face. “I’m never going to hit you, Bo. You don’t have to worry about that, okay?”

Bo nodded as I pulled him into me and wrapped him in a hug.

“But you can’t run off like this. Never again, okay? Mommy’s really, really worried about you and she’s going crazy right now. What were you doing out here all by yourself?” I asked.

I pulled back and Bo signed. Follow me.

“Where?” I asked.