Perfectly Imperfect

I’ve never heard her cuss. Not once. But now, all I can think of is hearing her beg me to fuck her.

When the elevator doors close and shut us in solitude, I turn to her and back her against the wall. My mouth comes down to hers in a hungry kiss. All of the pent-up frustration I felt at having to keep my mouth shut while she got what she needed back there came out in the brutal, savage kiss. All my worry and fear for her bleeding from my body as I let my hands roam all over her body and feast against her mouth. Her moans driving my need for her higher until I have to tear myself away before I really do fuck her right here.

“I’m so proud of you, Willow.”

Her eyes open slowly, and I feel her fists uncoil around the fabric at my hips she had been fisting tightly.

“So fucking proud of you, baby.”

The hazy gaze of lust is still floating over her expression, but her cheeks go pink at my praise.

Bending down so that my lips are just feathering her ear, I whisper, “And one day soon, I’m going to hear you say that word again. You know the one. You’re going to say it when you’re begging me to take you.” I press my lips to the spot just under her ear that I know turns her on. I step back, just in time for the doors to slide open to the lobby.

Grabbing her hand, I lead us out and look around. Besides a few businessmen and women going about their day, there doesn’t seem to be anyone paying us any attention. I was half expecting to have my presence noticed on the way out, but the front lobby is eerily quiet. I would have proudly marched through a sea of reporters if they had been tipped off, but I’m glad I have Willow alone after what happened up there. I know she’s okay, but I still would feel better having her to myself just in case the enormity of cutting ties with her evil family hits her negatively.

Cam is standing outside the Range Rover when we walk into the crisp November air. He stands from his relaxed position leaning against the SUV and moves to open the back door. I allow Willow to slide in first and look around one more time, seeing nothing but the normal busyness of New York City. Shoppers, tourists, and locals going about their business without a care.

I climb in and ignore my belt, sliding across until my arm is over her shoulder. She’s tucked into my side right where she belongs.

“I just talked to William. He said the jet is fueled and final prep is underway. They’ll be ready to take off as soon as we get there.”

“Thanks, Cam,” I respond. Turning my attention from Cam’s reflection in the rearview mirror, I look at Willow. The small smile still on her lips and her eyes closed while she relaxes against me.

“Are you ready to leave New York City and come home with me?” I ask, my words meaning a lot more than just asking if she’s ready for her move. She’s coming home, maybe not in my home just yet, but she is most definitely coming home where she belongs. By my side. And if I have my way, she will never be leaving.

She nods and leans her head back against the arm resting on her shoulder. “I am ready, so ready.”

“The rest of your stuff will arrive Wednesday, but that should give us plenty of time to get you unpacked before filming picks back up. Are you sure you packed everything you’ll need right away?”

“Yeah, Kane. I have everything I need right here.” Her hand gives my thigh a squeeze, and I know she isn’t talking about the three overflowing suitcases in the back of the SUV.

“Yeah, baby, likewise.”

The rest of our ride is silent, and when we pull into the private airstrip, Willow climbs out and looks at the jet in awe. I should have known she wouldn’t assume we would be flying privately, but it didn’t even cross my mind. I’m starting to see my world in a new light. An excited infectiousness that has me looking forward to introducing her to much more.

We make small talk with my pilot, William. Usually, I would have had an attendant fly with me, but I wanted to have this time alone with Willow. Anything that we need, I can take care of myself. Cam, wearing many hats as usual, will be co-piloting during our trip home.

Willow climbs up the stairs and into the cabin of my plane, looking around with wide eyes. “This is yours?”

I nod. “Well, it’s Kane Entertainment property, but yes, it’s mine.”

“Holy crap.” She sighs.

I laugh and show her around the interior. There really isn’t much. My other plane is larger, but when it’s just me, I like to do my part in making my carbon footprint at least a little smaller.

There are two leather seats on either side of a small table against one wall, a couch on the other, and a refrigerated cooler against the back wall that holds wine, small snacks when stocked, and a handful of liquors.

“What’s through there?” Willow asks with her hand pointing toward the rear of the plane.

Harper Sloan's books