Perfectly Imperfect

He had spoken once in the two hours since we had arrived. And all it did was make the mood even darker. I had thought it was a simple question when Kane asked him why he was there, but when he ominously replied with a confusing ‘you know why,’ things just started to speed downhill quickly. Becca had gone overboard to try to defuse the intensity between her sons, but it only made things more awkward when Kyle refused to take the high road and respond to his mother if it had to do with Kane.

But, to my shock, the heated madness Kyle was showing his brother was nothing compared to the disgust he openly had with my presence. Something I couldn’t for the life of me understand. I had never met this man. As far as I knew, he really shouldn’t know anything about me since he and his brother weren’t exactly on friendly terms. But regardless, he wasn’t trying to hide his feelings, and it only made things more awkward.

Kane seemed to be seconds from snapping. His parents were attempting to keep things from turning into a war between the boys. Kole seemed just as uneasy as I did, but he did a better job of hiding it. Instead of silence, he attempted to placate the heavy mood with jokes, but they all fell flat.

“Kyle, dear, where is Jessica tonight?” his mother asks in an effort to pull her oldest son’s sneer away from me.

My attention, however, is pulled from Kyle when I hear Kane bark back a laugh that holds absolutely no humor. His hand, which had been holding mine firmly but softly, tightens when Kyle looks over and they both lock heated, angry, matching blue eyes together.

Oh, boy.

If things had been awkward before, then they’re painfully so now.

Kyle never answers, but he does take another healthy swallow of whatever dark brown liquor he had been keeping his glass full with for the last two hours. Actually, probably for a lot longer than that given the way his body keeps swaying to the side before he catches himself.

“Well, look at the time,” Kane’s father exclaims and makes the effort to yawn loudly. “Bec, honey, I think it’s time that we head out.”

“Great idea, honey,” she whispers, and I notice just how much of a toll her son’s behavior has had on her. The exuberant happiness that she had just hours before is now completely gone. Worry lines hold her expression captive as she takes the plates from in front of her and her husband. Christian takes the rest and follows his wife to the kitchen.

“Let’s go, Kyle,” Kole snaps and grabs his brother’s arm.

“Don’t fucking touch me,” he seethes, jerking his arm free and almost falling to the ground in his inebriated state.

“Jesus Christ, Kyle. This is a new fucking low, even for you.” Kane exhales and stands from the table.

Kyle opens his mouth; I’m sure to spew more nastiness, but stops when his parents return. His mother gives Kane another long hug before his father does the same. I let out a sigh of relief when Kyle moves to follow them out. I know there were three other cars in the drive when we arrived, but I’m assuming that with how drunk Kyle has become, he’s going to be leaving with their parents or Kole.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” Kane tells Kole as they say good-bye.

I get hugs from both his parents as well before we follow them out, smiling despite my unease as they make their exit and drive off. Just when Kole is about to tell me good-bye, Kyle finally speaks, obviously having waited for his parents to leave before he makes his move.

“How does is your new plaything feel about Mia and the baby, Kane,” he slurs and steps closer to me. The blood drains from my face with his words, and my heart falls to my feet when Kane lets out a curse. “Oh, let me guess. You haven’t told her about the baby yet,” Kyle continues with an evil laugh, the sound so sinister to my ears that I shiver. “Guess you missed all the tabloid reports about how his affair is the reason Mia’s pregnancy has been so touch and go with the stress. Tell me, how will you feel if she loses the much anticipated Post/Masters baby?”

“You son of a bitch,” Kane bellows, and I jump at the furious sound I had never heard from him.

“Shit,” Kole spits out and grabs me just as Kane lunges for his brother.

“You shut your fucking mouth, Kyle,” Kane yells at his brother, slamming him against the side of his house with his hand clenched tight against his throat. “You, of all people, know just how fucked-up your behavior is!”

Kyle’s eyes narrow and he shoves back at his brother, dislodging his hold. “Do I, Kane? Who was the fucked-up one who hasn’t seen Mia in almost two months, huh? Have you been there for her once since the first doctor’s appointment?”

“You have no right, Kyle. No fucking right to question where I’ve been.”

Kyle turns his head, letting his heated ire focus on me as I tremble in Kole’s arms. “Yeah, guess you’re right since I can see just where you’ve been while Mia’s been all alone.”

“Motherfucker,” Kane grunts, and his fist flies out to connect with his brother’s face. The impact snaps Kyle’s head back and added to how drunk he is, he falls in an unconscious heap in the middle of Kane’s driveway.

Harper Sloan's books