Pieces of Summer (A stand-alone novel)

Why does it look like she’s about to cry?

“She bought that bowling alley for closure. I didn’t know what that meant, but this morning, she and Aidan were having some cryptic conversation, and her health was mentioned. She also bought her father’s house… It seems like she came here to make peace with something, if you know what I mean. It’s definitely not normal. None of it. It would only make sense that she essentially came here to die.”

It feels like a blade is ripping up my spine and slamming into my chest at the same time. Dying? Fucking dying?

“Beth!” I yell, grabbing my keys.

She darts back inside, eyes wide.

“Cancel my appointments.”

Whit follows me out to my truck, grabbing my elbow. “She mentioned that bald eagles mate until one dies, also,” she says quietly. “It… It broke my heart, Chase. She seems so… I don’t know. I never noticed how broken she was until today, yet she seems so distant and detached, almost like she’s afraid to feel anything. And Aidan is very anti-you. You should definitely let me call him and get him and Hunter out of the house before you go over there.”

“She’s at home? Not at the bowling alley?”

She nods and pulls out her phone. I wait very impatiently as she calls someone, probably Aidan.

“Hey, it’s me. Thought maybe you and Hunter would want to meet for some lunch or something.”

She eyes me and nods.

“Now sound good? Great. I’ll see you at Vera’s Diner in ten.”

As soon as she hangs up, I feel awkward. What the hell do you say to your ex who is trying to help you go see your other ex because she’s… I can’t. I can’t even try to process that. Whit has to be wrong.

“Make sure his car is gone before you go in there. He’ll end up kicking you out. You’re a trigger for Aidan.”

“Learned a lot about him in one night, did you?” I quip.

Aidan always seemed disinterested in me and his sister when we were younger. No idea what has his panties in a wad now.

“I learned more this morning than I did last night. Other than the fact he was phenomenal in bed. Guy has stamina for days.”

I cock an eyebrow at her, and she rolls her eyes. “Just wanted to see if you had one ounce of jealousy in your body. Guess not for me.”

I almost feel guilty, but I consider us even since she fucked a guy before breaking things off.

Getting in my truck, I try to slow my breathing down. This had all better be wrong. Mika had better be just fine. Then we can go back to keeping our distance until she realizes Hayden isn’t her home and goes back wherever it is she belongs.

Chapter 16


The house is quiet as soon as Aidan and Hunter leave. Both invited me to come out for lunch, but they knew I didn’t want to get out. Not after Aidan pissed me off by even getting that close to telling Whit my darkest secrets.

I sit down on the sofa, flicking through channels like I’m going to find the answers to the universe on the screen if I search hard enough. Aidan’s right; this place is toxic for me. Chase is in my head, whether I want to admit it or not.

It’s twice as hard not to think about him now that I know he and Whit are over. That was keeping me sane, sadly enough.

A pounding at the door startles me, and I yelp while diving off the couch. Damn it. I’ve seriously watched too many horror movies. And axe-murderers don’t exactly knock.

I regret not checking to see who’s here when I open the door to a very angry looking Chase. My heart jumps into my throat as his fists clench and his jaw tightens. It almost looks like he wants to hit something, but I know he won’t touch me.

“We should talk,” he says with an eerily calm tone.

“No. We shouldn’t. Whit broke up with you just this morning. I don’t know why you’re here, but if it’s because you want a revenge fuck, you’re out of luck. I don’t do that.”

It’s hard to keep my voice even, and I start to shut the door, but he shoulders his way in, and slams it behind him.

“Let me rephrase that: We’re going to talk. What the fuck are you doing in Hayden? Answer me this time.”

Sick of avoiding this, I finally blurt it out. “Because I want to be here. Because this is my father’s house. Because I needed closure. What the hell are you doing here?”

“Hayden is my home,” he growls. “What fucking closure?”

“You hate this place,” I snap, ignoring his question. “You always swore you’d get out of here if your mother ever died. Even said we’d sell the bowling alley and move away… Shit,” I grumble, hearing how cold that sounds about his mother and realizing I’m back to saying we. That’s not healthy.

“I left and decided Hayden was the only place that made sense for someone like me. Now tell me what closure you want.”

C.M. Owens's books