Pieces of Summer (A stand-alone novel)

“Have a seat,” Aidan says wryly, glaring over at me like he wants to take a swing.

With a lot of reluctance, I walk over and lower myself to the spot beside Mika. Our arms brush each other’s, and she stiffens before noticeably shrinking farther into the booth and pulling away.

“Should be fun catching up with you and your girlfriend,” Aidan says under his breath.

Awkward silence follows that statement until the waitress asks for our drink orders.

“Water for me,” Whit chirps, acting like the tension at this table isn’t suffocating.

“Same,” Aidan tells her.

The second the waitress looks our way, I say, “Whiskey on the rocks,” at the same time Mika says, “Vodka martini.”

Whit lifts an eyebrow in my direction, but I ignore her. I don’t know what she’s trying to prove, but this isn’t funny. The waitress brings the two glasses of water and places them in front of Whit and Aidan. I wish she had my drink. I need it.

“So, Aidan, I know a lot about your girlfriend, but I don’t know anything about you. Mika hasn’t even mentioned you.”

My lips twitch when Aidan sputters his water and a disgusted expression crosses his face. Mika just stares at the table, but I only glance at her from the corner of my eye.

“Mika is my sister. My twin, to be exact. Not my fucking girlfriend. Thanks for ruining my appetite,” Aidan groans.

Whit’s smile falters, and a confused expression shifts her features. She thought I was jealous because he was her boyfriend. Until I realized he was Aidan, I was jealous. However, she doesn’t know that—and I’m not stupid enough to tell her. She probably thinks I recognized him.

Twelve years definitely changes someone. The last time I saw him, he was four inches shorter and had zero muscle mass. His hair was longer and always in his eyes.

Mika… Mika has definitely changed. She was scrawny and her hair was light and short. Now she’s curvy, her boobs are fucking huge, and her hair is dark and long. She looks like something my seventeen-year-old self would fuck my hand to.

Silently cursing my ever-hardening cock, I grit my teeth. Apparently it doesn’t matter if she’s skinny and tom-boyish, or curvy and feminine, my body can’t seem to act right around her.

And my head is still fucked up even after all these years.

Chapter 11


The second the waitress sets our glasses down, we both guzzle the drinks. I drink until the martini is gone, and I set my empty glass down at the same time Chase does.

The waitress’s eyes are wide, and my brother’s mouth is hanging open, just as Whit parts her lips.

“You… want another?” the waitress asks.

“Yes,” Chase and I say in unison. His jaw tics like hearing my voice is nails on a chalkboard.

Way to play it cool, Mika.

Aidan glares at me, because I’m not supposed to have alcohol, but I still drink it on occasion. And I’m just fine.

Whit keeps looking between us. Why did she put us on the same side? Why the hell wouldn’t she sit beside me or let my brother sit by me?

The waitress walks away, leaving the four of us suspended in the awkward silence once again.

“So, what did you say you did?” Whit asks Aidan, but there’s a sad sound to her voice. She’s getting this all wrong. Why are they even here? She knew this was where Aidan and I were going, because he pretty much announced it.

“I actually do some freelance photography. I like the freedom it gives me,” Aidan says absently as he studies me with a wary eye.

“Great,” Whit says quietly.

Worst. Dinner. Ever.

After the waitress takes our orders and brings a second round of drinks, Whit stands up and motions for Aidan. “Help me find a drink at the bar.”

Gee, that’s not obvious.

“I’ll help you find something,” Chase growls.

“You stay put and talk to Mika. I’m sick of this weird tension. I like her. I like the bowling alley. You two find a way to not hate each other. Aidan, you come with me.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Aidan says, glaring at Chase.

“Well, since I’m the only one who apparently doesn’t know what the hell is all going on, how about you come give me the details? While I drink. I need something strong now.”

Aidan looks questioningly at me, like he’s asking for permission as Whit walks toward the bar.

“I’m not telling her anything. This isn’t my fucking problem. You don’t talk to him. Find me in ten minutes.” He cuts his eyes toward Chase. “You fucking humor your girlfriend, but don’t even look at my sister. Then tell the pretty blonde all is well, and stay the fuck away from Mika. Got it?”

Chase starts to say something as his fists clench, but I beat him to it.

“It’s fine,” I say, glaring at Aidan.

It’s not fine at all. As soon as they leave, I’m going to get the hell out of here and walk to the house. It’s just across the bridge behind the restaurant and down the street about a mile from here.

C.M. Owens's books